When I'm at the game it's too hard for me to process exactly what decisions and plays combine together to go from scoring on 4-5 possessions in a row to not being able to score over the last 15mins+. And it was too painful of a loss to go back and watch it again. So what exactly were the points that stood out to you as "WHY!?!?! moments? I have a few....
- We have to put the QB sneak in our playbook, even with a bum ankle. I understand that not being used to taking a snap straight from center might lead to an exchange problem, but.... I mean, if Griff Whalen can snap it to Cody Anderson with no issues..... LOL
- Going for a big home run play that got picked off seemed like maybe it wasn't a good choice. It was a better choice than actually tossing it up into double or triple coverage, but two wrongs don't make a right. Felt like we tried to snatch momentum back all in one play rather than slowly take it back and in reality, all we did was make things worse.
- The other INT seemed like a slow read by Nate to me. Maybe not. If that play flows more quickly, I think it's a completion and first down.