Our Bigs

Our bigs don’t seem to have real finesse around the bucket...too many strong armed cannon shots with no chance of going in once ball leaves fingers. Oh sure, we’ve seen glimpses of fancy footwork and such, high flying dunks with a windmill jam once. We’ve just left too many points off the scoreboard because our bigs don’t have a sense of where that basket is when distracted so easily in traffic. Someone (note to self) needs to do a year end composite YouTube video of nothing but errant shots, the whole gamut from the sublime to the ridiculous. Throw in the bonehead unforced errors, too, if you must. You could have fun deciding later what music to provide in the background. Maybe Fish’s radio comments would bring a bigger smile. Then at the end, have the one photo of Bob where he says, “Miss Me Yet?”. Lord have mercy there have been many flaws of this team. They do have good moments-all the boys- the whole team, but they lack the instinct common to a lot of killers. I bet it would get a million hits after about 20 years. Maybe someday your grand-baby will say, “Look what my grandpa he done here would so happy be if but he not here today.” Think about it and do it so I can see it whenever I feel need to agitate myself.

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