
Aug 31, 2004
Howdy all,

This is wayyyyy off topic, and I apologize.

I hate cancer.

In the last few years I've witnessed way too many peoples'
bodies betray and kill them. I could give money to cancer research (a very good
thing), but that never felt like enough.

Turns out there is something all of us can do to possibly
make a difference for at least some people: join the bone marrow donation

I learned about it from watching a Nebraska game, and as I
read more about it I became convinced that this was something I should do.
There's only roughly a 1 in 500 chance that I might actually be needed for a
donation, so I might never help a single person, but at least there's a chance
that I could make a real difference for someone.

In case you are wondering, bone marrow donations help kids
with leukemia go into remission and they can help other cancer patients recover
from radiation therapy that has destroyed their bone marrow.

How does this tie into Peegs? A lot of our threads get
thousands of views. This got me to thinking that there might be some other
folks around here who might be interested in joining the registry; we might be
able to give some kid somewhere a chance at life.

Anyhow, if this interests you at all, check out the link I
put below to the bone marrow registry. You can join it for free, although you
can also provide a donation to help offset the costs associated with registering.


This post was edited on 2/2 11:36 AM by MyWifeRocks

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