US military weapons, Hamas, Accountability

CO. Hoosier

Hall of Famer
Aug 29, 2001
It appears that US military weapons are in Hamas’ hands and are also used against India by the Kashmir terrorists. These weapons can only come from those we left with the Taliban in Afghanistan, or are distributed for profit by corrupt Ukrainians. Either way, our free and “objective” press should look into this and hold to account the responsible parties.


It appears that US military weapons are in Hamas’ hands and are also used against India by the Kashmir terrorists. These weapons can only come from those we left with the Taliban in Afghanistan, or are distributed for profit by corrupt Ukrainians. Either way, our free and “objective” press should look into this and hold to account the responsible parties.


Recently, I am getting articles from India Today popping up in my google searches on the first page. This is a new phenomenon for me. Is this a well known news source? Does it lean one way or the other?

By the way, what a terrible opener for any journalist: "It is being said that . . ."
Recently, I am getting articles from India Today popping up in my google searches on the first page. This is a new phenomenon for me. Is this a well known news source? Does it lean one way or the other?

By the way, what a terrible opener for any journalist: "It is being said that . . ."
Seems to be like the Indian Newsweek.

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It appears that US military weapons are in Hamas’ hands and are also used against India by the Kashmir terrorists. These weapons can only come from those we left with the Taliban in Afghanistan, or are distributed for profit by corrupt Ukrainians. Either way, our free and “objective” press should look into this and hold to account the responsible parties.


Trump's plan to pull out of Afghanistan didn't include the weaponry?

Agreed that someone should look into that.
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Recently, I am getting articles from India Today popping up in my google searches on the first page. This is a new phenomenon for me. Is this a well known news source? Does it lean one way or the other?

By the way, what a terrible opener for any journalist: "It is being said that . . ."
Seems to be like the Indian Newsweek.

The point is the American military weapons in the wrong hands, not who reports it. In any event, the US media is firmly in bed with Biden and seldom if ever reports unfriendly Biden news.
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The point is the American military weapons in the wrong hands, not who reports it. In any event, the US media is firmly in bed with Biden and seldom if ever reports unfriendly Biden news.
Your own link says that the American rifles began showing up in Kashmir as early as 2020, so if your attempt all along was to blame this on Biden, I'm afraid you failed.
Your own link says that the American rifles began showing up in Kashmir as early as 2020, so if your attempt all along was to blame this on Biden, I'm afraid you failed.
Nice try. I said 2 things, hold those responsible accountable and the MSM seldom reports negative news about Biden. That’s it.

“F*ck you, too. You and crazy are such assholes that you can't even read what I actually wrote. Instead you read what you imagine a caricature of me in fantasy right wing land would have said.”
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Nice try. I said 2 things, hold those responsible accountable and the MSM seldom reports negative news about Biden. That’s it.

“F*ck you, too. You and crazy are such assholes that you can't even read what I actually wrote. Instead you read what you imagine a caricature of me in fantasy right wing land would have said.”
So hold Trump accountable too? You just made it about Biden. It's hard to take this seriously.
Nice try. I said 2 things, hold those responsible accountable and the MSM seldom reports negative news about Biden. That’s it.

“F*ck you, too. You and crazy are such assholes that you can't even read what I actually wrote. Instead you read what you imagine a caricature of me in fantasy right wing land would have said.”
No, you also said, "We do know that Biden’s sudden pull out took our Afghan friendly forces by surprise and Biden took no care to secure the weapons." You're not one for non sequiturs. If you say something, there's a reason for it.

So, again, if your intent in this thread was to blame Biden for our weapons falling into the wrong hands, you missed the mark.
No, you also said, "We do know that Biden’s sudden pull out took our Afghan friendly forces by surprise and Biden took no care to secure the weapons." You're not one for non sequiturs. If you say something, there's a reason for it.

So, again, if your intent in this thread was to blame Biden for our weapons falling into the wrong hands, you missed the mark.
There are all kinds of gun-smuggling operations in the Middle East supplying terrorists and yes they somehow get US weapons.

IDF claims most smuggled arms come from Syria, Jordan and Iraq. Plus the terrorists also have used kits to build their own. They also use captured Israeli versions of the M-16.

In 2016 A report by a Brit think tank (or something can't remember) using spent shell casings showed almost 1/3 of ISIS shell casings were American-made, in an American factory.

Could some come from Afghanistan, sure. They more likely come from many other sources but the propagandists like CoH like to frame it in a Biden did bad narrative.

Terrorists using American weapons isn't new ... and they love posing with M-16s or M-4s.
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...if your intent in this thread was to blame Biden for our weapons falling into the wrong hands, you missed the mark.
if your intent is to ever, even once, get CO.H to admit that he was wrong about anything, you are bound to miss the mark. You could point right at the blue sky that he had just called purple, and he'd shout "NUANCED!"
No, you also said, "We do know that Biden’s sudden pull out took our Afghan friendly forces by surprise and Biden took no care to secure the weapons." You're not one for non sequiturs. If you say something, there's a reason for it.

