Put their names on their jerseys!

We can't all be like Big Red Buff and memorize the entire roster by number Fred!

Lol...what are doing tonight? Missed you there. Fred did come through on the hotdogs and brats. I’ll give him kudos on that.

You do realize there is something called that has all the jerseys listed in order?

It’s easy to pull up on your phone. I can teach you.
Lol...what are doing tonight? Missed you there. Fred did come through on the hotdogs and brats. I’ll give him kudos on that.

You do realize there is something called that has all the jerseys listed in order?

It’s easy to pull up on your phone. I can teach you.

Believe it or not, many people like to actually watch the game and easily see the name at the time on TV vs having to have phone in you QaUNUUNour
Lol...what are doing tonight? Missed you there. Fred did come through on the hotdogs and brats. I’ll give him kudos on that.

You do realize there is something called that has all the jerseys listed in order?

It’s easy to pull up on your phone. I can teach you.
Believe it or not, people like to watch a game and just read the jerseys without having to be referring to my phone and scanning a roster by number.

I know it’s not life/death issue, but for basic common sense and fan friendly move.
Don't. Start. Drama. Queens.

Don’t start telling people what to think in a world of free will. It’s a dumb move, you may not care, but others do. Don’t be a drama queen if people feel strongly about something they feel would be better for team/fans.
Believe it or not, many people like to actually watch the game and easily see the name at the time on TV vs having to have phone in you QaUNUUNour

Believe it or not, people like to watch a game and just read the jerseys without having to be referring to my phone and scanning a roster by number.

I know it’s not life/death issue, but for basic common sense and fan friendly move.

I can tell you one thing:

If IU had a traditionally winning program, nobody would give two shits about names on jerseys.

Does anyone remember the outrage some had over the discussion about putting names on basketball jerseys? It is all because fans thought this would somehow destroy some intrinsic identity for the team.

IU football has no iconic image or tradition. We don’t even have a mascot as rallying point.

This all is just some minor distraction that completely goes away with wins.
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The biggest reason the names probably will never go back on jerseys, at least while Fred Glass is athletic director, is that it would be an admission that it was a stupid decision.

CTA should’ve had the balls to say no the names stay .
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The way Fred could pivot and spin it is saying: “I’ve reflected what Hep used to say- “You play for the name on the front, but you are accountable for the name on the back!”

Football has 8 times the players in basketball, wearing pads and a helmet, and easily play two, sometimes three level deep. On TV, having names on back just makes sense and why not do something to help fans learn names of players?

Last thing: I would hope that if Glass did reverse the decision, why would people need to pile on? Just say, thank you for listening, great move, go IU!
The way Fred could pivot and spin it is saying: “I’ve reflected what Hep used to say- “You play for the name on the front, but you are accountable for the name on the back!”

Football has 8 times the players in basketball, wearing pads and a helmet, and easily play two, sometimes three level deep. On TV, having names on back just makes sense and why not do something to help fans learn names of players?

Last thing: I would hope that if Glass did reverse the decision, why would people need to pile on? Just say, thank you for listening, great move, go IU!
It's not changing.
Don’t start telling people what to think in a world of free will. It’s a dumb move, you may not care, but others do. Don’t be a drama queen if people feel strongly about something they feel would be better for team/fans.

It's been beat to death. Stop whining for sh1t sake.
The way Fred could pivot and spin it is saying: “I’ve reflected what Hep used to say- “You play for the name on the front, but you are accountable for the name on the back!”

Football has 8 times the players in basketball, wearing pads and a helmet, and easily play two, sometimes three level deep. On TV, having names on back just makes sense and why not do something to help fans learn names of players?

Last thing: I would hope that if Glass did reverse the decision, why would people need to pile on? Just say, thank you for listening, great move, go IU!
Here is that article quoting coach Hep:
I can tell you one thing:

If IU had a traditionally winning program, nobody would give two shits about names on jerseys.

Does anyone remember the outrage some had over the discussion about putting names on basketball jerseys? It is all because fans thought this would somehow destroy some intrinsic identity for the team.

IU football has no iconic image or tradition. We don’t even have a mascot as rallying point.

This all is just some minor distraction that completely goes away with wins.
No it doesn't. Last Fall I was in a Notre Dame bar and asked the fans about names on jerseys. They said they don't like it but there is nothing they can do. I then asked how do you know the players (I then called out a jersey# on tv). He said I don't know who that is maybe I know the QB and 1 or 2 others. He said we tried to look at a roster once but you spend so much time looking up the player you miss a lot of the game. There were about 10 ND people at this table and no one liked not having names on the jerseys.
i agree.

i like the names on the back.

this isn't bball where we all always know who's who, even if they didn't even have numbers on their unis.
Yes, BINGO!! This IS the point. In BB there are maybe 12 players with faces you can see. In FB there are 60 or so wearing helmets.

I think it was a bad decision, not fan friendly, and IU needs fans. However, overall Glass has done a good job... remember some of his predecessors.
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For now, I will remain optimistic that Fred, in the dark of summer as he did last year...might consider a change given that he has and continues to hear about this. Until then, if topic comes up, the strong opinions will remain for what is obviously a more fan friendly move that unfortunately fees like a decision made without thinking of the unintended consequences.
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For now, I will remain optimistic that Fred, in the dark of summer as he did last year...might consider a change given that he has and continues to hear about this. Until then, if topic comes up, the strong opinions will remain for what is obviously a more fan friendly move that unfortunately fees like a decision made without thinking of the unintended consequences.

