Rats fleeing the now-obviously sinking ship...

Don't need a mighty army to stop the's very your thinking...

45K ships annually....every day is $Billions in additional costs...Erdogan has the leverage.

Stop Gaslighting.
We already have a reach-arounder
fauxpublican in that space...
Ya know what, I'm willing to offer a compromise.

You are not incorrect that Turkey could really choke stuff off from the Mediterranean.

My comment was more about the most active and important commercial ports in the region. Turkey doesn't reach the distribution infrastructure strength of Ukraine or Russia, but to your point, a lot of that stuff has to travel through their straits.

Regardless.... Crimea = Very Important to Russia = Black Sea $$$$$$$$$$
Following the devastating Iskander double tap strike on the Poltava Institute of Military Communications, numerous government officials decided to find other less hazardous grifts to enjoy, including:

Dmytro Kuleba - Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Denis Maliuska - Minister of Justice
Alexander Kamyshin - Minister for Strategic Industry
Ruslan Strelets - Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources
Olga Stefanishyna - Deputy PM for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration
Iryna Vereshchuk - Deputy PM For Reintegration of Uncontrolled Territories
Rostislav Shurma - Deputy Head of the Presidential Office

The numbnuts war lapdogs need to keep something in mind.
The rear depth and logistics for the BlackRock/Bankers war are facilities in Poland and Romania.

Russian hypersonic weapons can easily reach those targets, as well as the Baltics...

One wonders if eastern Europe is ready to shiver in the dark this winter?
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The numbnuts war lapdogs need to keep something in mind.
The rear depth and logistics for the Blackrock/Bankers war are facilities in Poland and Romania.

Russian hypersonic weapons can easily reach those targets, as well as the Baltics...

One wonders if eastern Europe is ready to shiver in the dark this winter?
The Pols seem pretty pissed.

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The Pols seem pretty pissed.

Imagine, if you will, the scenario wherein the Hooties are given advanced anti-ship weapons.

The two carrier(target)groups supporting Israel face destruction.

Without that fleet, the Jewish state faces catastrophic results, and could, as they have warned, go nuclear...

Tit for tat...
The Pols seem pretty pissed.

Good Lord--are you ****ing kidding me? You literally sucked the teet of Putin to come up with this shit. Grzegorz Braun is Anti-American; Anti-Protestant; anti-gay, referred to polish jews as "the enemies of Poland" and that the participate in Satanic cults. He walked into a Holocaust lecture, smashed equipment and made a zillion derogatory comments about the jews.;;

He's a russian bitch who appears on RT and Sputnik regularly

This is quite the rabbit hole you and super patriot have crawled into.
The Pols seem pretty pissed.

I love the quote, "We don't want Polish people paying and dying for your wars". It comes straight from a French Fascist who wrote an editorial in the summer of 1939, "Don't die for Danzig". The point was that France should not go to war to defend the city of Danzig should Germany take it.

Of course Hitler had already told his generals in ordering Case White that Danzig wasn't the point of the war, that Germany needed lebensraum. But the moths that are attracted to the flame of tough guy strongmen just made excuses. Just give him Austria, he will be OK. Wait, just give him Sedetenland, oh no, make that all of Czech, but that's it. Nope, turns out he needs Danzig, oh, hold it, all of Poland.

The comparison with Putin today is eerily identical. Far-right who want to be seen as tough lap up everything he does (which, by the way, is the opposite of tough). Meanwhile, it has gone from, "All he wants is Crimea, wait, sorry, Crimea AND two oblasts, oh, and of course, veto power over any Ukrainian government."
Good Lord--are you ****ing kidding me? You literally sucked the teet of Putin to come up with this shit. Grzegorz Braun is Anti-American; Anti-Protestant; anti-gay, referred to polish jews as "the enemies of Poland" and that the participate in Satanic cults. He walked into a Holocaust lecture, smashed equipment and made a zillion derogatory comments about the jews.;;

He's a russian bitch who appears on RT and Sputnik regularly

This is quite the rabbit hole you and super patriot have crawled into.
Argumentum ad hominem...
Did you cut class when this was taught?
Argumentum ad hominem...
Did you cut class when this was taught?
The big house on the big side of town says otherwise. Stop by when you dig yourself out of the bunker super soldier.

