Trump likes the Medal of Freedom over the Medal of Honor.


Hall of Famer
Feb 2, 2004
Those "medal of honor" guys, as he explains it, are all dead or injured.


Trump probably tells that joke daily to people for years. "You know, a lot of people think the Medal of Freedom is better...blah blah blah".

His disdain for people who join the military and, worse, those that are KIA or permanently disabled/disfigured and...gasp...let's not forget POWs!'s just disgusting, fellas.

And this dude is publicly offering high praise for Vlad Putin for giving one of our guys back.

I listened to Trump last night. In the same breath he bemoaned world war, he griped about car insurance going up 55%...and how windmills create bird deaths "like never seen before".

Again, I implore my Republican friends to untuck their junk, find their spines and kick this dipshit to the curb.
Those "medal of honor" guys, as he explains it, are all dead or injured.


Trump probably tells that joke daily to people for years. "You know, a lot of people think the Medal of Freedom is better...blah blah blah".

His disdain for people who join the military and, worse, those that are KIA or permanently disabled/disfigured and...gasp...let's not forget POWs!'s just disgusting, fellas.

And this dude is publicly offering high praise for Vlad Putin for giving one of our guys back.

I listened to Trump last night. In the same breath he bemoaned world war, he griped about car insurance going up 55%...and how windmills create bird deaths "like never seen before".

Again, I implore my Republican friends to untuck their junk, find their spines and kick this dipshit to the curb.
You and I would probably disagree about 90% of issues in this world, but this absolute moron needs to go ASAP