I have a tendency to be argumentitive! LOL . Are you familiar with our past AG in IN Curtis T Hill? He was county prosecutor here. So long story, stuck on jury duty , running a jobsite. I call in and response is we already let the first ones off on BS excuses. I am getting pissed I get there, BS excuses you know thinking what If I had your house torn up ? My workboots, not steel toe, set the alarm off and cop gets shitty with me . My response was if you don't like your job get another one. It was brass eyelets on $200 shoes. I get there and we have to keep mileage but they are going to check it anyway. I'm like so WTF? I get called up in first group, trip on a damn step and smack my face on a fat lady's ass, glasses askew. Balif making a big deal are you alright? Im like yes just go away. Im sitting there the court clerk comes out and the hillbilly next to me elbows me and says '' do ya think thats the judge? I wouldnt mind getting me a piece of that!" I was like this a bad dream . So they made one woman cry and I'm getting pissed and maybe you as a lawyer have a different view but I'm not on trial . Curtis T Hill gets up in my face just nasty and says you don't want to be here do you? Turns around grinning and I said no , '' but you are arent you '' again right in my face with a sneer and I said yeah, but you sure as hell cant make me like it can you? Half asleep judge perks up, Curtis looks at me, head down and sat down without another word. I was back on the rd to work 30 minutes later. I don't take sh*t from people. I am mostly actually pretty quiet out in the real world.