Sounds like Maryland is taking us seriously


Hall of Famer
Mar 22, 2017

It's clear Locksley has done his film study on us... Sounds like they'll be ready coming in...
I cannot see how anybody in this conference, or really any conference, could not take an opponent seriously. There is a lot of parity in football with all the transfers and on any given day, things happen.
I’ve watched Maryland. . They have players at the skill spots. They appear vulnerable in the DBs. I like our chances.
They should. We’ve plowed through teams in a way we haven’t typically in the past (regardless of level of competition)

MDs stats are skewed IMO. One WR has half their receiving yards and one DB has half the teams INTs. Game plan to keep those two quiet and what is left?
Hopefully IU takes Maryland seriously also.
I can guarantee you that this coach and this staff will have this team juiced. Some teams that are confident go one direction: they don’t play with max effort and relax too much.
Other teams that are confident go the opposite route: play so hard and tenacious with a major attitude.
Based on how they got up for UCLA, I see us doing the same here.
Now, the only thing that can bite you is if you are so amped up that you begin to make silly errors. Not being gap sound. Overpursuit, etc. I would be shocked if this team is not playing tomorrow like their lives depended on it.
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