Trump tweets "racist Elijah Cummings"

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What’s even more pathetic is he tweeted that right after this: “Dems always play the race card when they are unable to win with facts. Shame!”

Elijah Cummings is not a racist. Won’t hold my breath to see if any Republicans condemn Trump’s tweet.
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Snu, You obviously don’t understand what racism is, if you don’t comprehend that Trump is a racist. I’m not going to say that makes you a racist, but let’s just say you should probably be careful wherever you work. Just trying to be helpful...
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Did anyone read the Baltimore Sun editorial piece that is making the rounds ?

The last paragraph is scorching:

Finally, while we would not sink to name-calling in the Trumpian manner — or ruefully point out that he failed to spell the congressman’s name correctly (it’s Cummings, not Cumming) — we would tell the most dishonest man to ever occupy the Oval Office, the mocker of war heroes, the gleeful grabber of women’s private parts, the serial bankrupter of businesses, the useful idiot of Vladimir Putin and the guy who insisted there are “good people” among murderous neo-Nazis that he’s still not fooling most Americans into believing he’s even slightly competent in his current post. Or that he possesses a scintilla of integrity. Better to have some vermin living in your neighborhood than to be one.
btw - The median income in Cummings' district exceeds the national average. Trump's son-in-law is a Baltimore slumlord. And Trump fails to acknowledge that Baltimore is part of the US, of which he is the President.
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The last paragraph is scorching:

Finally, while we would not sink to name-calling in the Trumpian manner — or ruefully point out that he failed to spell the congressman’s name correctly (it’s Cummings, not Cumming) — we would tell the most dishonest man to ever occupy the Oval Office, the mocker of war heroes, the gleeful grabber of women’s private parts, the serial bankrupter of businesses, the useful idiot of Vladimir Putin and the guy who insisted there are “good people” among murderous neo-Nazis that he’s still not fooling most Americans into believing he’s even slightly competent in his current post. Or that he possesses a scintilla of integrity. Better to have some vermin living in your neighborhood than to be one.
btw - The median income in Cummings' district exceeds the national average. Trump's son-in-law is a Baltimore slumlord. And Trump fails to acknowledge that Baltimore is part of the US, of which he is the President.
If Trump doesn't love the USA he should leave.
Snu, You obviously don’t understand what racism is, if you don’t comprehend that Trump is a racist. I’m not going to say that makes you a racist, but let’s just say you should probably be careful wherever you work. Just trying to be helpful...
People are not thinking right. Trump said something to a black man therefore he is racist. What did Trump actually say? He said Baltimore is a bad place to live. Is he wrong about that? Does anyone on here live in Baltimore? I hear it's not that great of a place. So if Trump said the exact same thing to a white man would he be racist? The left has gone plain crazy. Trump can the same thing about a lot of different places which are controlled by Democrats. Detroit is one. Los Angeles and San Francisco with their homeless problems are another. This is all on Democrats which is why Democrats rarely talk about the homeless situation in their controlled districts.
Snu, You obviously don’t understand what racism is, if you don’t comprehend that Trump is a racist. I’m not going to say that makes you a racist, but let’s just say you should probably be careful wherever you work. Just trying to be helpful...
Nah, I’m good. Criticizing a lawmaker isn’t racism. He didn’t say Cummings was failing because he’s black. He just said his district is a shithole, which is correct, and didn’t mention a thing about Cummings’ race. This is nothing more than pure, liberal idiocy. Everything today is racism or racist. Americans are tired of it.

It is gonna help Trump get re-elected though, so thanks?
Is this where I SMH at the MSM for falsely pumping his original tweet at Cummings as racist?

Great line by CNN's Brian Stetler: "Yes, there are struggling, severely impoverished neighborhoods in Baltimore. That's been true for decades." Umm, B-man, that's the point. Cummings has been repping that area for decades and nothing has changed. He rips on Border Patrol for being heartless during an overwhelming stretch of immigration without Congressional support, but he is really the heartless one with his decades of ignoring his own district.

