I just saw the score for the 1st time, I was...let's say "unavailable(don't ask)" for the game until right now, & this score is BEAUTIFUL! We're truly on our way boys! & girls.
On/near the crapper after a night of partying?I was...let's say "unavailable(don't ask)"
"Don't ask"?? A man has things he has to do sometimes.On/near the crapper after a night of partying?
If it was something involving a lady, you've got your priorities, um, screwed up.
It's almost a situation of win or bust, honestly. Well, not win or bust, but it's time to win this type of game, & It wouldn't be an upset, imo, & we're way past the point of close being acceptable. Especially with how disastrous of a beginning to the season the B1G has had, with MSU contributing to that disaster. They barely beat Utah State, & then proved that was no fluke by losing at ASU. We're capable of winning that game, & we need to.IU is improving every game and next week we will see how good IU is this team really is. I hope the players can continue getting better and knock off the Spartans to go 4-0. This might be a better year than even than I thought.