This is


Aug 28, 2001
called roughing the passer??? WTH?? Like Jack Lambert, former Pittsburg linebacker, said....they should put a skirt on the quarterback. And this also. Seriously, if they are going to make calls like this then they need to put a flag on the quarterback like in flag football and when someone rips the flag off the play is dead.

Hit it
The call on the Bucs hand to the head was exactly the same thing and it was a game changer. Unbelievable!
Those were both clean hits

But football fans miss the bigger picture if they focus on officials' occasionally overprotective errors instead of the reality that the current version of football is literally killing players. Either the League finds a coherent set of changes to fix that, or the game itself will follow too many players into the grave.
That is ridiculous, that

football is "literally killing" players. Out of the thousands and thousands and thousands of people that play football every fall, the % that are literally killing themselves playing the game is extremely minimal. ......follow players into the grave....hyperbole anyone?

At what point should life just be lived however one wants to live it, even if that means enjoying a sport that MIGHT increase some risks of down-the-road health issues?
Re: This is a legal hit

Coach Mallory use to refer to one like this as a boner. He then would give the boner award doing this for the week. I like to refer to a hit like this as a slobber knocker.
That's what I'd call "salvageable"

Every part of the game that I love could be salvaged, but it would have to start long before the NFL. And I'd still recognize everything I cared about, even though there would be many differences.

The game doesn't look like it looked a hundred years ago, but it's better now. It could be better still.
I didn't watch that entire speech, but . . .

I'm very familiar with Gladwell's view, and he's obviously right about CTE. If I hadn't grown up with the game, and if it weren't so wrapped up in the best moments of my life, I might be denouncing the game just like (with good reason) he does. Tinged with the emotion of my own experience, I merely call for improvement. But even though I played a little organized football back in the day, I wouldn't have allowed my own son to play the game. As more and more parents reach the same conclusion, the game will probably die, because those now making the big money are profoundly stupid and therefore won't change.

Also, the plight of coal miners is horrific. We began compensating asbestos workers mostly because the availability of substitutes allowed us room for outrage. Coal miners still get f#cked partly because we still rely on coal and partly because coal gets mined in Red States, where no one cares about working people. See, e.g., Massey Coal.
This post was edited on 12/16 3:47 AM by Rockfish1
Yup, those evil Red States

like West Virginia, Kentucky, Pennsylvania and Illinois - numbers 2 through 5 in coal production. Wyoming is far and away first. at 39% of all coal produced, but those next four are run by Democrats as the state level with threats to those majorities only emerging in the last few years.

All coal mining is regulated by federal agencies long run and staffed by Democratic appointees over the years.

While the governor-elect is a Democrat Pennsylvania is not run by Democrats. Far from it. Both houses have strong Republican majorities and the outgoing governor is Republican.