Of course, Stetler goes on to blame everyone but Cummings and excusing the bad conditions. Just more MSM covering for the swamp.
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Why do people living in places like this keep electing Dems to run their cities? What the hell do they have to lose trying something different? The definition of insanity.

Probably because all the GOP has to offer is "what do you have to lose." They're basically no-shows when it comes to local politics.
Why do people living in places like this keep electing Dems to run their cities? What the hell do they have to lose trying something different? The definition of insanity.
I'd love it if the Republican politicians in rural districts could do something about the opioid and meth problem.

Trump's Twitter tirade this weekend was a complete disgrace.
Nah, I’m good. Criticizing a lawmaker isn’t racism. He didn’t say Cummings was failing because he’s black. He just said his district is a shithole, which is correct, and didn’t mention a thing about Cummings’ race. This is nothing more than pure, liberal idiocy. Everything today is racism or racist. Americans are tired of it.

It is gonna help Trump get re-elected though, so thanks?

He's criticizing Cummings because Cummings DARED to take Trump to task for his border policy. Who do you think represents all the meth and opioid addled districts in the midwest and rural America? Without doing any research,I'm going to guess that the majority of those districts are represented by the GOP- West Virginia anyone?

Strange how the opioid crisis is such a crippling disease,yet you NEVER once hear Trump criticize any of the Republicans who control those areas. Yet he never misses the oppty to lash out at people of color who dare to criticize his policies.

The dog whistle calls reach their intended targets, and it's beyond obvious what Trump is up to.The people he attacks are popular and reflective of the Districts they represent. None are going to lose in 2020. Heck the woman opposing Ilhan in Minnesota is a conspiracy theorist who believes in the Q nutjob movement. She also was arrested for stealing merchandise from both a Target and a Cub Foods in two separate incidents since Jan...
Still waiting for a reason why cities should vote for Republicans.

1) Typically tougher on crime, instead of trying to not hurt feelings.
2) Typically more business friendly, thus creating jobs, instead of driving jobs out of town. Ahem, AOC.
3) More open to religious based community support, instead of using to prevent it.
4) Lower taxes for businesses and individuals, instead of taxing the corporations and small biz owners out of town.
5) Disallowing sanctuary cities and upholding the LAW, instead of allowing unvetted people into the country, draining resources.

Want more?
Great line by CNN's Brian Stetler: "Yes, there are struggling, severely impoverished neighborhoods in Baltimore. That's been true for decades." Umm, B-man, that's the point. Cummings has been repping that area for decades and nothing has changed. He rips on Border Patrol for being heartless during an overwhelming stretch of immigration without Congressional support, but he is really the heartless one with his decades of ignoring his own district.

Of course, Stetler goes on to blame everyone but Cummings and excusing the bad conditions. Just more MSM covering for the swamp.

I don’t know why Cummings holds hearings on the conditions at the border and insults the border patrol to boot, when people he represents live in danger and squalor and can’t escape. We can do better in Baltimore. Cummings is exhibit “A” for how screwed up politics is. Trump is right in calling him out and naming names. Saying that is racist is dumb, dumb, dumb.
He's criticizing Cummings because Cummings DARED to take Trump to task for his border policy. Who do you think represents all the meth and opioid addled districts in the midwest and rural America? Without doing any research,I'm going to guess that the majority of those districts are represented by the GOP- West Virginia anyone?

Strange how the opioid crisis is such a crippling disease,yet you NEVER once hear Trump criticize any of the Republicans who control those areas. Yet he never misses the oppty to lash out at people of color who dare to criticize his policies.

The dog whistle calls reach their intended targets, and it's beyond obvious what Trump is up to.The people he attacks are popular and reflective of the Districts they represent. None are going to lose in 2020. Heck the woman opposing Ilhan in Minnesota is a conspiracy theorist who believes in the Q nutjob movement. She also was arrested for stealing merchandise from both a Target and a Cub Foods in two separate incidents since Jan...