I had no issue last night with it because the PA announcer called out the names as plays completed. For a while, he kept saying “Number 46 on the tackle” and then finally realized this was LB Aaron Casey and called his name the remainder of the game.

By the way, Casey was in on a bunch of tackles....and I had forgotten that he was a 2018 3-star signed out of Georgia.
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I had no issue last night with it because the PA announcer called out the names as plays completed. For a while, he kept saying “Number 46 on the tackle” and then finally realized this was LB Aaron Casey and called his name the remainder of the game.

By the way, Casey was in on a bunch of tackles....and I had forgotten that he was a 2018 3-star signed out of Georgia.
Calling #s is kinda the way TV announcers did ALL LAST SEASON. By the end of the year I knew most of the important players. As an avid fan, I still feel cheated that I didn't know all of them...and had to work so hard to learn the ones I did. (at 60, it's not as easy as it used to be)
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Seems like we can all agree: yes anyone can have a roster in their lap, or phone up and try to scan back and forth. Or they could have names on jerseys and make it easier for fans to follow. That’s a given.

It’s simply now down to “Will Fred/IU consider putting them back on or not?”

Only thing we can control is sending it thoughtful and consistent messages that we would like to see them back and hope that entire decision making team considers it enough of a low hanging fruit to make fans happy three just do it.

Do I think it’s high likelihood? Sadly no. But I don’t think it’s zero percent either. I know for a fact Fred has heard about it and think if he & others continue to that it will get new consideration.
Seems like we can all agree: yes anyone can have a roster in their lap, or phone up and try to scan back and forth. Or they could have names on jerseys and make it easier for fans to follow. That’s a given.

It’s simply now down to “Will Fred/IU consider putting them back on or not?”

Only thing we can control is sending it thoughtful and consistent messages that we would like to see them back and hope that entire decision making team considers it enough of a low hanging fruit to make fans happy three just do it.

Do I think it’s high likelihood? Sadly no. But I don’t think it’s zero percent either. I know for a fact Fred has heard about it and think if he & others continue to that it will get new consideration.

If we go 8-4 this year or even get to a bowl, the uniform discussion evaporates.
No it doesn't. Last Fall I was in a Notre Dame bar and asked the fans about names on jerseys. They said they don't like it but there is nothing they can do. I then asked how do you know the players (I then called out a jersey# on tv). He said I don't know who that is maybe I know the QB and 1 or 2 others. He said we tried to look at a roster once but you spend so much time looking up the player you miss a lot of the game. There were about 10 ND people at this table and no one liked not having names on the jerseys.
Your story is missing the opening: "I met some stupid Notre Dame fans in a bar . . ." :D
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So you think IU football is losing fan support because they don’t have their names on the jerseys... not sure how much a fan they truly are.
Aw, c'mon. Knock it off with the True Fan nonsense. It was a boneheaded move. The fans' wishes should be taken into account. I defy you to find anyone who actually supported (as opposed to simply acquiescing to) the change, but there are a large number who definitely want the names back on the jerseys. Fred needs to put them back, without fanfare.
The decision shows a lack of overall common sense. It's certainly another reason why many people feel like Fred is a mediocre AD.
In some warped, twisted way Fred Glass must have thought that by taking the names off of the jerseys it was going to instill some bizarre sense of pride or character that was lacking.

What can we do to compete with some of these blue blood programs like Penn State? I know, let’s take the names off the jerseys. Let’s be more like Alabama.

Maybe he had just watched a double feature of Hoosiers and Rudy and had just finished off a bottle of Jack Daniels. I want to win this game for my dad. I way to win this game for all the little schools that never got here. I want to win this one for the athletic director who made me realize that we represent the Hoosiers.

There is nothing coherent about making this change. This is a program that has tried something like seven different helmet designs. And the same posters who supported the new helmets because this is what the recruits want are the same people who back Fred’s hope that taking the names off the jerseys will make Indiana a winner.
The decision shows a lack of overall common sense. It's certainly another reason why many people feel like Fred is a mediocre AD.
TD, I know that you have been passionate about this issue for a long time. But, do you really believe that lack of names on football jerseys should be the standard for judging the caliber of an Athletic Director? No consideration of facilities, financial stability of the athletic program, educational performance of the athletes, etc.?
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We can't all be like Big Red Buff and memorize the entire roster by number Fred!
For the first time, I took a side on the name on the jerseys Friday night. I has no idea who #37 was. I actually said that I wished his name was on his jersey so I didn't have to look it up. I looked it up and still don't know who he is
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It is absolutely asinine that we don’t have names on the jerseys. I will continue to hate it until it’s changed. We continue to shoot ourselves in the foot any way possible, but hey that’s IU football
As I have said, I know firsthand Fred is aware of some fan frustration on this issue.

I do suggest emailing him (email is on the IU athletics website). I would say be respectful, make the fan friendly case and let him hear from people.

If enough reach out consistently could see him simply putting names back on in a low key way. And if he did, say thanks and move on.

It’s not life/death issue. But common sense one that loyal IU FB fans mostly all want to happen. Will leave it at that.