Trump building a golf course with the Saudis

You'd vote for him if he had a stroke with a studering problem. Or if he was dead, or so 2020 proved.
You would vote for him if he was grabbing women by the pussy, paying girls he cheated with to have abortions, and slept with prostitutes.
Lol. Keep wasting your time tracking other people

so that would be 5,562 dumb posts from you.

Keeping track of how many times Joe brings up Biden? I know you are not a hypocrite afterall
Hard telling if Joe even knows he is Biden at this point. Its your stupid grab em BS you have posted more like 400 times . Likely it some strange obsession with being able to use the word and giggle about it.
Hard telling if Joe even knows he is Biden at this point. Its your stupid grab em BS you have posted more like 400 times . Likely it some strange obsession with being able to use the word and giggle about it.

I am not the hugest Biden fan but at 79 I doubt if you could do a better job at the toughest job in the world at his age.

The problem for America is why is the political bench so shallow. A scammer like Trump and now DeSantis, a mini-Trump?

Its a shit job --- so you get crappy choices.

Unlike the pre-80s the political arena was relatively functional. Both sides actually got along and worked together.

Now it's a job for those who want to benefit financially or to stroke their fragile egos.

It's not sustainable. That's why I have said it a zillion times, these are all the conditions or symptoms of the beginning of the end of the American Empire.

It's very clear.
Hard telling if Joe even knows he is Biden at this point. Its your stupid grab em BS you have posted more like 400 times . Likely it some strange obsession with being able to use the word and giggle about it.
It's an incel mgtow type obsession.

Like Bronies...
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