100% agree with 2nd paragraph.

I am tired of both parties. I dislike the Dems more due to stance on abortion and economics, but both parties are pretty much hypocritical POS.
I don’t know why Cummings holds hearings on the conditions at the border and insults the border patrol to boot, when people he represents live in danger and squalor and can’t escape. We can do better in Baltimore. Cummings is exhibit “A” for how screwed up politics is. Trump is right in calling him out and naming names. Saying that is racist is dumb, dumb, dumb.

And Trump should do the same to ANY district, R or D. He wants to be a different Pres, then friggin' step up and do it!
He's criticizing Cummings because Cummings DARED to take Trump to task for his border policy. Who do you think represents all the meth and opioid addled districts in the midwest and rural America? Without doing any research,I'm going to guess that the majority of those districts are represented by the GOP- West Virginia anyone?

Strange how the opioid crisis is such a crippling disease,yet you NEVER once hear Trump criticize any of the Republicans who control those areas. Yet he never misses the oppty to lash out at people of color who dare to criticize his policies.

The dog whistle calls reach their intended targets, and it's beyond obvious what Trump is up to.The people he attacks are popular and reflective of the Districts they represent. None are going to lose in 2020. Heck the woman opposing Ilhan in Minnesota is a conspiracy theorist who believes in the Q nutjob movement. She also was arrested for stealing merchandise from both a Target and a Cub Foods in two separate incidents since Jan...
So he took a shot at Cummings. What’s that have to do with race? I can answer that for you, nothing...
You got that wrong by a mile, amigo, as usual.

A white person certainly can criticize anybody, colored, albino, or otherwise who is a racist. However, branding a person who is not a racist a racist is nothing but a Trumpian logic, which you are just doing.
You got that wrong by a mile, amigo, as usual.

Trumps original tweet, which didn’t call Cummings a racist had libs and the MSM gouging their eyes out all while calling Trump a racist. That’s where it started. So, may want to follow your own logic. Trump isn’t a racist, no matter how many times the libs say it.
I’d love for congress to hold hearings about and deal with the growing violence and squalor in big cities. You can call that buffoonery if you want, but I think it’s a useful area of inquiry and legislation. But nooo, that will never happen because of party loyalties and “the base”. Meanwhile, more rats, more communicable diseases, more drugs, and more bullets.[/QUOTE

I have a much much better idea for congressional hearings. The 2016 election produced a map of the US with overwhelming land support for trump. Major red compared with small areas of blue. Something like a bit less than 500 counties voting for Clinton and more than 2500 counties voting for traitor trump. The thing about it though is that the counties voting for Clinton represented the majority of the population and also accounted for 64% of the nations GDP. I would like to know why these red America people can't hang with blue America. Why is blue America having to carry red America? Why should we be subsidizing red America? If you don't have a good excuse why the hell should we not kick you to the curb and go on by ourselves? You take care of yourselves and we'll take of ourselves. Sound like a plan to you?
1) Typically tougher on crime, instead of trying to not hurt feelings.
2) Typically more business friendly, thus creating jobs, instead of driving jobs out of town. Ahem, AOC.
3) More open to religious based community support, instead of using to prevent it.
4) Lower taxes for businesses and individuals, instead of taxing the corporations and small biz owners out of town.
5) Disallowing sanctuary cities and upholding the LAW, instead of allowing unvetted people into the country, draining resources.

Want more?

Yeah, I think you're going to need more. Not much new here that's going to break the cycle of poverty, frankly. Y'all have your work cut out for you to convince these "shithole" cities you have their best interest in mind.
Really? How does saying Trump is a POS add to the policy discussion about urban squalor and violence that seems to be increasing? Trump just made Cummings the symbol for those problems. He will double down. That’s how Trump communicates. Can’t say I agree with it, but that’s his style.

