Players are developing -kudos to TC

Let 'er Fly

Feb 12, 2005
TW has obviously raised his game. The reduction in TOs and better shot selection deserves kudos to TW and TC. Hartman keeps getting better and TC is using him effectively. Holt keeps improving ever so slightly. (I would still like Holt to get more PT but it obviously did not hurt them today. Some will say Hartman was great, but holt's stats and contributions were just as significant I feel.). Z is being more selective in what he attempts. Of course, hitting 3s as we did makes all seem good.
Agreed. Max had his most efficient stat line of the day

He may be a wild card the rest of the season.
he made

Two quick defensive mistakes in the second half and got pulled, but in the first half he really contributed. I think he will be a good player for us, in spurts this year, and especially down the road after he gets stronger.
MAX had that putback slam on a rebound, where they called him

for over the back. What aggravates me is this..... if that were any of the Kentucky players or Louisville players
or teams ranked in the top five that did that.... it wouldn't have been called a foul.... it would have been an ESPN highlight clip.

I really didn't think it was a foul myself.... because Max was the only one high enough to reach the ball.

But that could be cause he used the other players shoulder to lift off on. :) Hence why they called it.

As usual.... I'm just rambling here. :)
TW is really developing

I remember early in the season when I thought he was our worst player because for every shot he made, he made another 4 stupid plays. Yesterday he was effective, and you can tell the game is slowing down for him. If he ever develops a jump shot, he could be dangerous.