The Progressive Left is Setting the Stage in the US for what we see in the Middle East


Hall of Famer
Mar 7, 2004

On Saturday, as the raping and murdering and kidnapping were happening in Israel, Najma Sharif, a writer for Soho House magazine and Teen Vogue, posted on X: “What did y’all think decolonization meant? vibes? papers? essays? losers.”​

So far, Sharif’s post has been liked 100,000 times and reposted nearly 23,000 times—by, among others, The Washington Post’s global opinions editor, Karen Attiah.​

The point was: Don’t be squeamish. Never mind the Jewish girl being pulled by her hair with blood streaming between her legs. Never mind the women being raped beside the corpses of their friends at a music festival. Never mind the children and babies snatched from their parents.​

If you can’t handle it, if you condemn it without a preamble or equivocation, you’re an apologist for the Zionist colonizers.​
I have expressed my discontent with some elements of the right in the Israel/Hamas thread, but I think this goes beyond that. Progressives are creating the racist, hate filled, monsters they are supposedly in opposition to. The end point of this thinking is a worse world for everyone.

On Saturday, as the raping and murdering and kidnapping were happening in Israel, Najma Sharif, a writer for Soho House magazine and Teen Vogue, posted on X: “What did y’all think decolonization meant? vibes? papers? essays? losers.”​

So far, Sharif’s post has been liked 100,000 times and reposted nearly 23,000 times—by, among others, The Washington Post’s global opinions editor, Karen Attiah.​

The point was: Don’t be squeamish. Never mind the Jewish girl being pulled by her hair with blood streaming between her legs. Never mind the women being raped beside the corpses of their friends at a music festival. Never mind the children and babies snatched from their parents.​

If you can’t handle it, if you condemn it without a preamble or equivocation, you’re an apologist for the Zionist colonizers.​
I have expressed my discontent with some elements of the right in the Israel/Hamas thread, but I think this goes beyond that. Progressives are creating the racist, hate filled, monsters they are supposedly in opposition to. The end point of this thinking is a worse world for everyone.
they are ruining american sports as well with their in your face politicized sports nights
i am. i'm going to get my son in a few minutes though. i have to get there early to fill out incident reports on fridays. i've begun challenging them and demanding corrections and retractions
"Moving on to incident report 12 (IR 12) . . ."

"Wait, did we finish IR 11?"

"Yeah, I thought we agreed to change "bit" to "mouthed" and "broke skin" to "unidentified rash."

"Another UR? Mr. McMurt, that's the third one. People are going to ask questions."

"Do you want to go with "red blotch?" We can't use PPS [possible previous scratch] again, we used it too much last week."

"You could use one of your retractions. You still have 2 left."

"No, you know I'm saving that for IR 16. That complainant is a girl. Gotta get that clean off the record."

"True. Ok. let's go with red blotch but that's the last one for this week."

"OK, great. Moving on to IR 12 . . . ah, shit, it's that Jeremy kid again? When is he going to learn not to mess with Little McMurt right before nap time? How much is it going to cost me to get that kid a different napping location?"
learn more history on the subject, then seek mental help.
You know what, you are almost completely incapable of having any discussion without opening up with some ad hominem to whomever you are responding to. My mental health is fine and I have already "done the history".
plenty of terrorism on both sides, and this didn't happen totally absent cause.
You didn't read the links. You aren't addressing the argument. This wasn't a terrorism post. Putting as much effort into reading the argument and linked content as you do into basic sentence construction doesn't lead to great conversations. Stop half assing it.
it was just a matter of when.
Both side-ism but still not addressing the topic. Go read the links, digest, come back and use the shift key.
as for all the shock regarding Israel's intelligence getting caught totally off guard by something you'd think they would have caught wind of, considering how embedded they are in all facets of Palestinian society, and all the cyber tools at their command, (these are the guys that created and implanted Pegusus spyware on everyone's phones they could, including "allies"), perhaps they weren't caught as "off guard" as they are pretending to be.
This belongs in the Israel attacking Hamas thread, not the, "Hey this feels pretty antisemitic from the left" thread. Again, read the links. Don't let your lazy posting become lazy reading.
not sayin, just bringing up an obvious possibility no one wants brought up.
Yeah, that totally wasn't brought up in the nearly 40 page other thread within the first 10 pages. No one at all mentioned intelligence failures....
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Yeah, that totally wasn't brought up in the nearly 40 page other thread within the first 10 pages. No one at all mentioned intelligence failures....

read more carefully.

i wasn't pointing out the intelligence failures that have been pointed out a zillion times already by everyone.

i pointed out that perhaps there wasn't said intelligence failure that's being promoted.

which hasn't been mentioned at all by anyone anywhere to my knowledge.

remember, we're talking about idealistic zealots who believe in the end justifies the means, and who have an end goal.

again, not sayin, just bringing up an obvious possibility no one else anywhere is bringing up.

everyone is totally flabbergasted that Israeli intelligence could possibly miss this, for obvious reasons.

Occam's Razor enthusiasts might argue at least the possibility that perhaps Israeli intelligence didn't miss it.
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You know what, you are almost completely incapable of having any discussion without opening up with some ad hominem to whomever you are responding to. My mental health is fine and I have already "done the history".

You didn't read the links. You aren't addressing the argument. This wasn't a terrorism post. Putting as much effort into reading the argument and linked content as you do into basic sentence construction doesn't lead to great conversations. Stop half assing it.

Both side-ism but still not addressing the topic. Go read the links, digest, come back and use the shift key.

