Say Hey Kid passes at 93

Great player and according to those who knew him an even better human being. I saw "the catch" sitting in an army supply barracks only because the supply officer brought in a small black and white TV that day so we could watch the game.
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Mays would have broken Ruth’s home run record before Aaron did if Willie hadn’t missed time in the military early in his career.
I’m dubious- he missed only 4 years and finished some 200 homers plus short of Ruth. He’d have to have average 50 dingers a year in the years he missed and he didn’t play in steroid nor live ball era in the game. He’d certainly have hit more but no way he bested Ruth’s record. He was a damn good center fielder though
I’m dubious- he missed only 4 years and finished some 200 homers plus short of Ruth. He’d have to have average 50 dingers a year in the years he missed and he didn’t play in steroid nor live ball era in the game. He’d certainly have hit more but no way he bested Ruth’s record. He was a damn good center fielder though
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I’m too young to have seen him play. I used to use him in stratomatic baseball and I thought he had only barely hit 500 homers. He could’ve easily beaten Ruth if he only needed to average 14 homers a season. I stand corrected- thanks
He only missed 2 years for military service. Candlestick Park did nothing to help his HR numbers.
Right. I was going to respond and then continued reading the thread and saw your response.

I’ve heard/read that he would have had around 800 if he hadn’t missed that time. Not sure how that would work given he would have had to hit 70 in each of the two years he missed.
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