When you take over a management job, there are a million different things you can do in your first few days, weeks, months, year...on the job. What you do, how you make decisions, etc... sets the tone for your entire program/company/division/team...
I think the single most important things you can do, if you have goals of establishing long term success, is establish your identity and your culture...who are you, and how are you going to operate? Those things don't necessarily have to be at the expense of other things, like wins on the court, or market share gains in business. Obviously success should always be strived for. But wins and gains, at the expense of establishing a strong foundation, well they're short lived more often than not.
I certainly had my fair share of concerns with Woody throughout this season. In game decisions, strategy and roster/playing time decisions. But those are ancillary things. The foundational things he established, I'm very happy about, and comfortable will lead to something solid in Bloomington.
Indiana Basketball under Woodson, appears as though its going to be a hard nosed, defensive minded program.
And he's going to have conduct standards in place, that he holds everyone in the program accountable to.
Now, he has to go get the best available talent he can, that fits, or that he's confident will fit, those 2 primary things he's worked hard to establish.
From the early returns for this offseason, he's diligently working through that process as we speak.