You two traitors rely upon the same bullshit everyday--nonsense RT lies and rhetoric and then pretend like it is a world view of facts. Sadly, I think you are too stupid to know otherwise.
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  • Like
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Imagine, if you will, the scenario wherein the Hooties are given advanced anti-ship weapons.

The two carrier(target)groups supporting Israel face destruction.

Without that fleet, the Jewish state faces catastrophic results, and could, as they have warned, go nuclear...

Tit for tat...
Imagine, if you’re ignorant enough, that carrier strike forces are defenseless against poorly trained terrorists with a fancy weapon they don’t even know how to maintain. A group with little targeting capability or military intelligence capabilities. Imagine that. Yeah, your scenario is very improbable.
Imagine, if you’re ignorant enough, that carrier strike forces are defenseless against poorly trained terrorists with a fancy weapon they don’t even know how to maintain. A group with little targeting capability or military intelligence capabilities. Imagine that. Yeah, your scenario is very improbable.
When you spend your days drafting manifestos on alien technology; microchip monitoring; rigged elections; secret cabals, etc, you will believe and accept anything as true as long as it is delusional.
When you spend your days drafting manifestos on alien technology; microchip monitoring; rigged elections; secret cabals, etc, you will believe and accept anything as true as long as it is delusional.

There are times I want to feel for Mas, I had a brother who had severe PTSD from Vietnam, and with it came paranoia. But the big difference was that my brother's threats were from neighbors, strangers walking past, and us. He would call needing money, when we brought it he would run and hide in the back of his house. But when I think about it, It strikes me as unlikely that a specific fear of international Jewish bankers is PTSD but something else. Something we should create a term for.
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** FTR, I gave MAS a thumbs up simply for coming back with a Haiku. Not the content of the post or of the Haiku, simply for the Haiku.
That is all, over.
Money laundering would imply that the money was initially ill-gotten. Pretty sure those were our tax dollars, not drug money. I think the term you were looking for was embezzlement. Good job being a brave writer though, we all have to take chances!

Okay sure, whatever you say man. Turkey, and their mighty military who everyone is afraid of, and their mighty economy that countries from around the world envy, dominate the 170k square miles of the Black Sea. You should write a book you are such an expert.
Look into the terms of the 'loans' of funding to the piles of burned out wreckage formerly known as Ukrainian.

The Zelensky/NATO agreement secures the 'loan agreement' with millions of hectares of the most productive farm land on earth, land to be apportioned to the Corporate piece (such as Monsanto) of Leviathan.

The military aid is encumbered also, with covenants requiring weapons be procured from the WarMachine piece(such a Raytheon, Lockheed) of Leviathan.

Money laundering, fueled by blood..
  • Haha
Reactions: Aloha Hoosier
Look into the terms of the 'loans' of funding to the piles of burned out wreckage formerly known as Ukrainian.

The Zelensky/NATO agreement secures the 'loan agreement' with millions of hectares of the most productive farm land on earth, land to be apportioned to the Corporate piece (such as Monsanto) of Leviathan.

The military aid is encumbered also, with covenants requiring weapons be procured from the WarMachine piece(such a Raytheon, Lockheed) of Leviathan.

Money laundering, fueled by blood..
This literally came right off of RT in 2022.

Feel free to link the documents for this diary of madman take on Ukraine/NATO and "Leviathan". Meaning actual back up for what you are asserting. Or can I only find those on the darkest part of the dark web.
  • Like
Reactions: Aloha Hoosier
The Zelensky/NATO agreement secures the 'loan agreement' with millions of hectares of the most productive farm land on earth, land to be apportioned to the Corporate piece (such as Monsanto) of Leviathan.

Monsanto doesn't even exist, dumbass. It was acquired by Bayer (a German company) over 6 years ago. Keep your wackadooddle Kremlin conspiracies up to date, please.
Look into the terms of the 'loans' of funding to the piles of burned out wreckage formerly known as Ukrainian.

The Zelensky/NATO agreement secures the 'loan agreement' with millions of hectares of the most productive farm land on earth, land to be apportioned to the Corporate piece (such as Monsanto) of Leviathan.

