Texas Southern Coach Available

I just love Mike Davis. I agree completely. He says IU is a top 5 job. Now that's a humble guy to say that to a school which pushed him out.

Such revisionist history.

Do you remember how horrible it was at the end of Davis' tenure? As much as Sampson is to blame, Mike Davis should always hold a prominent spot in the Indiana Hall of Infamy.
Such revisionist history.

Do you remember how horrible it was at the end of Davis' tenure? As much as Sampson is to blame, Mike Davis should always hold a prominent spot in the Indiana Hall of Infamy.

Yes. He was in over his head. Since then he has gone elsewhere and done well for himself and at the same time, been very gracious to the school that fired him. (If only another former coach was anywhere near as gracious...) But why would I blame him for accepting the job? He did the best he could - which at the time, wasn't very good. And now, he can be admired for his coaching success at Texas Southern and his good words for IU.
We can argue whether it was Knights team or not all day long.(excuses excuses)....And I agree it was, but he still coached them into a national championship game didnt he. Born in 84 late to the other championships and completely pro Knight. I'll respect that about Davis over every single one of Creans accomplishments put together.
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Mike Davis took IU to the National Championship game. Tom Cream did not in 9 years. Mike Davis also beat Purdue like a drum. Now he talks glowingly of IU and how IU is,a top 5 job. He was there! He knows!
Bwahhh-ha-ha-ha-ha Couldn't resist..
Davis was put in an impossible situation, did his best, got us to the final game, and was gracious in his exit, knowing he was in way over his head. Davis has had nothing to say but positive things about IU since.

He found a perfect home and has made the NCAA tournament 3 of the last 4 years, and the NIT in the year he missed. We were paying Crean over 3 million a year to do less.

I wish Mike Davis nothing but the best.

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