This belongs in the Israel attacking Hamas thread, not the, "Hey this feels pretty antisemitic from the left" thread. Again, read the links. Don't let your lazy posting become lazy reading.

Yeah, that totally wasn't brought up in the nearly 40 page other thread within the first 10 pages. No one at all mentioned intelligence failures....
You’re responding to the only person in America that thinks the Florida condo building collapse was due to explosives. He lives in an alternate reality. It’s a place where the standard rules of capitalization, punctuation and sentence structure don’t apply and logic doesn’t exist.

On Saturday, as the raping and murdering and kidnapping were happening in Israel, Najma Sharif, a writer for Soho House magazine and Teen Vogue, posted on X: “What did y’all think decolonization meant? vibes? papers? essays? losers.”​

So far, Sharif’s post has been liked 100,000 times and reposted nearly 23,000 times—by, among others, The Washington Post’s global opinions editor, Karen Attiah.​

The point was: Don’t be squeamish. Never mind the Jewish girl being pulled by her hair with blood streaming between her legs. Never mind the women being raped beside the corpses of their friends at a music festival. Never mind the children and babies snatched from their parents.​

If you can’t handle it, if you condemn it without a preamble or equivocation, you’re an apologist for the Zionist colonizers.​
I have expressed my discontent with some elements of the right in the Israel/Hamas thread, but I think this goes beyond that. Progressives are creating the racist, hate filled, monsters they are supposedly in opposition to. The end point of this thinking is a worse world for everyone.
Wow, that right-wing antisemitism must have really stood out to you, if you felt the need to go out and search for some left-wing antisemitism to put you back in your comfort zone.
You’re responding to the only person in America that thinks the Florida condo building collapse was due to explosives. He lives in an alternate reality. It’s a place where the standard rules of capitalization, punctuation and sentence structure don’t apply and logic doesn’t exist.

we've been over this before more than once.

i've never said i thought it was brought down by explosives. i have though said more than once that that possibility absolutely should not be discounted.

and to date, literally no one, including yourself, has come up with any more credible theory.

but then you already knew that, as again, we've had this discussion before..

fact is, you're an inherently dishonest person as you've knowing lied regarding things i've said more than once..

when that happens multiple times after you've already been called out on it more than once, it brands you as flat dishonest.

it's just who you are, and likely who you've always been..

if you don't like being called out as dishonest, then don't be dishonest.

i will call you out, as should anyone you've knowingly lied about more than once, especially after calling you out previously.
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we've been over this before more than once.

i've never said i thought it was brought down by explosives. i have though said more than once that that possibility absolutely should not be discounted.

and to date, literally no one, including yourself, has come up with any more credible theory.

but then you already knew that, as again, we've had this discussion before..

fact is, you're an inherently dishonest person as you've knowing lied regarding things i've said more than once..

when that happens multiple times after you've already been called out on it more than once, it brands you as flat dishonest.

it's just who you are, and likely who you've always been..

if you don't like being called out as dishonest, then don't be dishonest.

i will call you out, as should anyone you've knowingly lied about more than once, especially after calling you out previously.
The problem is here and it has infected our institutions. These people are anti-liberal, when they speak of "decolonisation" and of their pushes for antiracism/DEI/etc. what they actually are pushing is the dissolution of the Republic. Classical liberalism is what holds this country together. The push for cultural Marxism is a push to destroy the ties that bind. If we become a state of ethnic grievances we will be a state destined for doom.

One needs only to browse the current Harvard course catalog to see how deeply the rhetoric of “decolonization” has been embedded. One course, “Global Rebellion: Race, Solidarity, and Decolonization,” draws on critical ethnic studies, a subfield of critical race theory, and promises to promote “Black, Asian, Latinx, and Indigenous radicalism”—that is, left-wing ethnopolitics for everyone except whites and Jews. The goal, according to the course description, is to “discuss how BIPOC communities forged cross-racial, internationalist solidarities to rebel against global white supremacy.”

Another course, “Colonialism and its Postcolonial/Decolonial Afterlives,” features readings of Lenin and Frantz Fanon, the latter of whom argued that “violence is a cleansing force” that “frees the native from his inferiority complex” and “restores his self-respect.” The rest of the course description is a repetition of slogans from the old Third World revolutionary fronts, promising to “explore the relationship between empire and the rise of industrial capitalism, the significance of race, class, and gender in colonial extraction, and the modes of violence on which it was founded.” The solution? The usual metaphors: “refusal,” “resistance,” “postcoloniality,” and “decoloniality.”

What might these terms mean? To answer that question, we can turn to a Harvard-funded program called “Decolonize Harvard.” In 2021, Harvard’s Derek Bok Center hired Marcelo Garzo Montalvo, a visiting assistant professor of Latinx Studies who uses “he/they” pseudo-pronouns, to lead an initiative about “decolonizing” the university. The premise was simple: administrators, faculty, and students, Montalvo said in his recorded lectures, must “understand and frame Harvard as a settler-colonial, genocidal, and Eurocentric institution” built on the “foundational violence” of white Europeans.

The solution, Montalvo said, was to engage in a “decolonizing process” that embeds critical theory, ethno-political struggle, and left-wing pedagogy throughout the university. After this process is completed, Montalvo speculated, “Harvard and the settler university [may] cease to be recognizable as Harvard as such.” The goal could be, ontologically and epistemologically speaking, “to abolish the university” altogether.

People who think like those at Harvard need to be sidelined and their stupid ideas run out of academia. They are laying the seeds of an American Hamas.
They need to let the sleeping dog lie. If they want to slaughter people in the name of decolonization they will be the ones lying in the street and it's people like me who would put them there.