Who's Niece is CNN's Erin Burnet?


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Oct 16, 2004
My Lord...asks the questions of middle school reporter, adds zero value and sits there with that oafish constipated look on her face.

The fact that she is a screaming Democrat is no big deal but:

She is either someone's niece or well... Sheesh.
My Lord...asks the questions of middle school reporter, adds zero value and sits there with that oafish constipated look on her face.

The fact that she is a screaming Democrat is no big deal but:

She is either someone's niece or well... Sheesh.
She is on during Jeopardy, at least in the Indianapolis market, how does anyone know how good she is?
My Lord...asks the questions of middle school reporter, adds zero value and sits there with that oafish constipated look on her face.

The fact that she is a screaming Democrat is no big deal but:

She is either someone's niece or well... Sheesh.

She was a rockstar on CNBC for years, and was very good in that environment. I don't think political reporting fits her well. Same for Maria. Don't understand why these ladies decide to take what I consider a downgrade in profession... go from reporting on actual substantive business and market news to covering the national circus.
She was a rockstar on CNBC for years, and was very good in that environment. I don't think political reporting fits her well. Same for Maria. Don't understand why these ladies decide to take what I consider a downgrade in profession... go from reporting on actual substantive business and market news to covering the national circus.

gotta be about the money
Best legs in broadcasting.

sara eisen says hi
