Project 2025

If anyone wonders why the Trump kids and Heritage were pushing (the totally unqualified) JD Vance to be a greasy Big Mac away from the seat of power...

"Vance has deep ties to the Heritage Foundation, and in particular to Kevin Roberts, who has been president of the right-wing think tank since 2021 and is the architect of Project 2025. Vance has praised Roberts for helping to turn the organization “into the de facto institutional home of Trumpism” and has endorsed elements of Project 2025. Vance is also the author of the foreword to Roberts’s upcoming book, Dawn’s Early Light, which The New Republic has obtained in full even though the book’s publisher, HarperCollins’s Broadside Books, has apparently tried to suppress it amid the scrutiny of Project 2025 and Vance’s ties to Roberts.

The subtitle and cover of Roberts’s book were softened as scrutiny of the Trump campaign’s ties to Project 2025 grew. The book, which is scheduled to be published on September 24, was originally announced with the subtitle “Burning Down Washington to Save America” and featured a match on the center of its cover. The subtitle is now “Taking Back Washington to Save America,” and the match is nowhere to be seen. Promotional language invoking conservatives on the “warpath” to “burn down … institutions” like the FBI, the Department of Justice, and universities has also been removed or toned down, though it is still present in some sales pages."
The sanitized version, which originally said "Burning Down Washington"... Notice how the original sale date was Sept 24, but it's now been pushed back to NOVEMBER 12. I wonder what possible reason there could be for that delay in release?

Dawn's Early Light​

Taking Back Washington to Save America​

By Kevin Roberts, Foreword by J. D. Vance
On Sale:
November 12, 2024

New Republic downloaded the original copy (including Vance's forward) prior to it suddenly being removed from the platform. If interested, you can get details here...

He obviously backs provisions regarding replacing career,non-partisan civil servants with Trump loyalists. They've already been vetting candidates...

He tried and failed to change many career service government jobs to political appointee jobs at the end of his administration. Bad idea. The political appointees we have are important, but they have no institutional knowledge at all which is why all of them have top deputies who are career service people to help them with their jobs.
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For anyone interested...

Ali Velshi has done an excellent series of videos dissecting various aspects of P2025...

Here is a discussion of immigration, both legal and undocumented. Can anyone spot anything in this section written by Ken Ccucinelli (former acting Asst Director of Homeland Security under Trump) that you think Trump on steroids would shy away from?

Here's a discussion of P2025 attacks on labor. Any union member who votes for Trump is just slitting their own throat...

Hey who needs the DOE? Lets leave education to the Christian Nationalists...

He tried and failed to change many career service government jobs to political appointee jobs at the end of his administration. Bad idea. The political appointees we have are important, but they have no institutional knowledge at all which is why all of them have top deputies who are career service people to help them with their jobs.
Project 2025 is designed to go even further, and correct those earlier "mistakes"...

For anyone interested...

Ali Velshi has done an excellent series of videos dissecting various aspects of P2025...

Here is a discussion of immigration, both legal and undocumented. Can anyone spot anything in this section written by Ken Ccucinelli (former acting Asst Director of Homeland Security under Trump) that you think Trump on steroids would shy away from?

Here's a discussion of P2025 attacks on labor. Any union member who votes for Trump is just slitting their own throat...

Hey who needs the DOE? Lets leave education to the Christian Nationalists...

So Project 2025 endorses school choice?

Oh, well, I certainly like that. That's long overdue. Too many of our public schools and school systems are dumpster fires. Give parents the option where to use the tax dollars allocated for their child's K12 education. Good stuff.
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If anyone wonders why the Trump kids and Heritage were pushing (the totally unqualified) JD Vance to be a greasy Big Mac away from the seat of power...

"Vance has deep ties to the Heritage Foundation, and in particular to Kevin Roberts, who has been president of the right-wing think tank since 2021 and is the architect of Project 2025. Vance has praised Roberts for helping to turn the organization “into the de facto institutional home of Trumpism” and has endorsed elements of Project 2025. Vance is also the author of the foreword to Roberts’s upcoming book, Dawn’s Early Light, which The New Republic has obtained in full even though the book’s publisher, HarperCollins’s Broadside Books, has apparently tried to suppress it amid the scrutiny of Project 2025 and Vance’s ties to Roberts.

The subtitle and cover of Roberts’s book were softened as scrutiny of the Trump campaign’s ties to Project 2025 grew. The book, which is scheduled to be published on September 24, was originally announced with the subtitle “Burning Down Washington to Save America” and featured a match on the center of its cover. The subtitle is now “Taking Back Washington to Save America,” and the match is nowhere to be seen. Promotional language invoking conservatives on the “warpath” to “burn down … institutions” like the FBI, the Department of Justice, and universities has also been removed or toned down, though it is still present in some sales pages."
The sanitized version, which originally said "Burning Down Washington"... Notice how the original sale date was Sept 24, but it's now been pushed back to NOVEMBER 12. I wonder what possible reason there could be for that delay in release?

Dawn's Early Light​

Taking Back Washington to Save America​

By Kevin Roberts, Foreword by J. D. Vance
On Sale:
November 12, 2024

New Republic downloaded the original copy (including Vance's forward) prior to it suddenly being removed from the platform. If interested, you can get details here...

You keep harping on Vance's lack of experience. I do not get it. What makes him materially less experienced than Obama or Trump? Buttigieg?

One of your dumber talking points.
I also don't have any issues with the border security measures described by Veshi.

I'm also fine with deportations for people who are not here legally. But I think that needs to be followed by reforming immigration laws to increase our capacity for legal immigration. We do need immigrants here....but it has to be done legally and orderly.
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So Project 2025 endorses school choice?

