Where is Aloha?

You are into the re-runs of ax throwing, cheerleading, darts, curling, baseball games from the 90s, old Super Bowls, etc.?

OK, I gave up sports too, about 5 weeks ago.

Wait, I haven't checked for curling. Thanks for the reminder.

Thinking about it, I did see one game. Some guy named Watford hit a last second shot.
How valuable is senior leadership in an era where most of the best players don't play in college that long?
Extremely. It's how a program's culture is passed down . . .

. . . Davis likely tried to keep significant parts of the culture that RMK had developed perhaps without the crap players had to put up with from RMK . . . I suspect that Sampson gutted the behind-the-scenes culture, which is why Crean likely wanted to start fresh . . . and failed.

I get the sense that Archie is trying to build an effective basketball program culture from scratch, using someone else's players . . . heck, Durham and Smith are Crean recruits, for heaven's sakes, even if Crean never coached them. Whether they're Archie "guys" is suspect . . . but they've stuck with the program for this long, we might as well see how much of the IU bball culture of the future they contribute to.

It'll take several iterations of culture building to get the program close to what we want it to be. It may suck, but it's more interesting than the 1 and done culture across the river . . . .
I once worked with a woman who was a part of the UNC tutoring program, and worked with her when the allegations first surfaced years ago . . . she was shocked - and honestly appeared to be shocked - at the allegations. She said she never participated in or witnessed anything like what the allegations included.
So, she was shocked, was she? She's not the first.
Low hanging fruit there.

Ho can two smart guys like you and Stuffshot be so wrong . . . together?