What Black People Believe (trigger warning - very depressing)


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Dec 5, 2001
Jefferson County, Kentucky has the largest school system in the state. They have many problems. Not enough school bus drivers. Too much violence on school buses. Too much violence in schools and at scgool events. Top heavy administrative jobs. Still busing kids up to four hours a day as leftover vestiges of required “diversity“ numbers left over from 1970s bussing required by federal court decisions.

The “equity officer“ is the second highest paid administrative officer in the system. He is African-American. He is a highly visible leader in the community. He recently revealed in posts on his private social media that after the election, he received messages from young black professionals and students seeking his advice on “a strategy“ “moving forward.“

He advised them as follows:

“REGARDLESS of the rooms, meetings, classes, etc., you’re in, know THE MAJORITY of whites could care less about you and have no issues harming you or others.”

In a subsequent post, he said, “Strategy. Count the number in your presence and divide by at least half.”

A group of GOP legislators started raising hell - demanding he be fired or resign.

The former head of the African-American studies program at U of L issued an op ed comparing that demand to slaveholders “breaking” strong-willed slaves.

The current head of the NAACP weighed in claiming that the GOP was silent when locals here received post-election racist message (like the ones at IU and elsewhere) and just really wanted to “take over” the school system and run it from Frankfort.

The JCPS response so far was to say “these posts were not made on behalf of the school school or using JCPS assets.” The only person who can fire this officer is the lame duck Superintendent who has announced retirement after 2 horrible bus plans failed.

Note that these speakers are all highly-educated (Ph.D) and highly compensated. The Equity Officer makes $200,000. (The NAACP objects to this salary having been made public by the GOP - but it is already public knowledge as part of the system budget process.)

The Decade of Hate launched the night Hillary lost is now revealing horrible unintended consequences - including race relations that are as bad as they have been in my lifetime, despite advances (legal and practical) among minorities.

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