"Seems to be" would be the key words in your post. Los Angeles violent crime is more than 40% lower than it was 20 years ago. Heck, even your beloved Denver's violent crime rate is stable over the last 20 years or even slightly lower than it was 20 years ago. So, what could account for the mistaken assumption in the policy discussion you claim to want to have?
Is this where I SMH at the MSM for falsely pumping his original tweet at Cummings as racist?

Great line by CNN's Brian Stetler: "Yes, there are struggling, severely impoverished neighborhoods in Baltimore. That's been true for decades." Umm, B-man, that's the point. Cummings has been repping that area for decades and nothing has changed. He rips on Border Patrol for being heartless during an overwhelming stretch of immigration without Congressional support, but he is really the heartless one with his decades of ignoring his own district.

Of course, Stetler goes on to blame everyone but Cummings and excusing the bad conditions. Just more MSM covering for the swamp.
Love all the experts on Baltimore now. Lol.
Fine by me.

See, you think I like him, and reply with a snarky remark. In truth, give me a pro-life dem with free market principles, and I will vote that way.

But so far, the Dems offer unlimited abortion and socialist principles.
What are socialist principles? I am not a socialist.
Who says Dems offer unlimited abortion, Fox News?
He has proven to be a different president, very clearly! Can we call him a shithole president, especially since he loves that phrase?:(

Fine by me.

See, you think I like him, and reply with a snarky remark. In truth, give me a pro-life dem with free market principles, and I will vote that way.

But so far, the Dems offer unlimited abortion and socialist principles.
Unlimited abortion? Lol. You mean actually letting women and their doctors make decisions? The horror. I bet you love Handmaids Tale. Socialist principles like healthcare and actually believing in climate change? More horrors!
So this is really where we are, huh? No white person can criticize a person of color in Congress without it being considered racism? Lol. Libs have gone full potato.
I think Trump’s long history, dating back to the 70’s when along with his father was sued by the DOJ for housing discrimination against African-Americans, speaks for itself. There’s a reason why white nationalists think they finally have their guy as president. The list goes on, my friend.
Fine by me.

See, you think I like him, and reply with a snarky remark. In truth, give me a pro-life dem with free market principles, and I will vote that way.

But so far, the Dems offer unlimited abortion and socialist principles.
What is pro-life? Is there anybody who is anti-life? What kind garbage logic is that?

Who offers unlimited abortion? I don't think there is anybody who is for unlimited abortion, yes, even our so-called president.

What are socialist principles? do you use these catch phrases, knowing the meanings or are you just repeating what Trump, who is the most ignorant politician of our time, recites?
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So he took a shot at Cummings. What’s that have to do with race? I can answer that for you, nothing...

Because he did it to play to the racists in his BASE. They are the only people who have a positive response to his attacks on people of color, it alienates everyone else...

It's a political calculation. He is not going to win the Black vote,and he has continually turned off higher educated voters in the suburbs- witness the 2018 midterms. His only hope for re-election is to expand his vote among white voters and gin up their participation levels at the same time. The folks who chant "Send her back" to a US CITIZEN,are the types of folks he is issuing the clarion call of "join me" to...

That's why I pointed out the inherent hypocrisy regarding largely white Districts under GOP control that are ravaged by opioids/meth. There is nothing to be gained by attacking the folks who represent those districts. It's just Trump cynically playing politics,making racist statements that the racist element within his supporters will respond to positively...
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Want to go back and see how many old white men Trump has treated this way? Once again, if you can’t spot blatant racism, well you just may be one.
What was racist about calling out a shitty politician? When did Trump mention his race?
Why is he a shitty politician? You believe what Trump says about him and his district?

“According to Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight, Cummings’s Seventh District, which he has represented since 1996 and is over 50 percent African-American, has the second-highest average income of any majority-black district in the country.”

In a Tweet Silver goes on to write..

“Not that it really matters but Cummings' district has above-average college education rates and home prices, along with a pretty good mix of urban and suburban areas (even some rural), and well-off, working-class and middle-class areas.”

(Sorry, I don’t know how to link a tweet from my iPhone)
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