So, again, if your intent in this thread was to blame Biden for our weapons falling into the wrong hands, you missed the mark.
No, you also said, "We do know that Biden’s sudden pull out took our Afghan friendly forces by surprise and Biden took no care to secure the weapons." You're not one for non sequiturs. If you say something, there's a reason for it.

So, again, if your intent in this thread was to blame Biden for our weapons falling into the wrong hands, you missed the mark.
That’s not even a nice try. Are you now saying that American weapons in Hamas’s hands are Trumps fault? Or are you saying that the weapons Biden left in Afghanistan stayed in Afghanistan? Or are you saying there is no corrupt re-sales of American weapons in Ukraine?

American Weapons in hamas’ hands is itself evidence of American misconduct.

Maybe on your third try you might say something cogent about Biden’s weapons faux pas.
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It appears that US military weapons are in Hamas’ hands and are also used against India by the Kashmir terrorists. These weapons can only come from those we left with the Taliban in Afghanistan, or are distributed for profit by corrupt Ukrainians. Either way, our free and “objective” press should look into this and hold to account the responsible parties.


Gen. Jack Keane said the arms captured by the Taliban and sent elsewhere were the spoils of war from the acceptance of a strategic retreat.

I think it’s premature to presume corrupt Ukrainians sent M4s and M16s any where. But I could see Ukraine trading them for AK 47s … However with the years of joint training and wide sources for the standard NATO round used by M16s and M4, trading M16s and M4s away from this source of supply seems unlikely to me.
Gen. Jack Keane said the arms captured by the Taliban and sent elsewhere were the spoils of war from the acceptance of a strategic retreat.
The weapons certainly were spoils of war from our retreat. But we know the retreat was a bungled mess. I don’t think there was much strategic planning involved. Maybe the weapons left behind was unavoidable. But given Biden’s overruling his advisors about retreat planning, I have my doubts.
I am curious, we had a lot of weapons captured in Vietnam at the fall because we expected our ally to use them to fight. They didn't.

If we had pulled every last gun out of Afghanistan, wouldn't there be complaints "of course the Taliban won, we took the weapons our allies needed to defend themselves"? We spent 20 years training that army, I think we expected them to, you know, fire one or two bullets at the Taliban
That’s not even a nice try. Are you now saying that American weapons in Hamas’s hands are Trumps fault? Or are you saying that the weapons Biden left in Afghanistan stayed in Afghanistan? Or are you saying there is no corrupt re-sales of American weapons in Ukraine?

American Weapons in hamas’ hands is itself evidence of American misconduct.

Maybe on your third try you might say something cogent about Biden’s weapons faux pas.
Now you are ignoring the point I already brought up. Indian officials began confiscating these guns in 2020, before the withdrawal.

I'm not blaming Trump or trying to absolve Biden. You're the one playing that stupid partisan game, not me. I'm just pointing out that you can't logically pin all the blame for a problem on the guy who took office after they problem started.
The point is the American military weapons in the wrong hands, not who reports it. In any event, the US media is firmly in bed with Biden and seldom if ever reports unfriendly Biden news.
I call BS on your claims that, "In any event, the US media is firmly in bed with Biden and seldom if ever reports unfriendly Biden news."

American media post negative material about Biden all the time, like this:

Negative material about Biden's age and mental alertness is increasingly being reported in media throughout all the political spectrum.
We've been flooding the middle east with arms and equipping those deemed "allies" since at least the Russian invasion of Afghanistan in the late 70's. It shouldn't be surprising that our gear is ending up in the hands of our former allies enemies.

Then there's weapons procured by the US on behalf of rebel forces like those in Syria. How many US procured weapons for Syrian rebels ended up in the hands of ISIS fighters when it was diverted post sale?
Nice try. I said 2 things, hold those responsible accountable and the MSM seldom reports negative news about Biden. That’s it.

“F*ck you, too. You and crazy are such assholes that you can't even read what I actually wrote. Instead you read what you imagine a caricature of me in fantasy right wing land would have said.”
Prove them wrong. Say Trump messed up.
Not sure how Biden implementing Trump's bad plan gets Biden off the hook.

It shouldn't fully but some posters need to admit it was at the very least a team effort rather than just a "Biden sucks" opportunity.

What it amounts to is they wouldn't have issue with it or even bring it up if there wasn't a dem they could try to blame.
The weapons certainly were spoils of war from our retreat. But we know the retreat was a bungled mess. I don’t think there was much strategic planning involved. Maybe the weapons left behind was unavoidable. But given Biden’s overruling his advisors about retreat planning, I have my doubts.

It is what Biden gets for using Trump's plan.

But I'm sure the same plan was perfectly fine when Trump came up with it ;)