Project 2025

F*ck liberals, F*ck this government, F*ck the IRS, FBI, DOJ, and any other 3 letter government over reaching nazi bullshit tactics. And F*ck Biden and his capital gains taxes! AND F*CK BOWL and his band of idiot liberal brainwashed yes men! After all the lies and bullshit we've dealt with the ast 8 years you're not even worth a reply so f*ck off! Rant OVER!
So when Deep State steals the election, again, are you taking up arms and joining the revolution,
leaving the country, or continuing to whine?
You sir know nothing and believe every word coming out of trumps mouth. All of those who are involved in Project 2025 are trump sycophants.
Not all, but a big number. At least 140 people who worked in the Trump administration had a hand in Project 2025. It's got "Trump" written all over it.

Polling shows not only Dems but also Independents have overwhelmingly unfavorable views of Project 2025. To make matters worse (for Trump), a plurality of Americans believe Project 2025 accurately represents what Trump stands for (net +29; 45% accurately represents, 16% doesn't accurately represent, 39% say they don't yet know enough to have an opinion). That's why the Trump campaign is running from it and Dems are spending ad money on it.
The level of stupidity and dearth of common sense is shocking. A man who bangs porn stars wants to ban porn and end no fault divorce 🤣🤣🤣

I have no idea if he backs project 25 or not, but didn't you in another thread say that truth doesn't matter, perception does?

If enough people think Trump is backing this because of how many of his former administration is behind it, people are likely to make that jump that Trump also is behind this.

Right or wrong, it seems like a lot of people think he backs this, which could be a problem for him.
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I have no idea if he backs project 25 or not, but didn't you in another thread say that truth doesn't matter, perception does?

If enough people think Trump is backing this because of how many of his former administration is behind it, people are likely to make that jump that Trump also is behind this.

Right or wrong, it seems like a lot of people think he backs this, which could be a problem for him.
For sure. It’s all over my old teammates’ group chat. I don’t fight about politics with friends. Better left to strangers
Good article (below) about changes at Project 2025. Some highlights of the article;
  • Paul Dans is out. Project 2025 will now be led by Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts.
  • Full speed ahead on replacing longtime civil servants with tens of thousands of carefully vetted and "trained" Trump loyalists, should Trump win.
  • Trump recently stated at a rally that Project 2025 was written by people on the "severe right." Trump's criticism rings hollow as most of these "severe" righties worked in his administration.
  • Trump's #2, Vance, wrote the foreword for a new book by Roberts, describing Heritage as "the most influential engine of ideas for Republicans."
  • Trump regularly campaigns on many of the same proposals in the Project 2025 manifesto, but it's clear that Project 2025 has become a liability for Trump and the party. (See post 47 in this thread).
  • Trump campaign advisor Chris LaCivita: Project 2025 is a problem because "the issues that are going to win us the campaign are not the issues that they [Project 2025/Heritage] want to talk about." Note that he's not disavowing any specific aspect of the manifesto. He simply wants to ignore the topics that could hurt the campaign. That's why the campaign is trying to put as much distance as possible between Project 2025 and Trump - - - until January 20, 2025 when it will be embraced, should Trump win.
Good article (below) about changes at Project 2025. Some highlights of the article;
  • Paul Dans is out. Project 2025 will now be led by Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts.
  • Full speed ahead on replacing longtime civil servants with tens of thousands of carefully vetted and "trained" Trump loyalists, should Trump win.
  • Trump recently stated at a rally that Project 2025 was written by people on the "severe right." Trump's criticism rings hollow as most of these "severe" righties worked in his administration.
  • Trump's #2, Vance, wrote the foreword for a new book by Roberts, describing Heritage as "the most influential engine of ideas for Republicans."
  • Trump regularly campaigns on many of the same proposals in the Project 2025 manifesto, but it's clear that Project 2025 has become a liability for Trump and the party. (See post 47 in this thread).
  • Trump campaign advisor Chris LaCivita: Project 2025 is a problem because "the issues that are going to win us the campaign are not the issues that they [Project 2025/Heritage] want to talk about." Note that he's not disavowing any specific aspect of the manifesto. He simply wants to ignore the topics that could hurt the campaign. That's why the campaign is trying to put as much distance as possible between Project 2025 and Trump - - - until January 20, 2025 when it will be embraced, should Trump win.
Spot On

For sure. It’s all over my old teammates’ group chat. I don’t fight about politics with friends. Better left to strangers
His name is mentioned 312 times in the article. Most of the writers are cabinet members or minions. Project 2025. will remove people from jobs and replace them with people loyal to trump. You can not tell me that trump does not want 2025.
His name is mentioned 312 times in the article. Most of the writers are cabinet members or minions. Project 2025. will remove people from jobs and replace them with people loyal to trump. You can not tell me that trump does not want 2025.
Open Your Mind Fly GIF by Diego Farao

Above is anyone that believes Trump has nothing to do with Project 2025.
Open Your Mind Fly GIF by Diego Farao

Above is anyone that believes Trump has nothing to do with Project 2025.
His name is mentioned 312 times in the article. Most of the writers are cabinet members or minions. Project 2025. will remove people from jobs and replace them with people loyal to trump. You can not tell me that trump does not want 2025.
Says the Steele Dossier creators. LMAO We saw through the BS when the msm started on it years ago. One things for sure...Nothing has changed. So just go vote for Kamala WDGAF
Most people in real in real world who can barely survive dont care about your scare tactics. They want to buy groceries. Your argument is why biden is losing. Nobody cares except you liberal white elites. The working class cares about real issues.
Plenty of despots have made it much easier for their populations to buy groceries
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Presents a real moral/pjilosophical question… we keep helping the right wing anyway? I say yes. Is it really their fault? We’re all just a product of genetics and environment. Should we really seek to punish republicans.?

I have no idea if he backs project 25 or not, but didn't you in another thread say that truth doesn't matter, perception does?

If enough people think Trump is backing this because of how many of his former administration is behind it, people are likely to make that jump that Trump also is behind this.

Right or wrong, it seems like a lot of people think he backs this, which could be a problem for him.
He obviously backs provisions regarding replacing career,non-partisan civil servants with Trump loyalists. They've already been vetting candidates...


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