Oh, well, I certainly like that. That's long overdue. Too many of our public schools and school systems are dumpster fires. Give parents the option where to use the tax dollars allocated for their child's K12 education. Good stuff.

Also, regarding school choice, I don't really see any federal role here. This has been coming into being at the state and local levels. And that's really where it ought to stay.

The farther we can keep the feds away from education, the better.
So Project 2025 endorses school choice?

Oh, well, I certainly like that. That's long overdue. Too many of our public schools and school systems are dumpster fires. Give parents the option where to use the tax dollars allocated for their child's K12 education. Good stuff.

I don’t know man. My ax dollars to a school that traces satanism. Maybe for you but not for me.
I don’t know man. My ax dollars to a school that traces satanism. Maybe for you but not for me.
As opposed to how things stand today where the DoEd withholds funds from a school because they teach archery.

Whatever quirks and idiosyncrasies come with school choice being widely adopted, I promise it's better than the status quo of a bunch of mediocre idealogues who make up teacher's union leadership and the department of education ruling the roost.
I don’t know man. My ax dollars to a school that traces satanism. Maybe for you but not for me.
Meh, as long as the school fulfills the educational needs. Parents are easily in the best position to determine that -- which is why the majority of people who can afford private school choose to send their kids to private school.

The state is already spending tax dollars for K12 education. What should it matter what school parents prefer to use them at?

Anyway, we don't allow individual taxpayers to determine how their tax dollars are spent. But, if we're going to start doing that, I have some ideas.
Sorry but nobody is fooled by Trump's feigned indignation...

This was a smokescreen. He had previously announced that he was going to be leaving P2025 to take a position with his "previous employer"... Trump...I saw the video and it was well before all of the P2025 backlash vs Trump. And why wouldn't Dans resign. As this Pro Publica expose points out, his work was largely completed prior to his announced exit in Aug...

"In a note to Heritage staff, obtained by The Wall Street Journal, Dans himself suggested that his mission was, essentially, complete. “The work of this project was due to wrap up with the nominating conventions of the political parties,” he wrote. “Our work is presently winding down, and I plan later in August to leave Heritage.”

It was face-saving, but it was also largely true. The database was built; the training seminars had been taught. This time, the foot soldiers were ready to go, just waiting to be called on. “From the president’s lips to God’s ears that change is going to happen? It really happens below” the president, Dans said on “War Room.” “That’s the importance of recognizing: Personnel is really the cornerstone of the change.”
The article continues...

"This was precisely Dans’ mission with Project 2025: to find a whole new corps of people willing to come to the capital and do the work of implementing the Trump agenda that the usual D.C. fixtures refuse to do. How many will be suited to the task? “We have to recruit the talent to get to Washington,” Dans told Martin. “Ultimately, what Project 2025 is is a call to action for patriots to come serve in Washington.”

Will Dans himself be among that number? As Devine sees it, Dans’ current defenestration is political, and temporary. “Paul is too bright and intelligent not to,” he said. “They’ll pick him up somewhere.” Devine said that he’s spoken with Dans since his decision to resign. “He’s doing well,” Devine said. “He’s ready to go on to fight. The memorandum he sent [to Heritage colleagues] ends with that: ‘Fight! Fight! Fight!’” Dans still sees himself as a field general for a new class of Trump bureaucrats, one that will come to power if Trump wins, whether the effort is called Project 2025 or not."

Meh, as long as the school fulfills the educational needs. Parents are easily in the best position to determine that -- which is why the majority of people who can afford private school choose to send their kids to private school.

The state is already spending tax dollars for K12 education. What should it matter what school parents prefer to use them at?

Anyway, we don't allow individual taxpayers to determine how their tax dollars are spent. But, if we're going to start doing that, I have some ideas.

You’ll just have more public school. Sure, they won’t be constrained by the pesky constitution, but will they really educate kids better?
I don’t know man. My ax dollars to a school that traces satanism. Maybe for you but not for me.
I doubt any taxes would go to private schools. It's called choices. People who send their kids to private schools should get school tax relief to keep and spend where they want. The tax would be for people who choose to use public schools. There should probably be some minimum local tax % for those who don't use public schools to compensate for lower income folks. The govt. should not be telling us where kids have to go to school. If they want to have public schools fine. Govt. takes the simplest krapp and turns simple logic into failed Rocket Science. No wonder govt. is so inefficient and fails at everything they attempt. Then you have the current Party of Hate regime that wants to tell everyone how to think and what they can and cannot say.
Meh, as long as the school fulfills the educational needs. Parents are easily in the best position to determine that -- which is why the majority of people who can afford private school choose to send their kids to private school.

The state is already spending tax dollars for K12 education. What should it matter what school parents prefer to use them at?

Anyway, we don't allow individual taxpayers to determine how their tax dollars are spent. But, if we're going to start doing that, I have some ideas.
Big issue in Kentucky is the use of vouchers for private schools many think it would just benefit the wealthy? I’m not sure how I feel. For the city kids it gives more options especially to those who can’t affford that education, but there would have to be stipulations. On the other hand does it pull funds from rural communities who do not have the luxury of a private school close by?

I would have a difficult time sending my daughters to public school now, just seems more and more like a shit show.

We did a job fair yesterday at a middle school (dumb if you ask me but we were asked and it is in our footprint) anyway an 8th grade girl came by and she had head phones around her neck. I asked if kids were allowed to wear them, she said they are for when she feels “overwhelmed”? I asked if they just kept out the noise? She said no I have them hooked to my phone for music. I told her I would always need a pair because I feel overwhelmed daily. She just walked away.