Belicheat spinning

Tony Warwick

Hall of Famer
Oct 18, 2001
He is on NFL Network right now. He is actually talking and is definitely coming off as an expert on prepping the game balls. I still think he is lying his ass off.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
That being said, I don't think he had a clue about or gave

2 shits about footballs! He left that 2 Tommy!
That press conference is only going to make it worse.

Dumb move.
that was awesome! they repeated legal game day ball prep & legal inflation

after then going outside for two hours, the balls were down 1.5 psi, without anyone removing even a MOLECULE of air.

clear as day: no cheating required, no cheating done

game. set. match.

He even confidently said "Go do it yourself"
They prepare their footballs differently, apparently

The Pats rub the footballs to make the texture tacky. This raises the psi by 1, which they did not know. Then it is immediately inflated to 12.5, taken outside, and two hours later is at 11. Legal prep, legal inflation. Maybe the Colts do not rub the ball down, and ask it to be inflated to 13.5 instead of 12.5

Complete explanation.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Yes, answer that, counselor?

Your theory and the Pats defense has just been handed a tough blow. Zizkov's question has brought up irrefutable scientific evidence. If 12 NFL balls went flat, then why didn't 12 identiclal balls go flat, under the exact same conditions?
Holy chit, do you actually believe this? You have no right to.....

question religious people.

Is there a Patriot rubbing circle before each game.

I can't believe you even went there.

The Pats cheat, they are pretty good at it. Just go with it.
It was 52 degrees at the start of the game

Seems like the week before would've made a bigger loss of pressure. Who knows.

ESPN had a professor from UofI on the other day, talking about air pressure. He was asked how much pressure can escape due to the change in temps and his answer was, 1% or possibly 2%. If my math is correct (and it is) 1.5 psi drop from 12.5 psi is 12%.
Please don't be dense

The rules of physics are obviously different on different sides of the field. Hell a known cheater said they didn't cheat why would you not believe him?

At this point, one would assume Resident Douche is just trolling...

But history has shown he's far too witless to accomplish a long game like that.

That's message board chess, and the only he knows how to do with a chess piece is cram it up is nose and cause further brain damage.

So yes, he s actually this stupid.

This post was edited on 1/24 4:50 PM by HA2740
Absolutely nobody is believing them right now. The more they lie...

...the funnier this is becoming. Put an asterisk on everything they have done. Haven't seen a culture of cheat like this since the SMU Mustangs of the 80's.
When will you learn

Of course they did everything within the rules, so they're known cheaters we should believe them now, cheaters once caught would never cheat again. I'm sure the pats learned their lesson.
as a sceintist, have you challenged their explanation?

Cause it seems pretty far fetched to me.

You think somebody that dumb is actually a scientist?
and, well ...

considering he's had his very own message board for a week now.

And message boards are more like checkers. It takes actual intelligence to play chess.
I answered it exactly and completely

Colts either do the rub down earlier or skip it entirely. The rundown contributes 1 psi to the eventual pressure drop. The Colts drop fom 13 to 12.5. LEGAL. The Pats drop from 12.5 to 11. Like he said... IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE ME, YOU CAN DO IT YOURSELF.

No way he says that unless it is clear he has this m-effer SOLVED.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Olbermann agrees...

Or at least make them play their way in without cheating. I mean, if that were possible. Play the game again and they would probably find a way to make the play clock 1/10 of 1 second per second slower when they were on offense or something equally underhanded.

Was it you who last week got a potty-mouth ban from peegs? I still don't know who it was but noticed it did coincide with your switch to one of the other usernames.
Belicheat speaking to media more this week than last 15 years as Pats coach

You KNOW something is up.

This post was edited on 1/24 3:17 PM by HOOS13R
Except that the balls were under inflated....which is against the rules.

Caught Cheating Twice....
He said he learned more this week than in 40 years of coaching

About game ball preparation.

He had EVERYONE INVOLVED go though exactly what is done on game day.

Spent a lot of time but got COMPLETELY TO THE BOTTOM OF IT.

Rubbing up the game ball and inflating it right away to 12.5 makes it drop to 11.5 because the rundown itself raises the pressure 1 psi through heating. Then when the 12.5 psi ball sits there the pressure drops. Then when taken outside and kept there it drops MORE.

BOTTOM LINE: Legally prepped, legally inflated footballs can lose pressure by COMPLETELY NORMAL, WEATHER-RELATED MEANS.

And he says.... go do it yourself if you want to.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
There is no doubt that the Pats will not get in trouble.....

for now. The Superbowl is their bread and butter. Too much on the line.

Ray Rice was cleared too.

Why is it that the Pats are always the ones getting in trouble?

Probably a conspiracy, right?

Who else has been accused of cheating?
Legal, properly inflated balls dropped 1.5 psi

Without any tampering. There is no way to control atmospheric conditions or to know in advanced that a legal, acceepted ball rundown procedure would cause anomalous pressure readings.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
He explain how they NEVER push the limits or test the rules

And that anybody who says otherwise doesn't know a THING about how this franchise operates.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
This year alone? Vikings, Panthers, Browns....

Just that we have heard about just in the last few days.

Vikings and Panthers used space heaters to heat up footballs on the sidelines. Cleveland was using illegal in-game messaging.

The league gets fairness complaints all the time. They Usually Tell the offender to KNOCK IT OFF. that l I'm Ely would have happened this time but Irsay needed Kraft who needed FACE TIME and it went public.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Says Bill.

I've had a lot of footballs in my life, as have you. How often did you have to pump yours up?

Look, nothing will probably come of this, but it's been fun watching the circus.

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