The military aid is encumbered also, with covenants requiring weapons be procured from the WarMachine piece(such a Raytheon, Lockheed) of Leviathan.

Money laundering, fueled by blood..
Yaaaaaa fueled by blood. Heavy imagery, brah.

I actually have a good idea for you...Move to Nome, Alaska, and that way you can shamelessly embrace your Russian roots while still maintaining American citizenship. And AND AND, if things break your way, and we go ahead and let Russia steal portions of Ukraine, well maybe they will see we are not interested in money laundering (fueled by blood), so they could just take Alaska back free and clear. Win Win for you!
  • Like
Reactions: Mark Milton
Yaaaaaa fueled by blood. Heavy imagery, brah.

I actually have a good idea for you...Move to Nome, Alaska, and that way you can shamelessly embrace your Russian roots while still maintaining American citizenship. And AND AND, if things break your way, and we go ahead and let Russia steal portions of Ukraine, well maybe they will see we are not interested in money laundering (fueled by blood), so they could just take Alaska back free and clear. Win Win for you!
You were bullied a lot as an adolescent, weren't you?
Look into the terms of the 'loans' of funding to the piles of burned out wreckage formerly known as Ukrainian.

The Zelensky/NATO agreement secures the 'loan agreement' with millions of hectares of the most productive farm land on earth, land to be apportioned to the Corporate piece (such as Monsanto) of Leviathan.

The military aid is encumbered also, with covenants requiring weapons be procured from the WarMachine piece(such a Raytheon, Lockheed) of Leviathan.

Money laundering, fueled by blood..
You don’t have a clue how it works. This is a fact.
  • Like
Reactions: Mark Milton
Ya know what, I'm willing to offer a compromise.

You are not incorrect that Turkey could really choke stuff off from the Mediterranean.

My comment was more about the most active and important commercial ports in the region. Turkey doesn't reach the distribution infrastructure strength of Ukraine or Russia, but to your point, a lot of that stuff has to travel through their straits.

Regardless.... Crimea = Very Important to Russia = Black Sea $$$$$$$$$$
Your comment was more a childish, stick-out-your-tongue, verbal assholery exhibition.
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The big house on the big side of town says otherwise. Stop by when you dig yourself out of the bunker super soldier.

You two traitors rely upon the same bullshit everyday--nonsense RT lies and rhetoric and then pretend like it is a world view of facts. Sadly, I think you are too stupid to know otherwise.
Is this the house talking, or your bloated ego?
There are times I want to feel for Mas, I had a brother who had severe PTSD from Vietnam, and with it came paranoia. But the big difference was that my brother's threats were from neighbors, strangers walking past, and us. He would call needing money, when we brought it he would run and hide in the back of his house. But when I think about it, It strikes me as unlikely that a specific fear of international Jewish bankers is PTSD but something else. Something we should create a term for.
Cool story, bro...

Noticer is the term you can use.

I pity your brother, if he actually exists

For more than one reason.
Following the devastating Iskander double tap strike on the Poltava Institute of Military Communications, numerous government officials decided to find other less hazardous grifts to enjoy, including:

Dmytro Kuleba - Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Denis Maliuska - Minister of Justice
Alexander Kamyshin - Minister for Strategic Industry
Ruslan Strelets - Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources
Olga Stefanishyna - Deputy PM for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration
Iryna Vereshchuk - Deputy PM For Reintegration of Uncontrolled Territories
Rostislav Shurma - Deputy Head of the Presidential Office
He knows the gravy boat is about to end.

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I appreciate you admitting that you want Ukraine cut off and conquered by Russia. Total MAGA! Get it all out on the table.
An entire generation of Ukrainian men has been wiped out all because people like you voted for Biden. Hope it was worth it.

An entire generation of Ukrainian men has been wiped out all because people like you voted for Biden. Hope it was worth it.

There’s some twisted thinking there. We provided training and lethal weapons systems during the Trump administration thinking we’d be good with Russia rolling in and taking it over without a fight? Is Trump that stupid?
There’s some twisted thinking there. We provided training and lethal weapons systems during the Trump administration thinking we’d be good with Russia rolling in and taking it over without a fight? Is Trump that stupid?
Over 60% of Americans say no.