What will we do about the looming retirement crisis?

There’s a great documentary called “Winning: The Racing Life of Paul Newman”. It focuses only on his racing. Incredible stuff. Interestingly, it was done by Adam Carolla who owns a few of Newmans old race cars.
Still? Was t Adam Carolla’s place destroyed by the Palisades fire?

I had a discussion about this with some friends. Houses can be rebuilt. Classic one-of-a-kind vehicles are irreplaceable. Some of those burned.
Whoo-boy. That would be really nice if it came to be. But, needless to say, I'm very skeptical of this.

Two things have simultaneously happened in the country over the past several decades:

1) We've taken in many millions -- how many is anybody's guess, depends who you ask -- of migrants.
2) Entitlement finances have deteriorated to a point where the two major programs are actuarily insolvent.

So when does this solution kick in? If large amounts of immigration is the solution, why are the entitlements still so far underwater?

Worth a read:


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