The Kavanaugh debate has come unhinged

By all rights they should be. The economy of scale and the wages paid instead of spent on health insurance and the out of pocket costs eliminated should end up offsetting the tax bump.
It makes a huge difference, both financially and mentally.
"Cashing in" is your description of their compensation...which means nothing around here.

So they’re cashing in? I thought they were against cashing in? I thought they were going to be different? Sing the evils of rich folks to get in office and cash in when you’re done.

Same as the current crop of democrats. At least be honest and say you love money and want to get rich. I’ve got no problem with that.
At least grumpy old socialist Bernie admits he will tax the middle class. In the next breath he tells them they’ll get all back plus with lower costs.


"how can we possibly afford the much lower health care costs MFA will give us"?
FWIW....I watched the Obama's Netflix Doc 'American Factory'.... and it was pretty intriguing.

Would recommend..... for those that don't know, here's the background

There seems to be a lot of the expected partisan teeth gnashing going on about it.... but the much more interesting part (to me) than the US domestic politics, is the juxtaposition the film shows of China manufacturing vs US manufacturing.

i've seen that movie a couple times, but pretty sure the title is Gung Ho and starred Michael Keaton.
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Vox? That’s your source. I’m sure I can find a Breitbart article that says he didn’t lie. Be better.

And again, he didn’t lie. There isn’t a shred of proof. Same with sexual harassment. Not a shred of evidence. If he lied under oath the Dems would crucify him. They’re not. Wonder why? Probably because he didn’t lie...
Sweetie, that’s just a list of things he said. It doesn’t matters the source , they are all provable. We heard most of them. It’s on you if you are ignorant enough or more likely stubborn enough to support it. But you still support the clown in chief, so....
Vox is the desperation heave, when Zekes feels cornered in.
Cornered? Cornered would be the Trumpsters who have got to know, deep in their heart, that the man they back is a corrupt, inept , criminal. Either too stubborn or too ignorant to admit it at this point. There is no other option.
Okay, so if this is some kind of underhanded payment, what exactly did the Obama's do for the publisher to get them to pony up? What's the quid and whats the quo?

the problem is, you can't allow past prezes and 1st ladies to cash in on seeming "clean" sources of income, without also opening the door to "dirty" sources at the same time.

and how is anything totally clean?

MB's latest book is published by outfits that are owned by a huge German multinational that's heavily into publishing and mass media.

any money they make on the book is probably pocket change compared to revenues affected by federal internet sales tax policy over Obama's 8 yrs in office..

there is always the potential for impropriety, even when it's not obvious or even existent at all.
I root for everyone to become rich through hard work. Just don’t whine about the terrible rich people while in office and then be a freaking hypocrite when you leave office.
No one ever gets rich through hard work alone.
Sweetie, that’s just a list of things he said. It doesn’t matters the source , they are all provable. We heard most of them. It’s on you if you are ignorant enough or more likely stubborn enough to support it. But you still support the clown in chief, so....

the entire SCOTUS system is very flawed, and the country's number one potential for extended minority rule and totally unaccountable power in less hands than some families have kids.. (gross understatement).

and by "minority rule", a mean a majority of either parties' base may not be pro them being seated either, if they actually knew their beliefs, and not just on abortion or guns.

the pretext that everything is judged based in the Constitution or existing law is a complete joke, as if it were not, everything would be 9-0 rulings regardless of court makeup.

or that SCOTUS doesn't make law, is a complete joke.

SCOTUS has no choice but to make law, or turn down every case.

thus the makeup, longevity, and rules for membership, should be adjusted to reflect the reality, not the naive impossible hope, of what SCOTUS is and does.

A), there should be at least 20 judges, with 10 from each major party, all directly elected by the citizenry.

and since a public vote is involved, most everyone vying for a seat will need to make known their feelings on both past and potential future rulings.

this idea that judges can't disclose their thoughts on anything they may some day vote on is absolutely insane. (and you can be damn sure the "power$ that be" that push candidates to the front of the line, know a lot more about every nominee than Joe Citizen, otherwise they wouldn't be at the front of the lines).

B), in the event of a 10-10 tie, the highest lower court ruling stands. (force something other than a party line vote on everything).

C), 4 yr term limits for all.

D), a predetermined fixed amount publicly funded retirement income post membership, with zero other income, earned or unearned, other than inheritance from direct relatives, allowed.

the current system has way too much power, in way too few hands, for way too long, with absolutely zero accountability and zero citizen input, even citizen knowledge of, other than party of origin.

the minority will always fight a change to sanity, as the current system is the minorities' one hope for long term minority control, regardless of who the minority is at the time.

and btw, stick a camera and mic in the courtroom and every room they meet in, that records everything.