On another note...what the actual f--- are you doing Tucker?


Hall of Famer
Mar 7, 2004
I do ascribe to the view that stupid people should be able to say stupid things so we can point and laugh at them, but if you are going to platform the person, you have to actually do a little of that pushing yourself.
I do ascribe to the view that stupid people should be able to say stupid things so we can point and laugh at them, but if you are going to platform the person, you have to actually do a little of that pushing yourself.
The Tuck dog is great. An American treasure. However, this interview is evidence of him wanting to be contrarian just for the sake of being contrarian. Audience capture. His audience expects him to question every narrative so………. “Maybe we were the bad guys in WW2?”.

It’s the logical conclusion of questioning every sacred cow. Few things are more sacred to the American National consciousness than our role in WW2.
Dan Carlin called him a fascist. Cooper says that all those bodies in the camps just died, they weren't murdered. The Germans were good record keepers. They sold 23 tons of Zyklon B to Auschwitz. 6 tons were used for fumigation. The remaining 17 tons I suppose were just lost? Maybe guards were stealing it and taking it home to their kids.
The Tuck dog is great. An American treasure. However, this interview is evidence of him wanting to be contrarian just for the sake of being contrarian.

One of the marks of the Intellectual Dark Web and the Alt-Right, in general, is an addiction to contrarianism. The idea is that if most people (aka “sheeple”) think “X,” then, chances are, “Y” is secretly right. We got a great example of this on Monday as Tucker Carlson proudly dedicated two hours of his program to a “historian” who believes that the real villain of World War II was Churchill.​

One of the marks of the Intellectual Dark Web and the Alt-Right, in general, is an addiction to contrarianism. The idea is that if most people (aka “sheeple”) think “X,” then, chances are, “Y” is secretly right. We got a great example of this on Monday as Tucker Carlson proudly dedicated two hours of his program to a “historian” who believes that the real villain of World War II was Churchill.​

Tucker Carlson is not part of the IDW. He couldn’t sniff their jocks - although Sam Harris has rampant TDS and Bret Weinstein has lost his focus too.

Without contrarianism people would accept certain untruths (eg that gender affirming hormone care actually helps pre pubescent kids, or that cops are killing black people at certain rates). But this level of contrarianism is purely for attention and ratings and is next-level stupid.
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One of the marks of the Intellectual Dark Web and the Alt-Right, in general, is an addiction to contrarianism. The idea is that if most people (aka “sheeple”) think “X,” then, chances are, “Y” is secretly right. We got a great example of this on Monday as Tucker Carlson proudly dedicated two hours of his program to a “historian” who believes that the real villain of World War II was Churchill.​

I see "sheepie" being used constantly by cult members in comment sections of any yt video critical of Trump. Now that you lay it all out as a Dark web phenomenon it all makes sense. I swear every time I start to read thru those type of posts I hear the theme from Twilight Zone in the background...
Dan Carlin called him a fascist. Cooper says that all those bodies in the camps just died, they weren't murdered. The Germans were good record keepers. They sold 23 tons of Zyklon B to Auschwitz. 6 tons were used for fumigation. The remaining 17 tons I suppose were just lost? Maybe guards were stealing it and taking it home to their kids.
Where did the ZB go?
What bullshit are you spewing now?
I happened upon this guy’s podcast about a year ago. Quite honestly, I remember coming away pretty impressed.

Little did I know…..
I happened upon this guy’s podcast about a year ago. Quite honestly, I remember coming away pretty impressed.

Little did I know…..

I was telling Brad in a message that people with crazy ideas usually know not to lead with them. Build up trust, then blame Churchill

I am listening to the Fall of the Third Republic by Shirer. Literally yesterday was the Sudetenland crisis, and though the book isn't on Chamberlain, he featured heavily. No way Churchill is to blame after Chamberlain gave Hitler EVERY opportunity. Plus, how is Churchill to blame for the invasion of Russia?
I do ascribe to the view that stupid people should be able to say stupid things so we can point and laugh at them, but if you are going to platform the person, you have to actually do a little of that pushing yourself.
Wow! It’s disgusting and shameful that Carlson takes this guy seriously. When did Carlson lose his mind? He wasn’t always a nut.
Wow! It’s disgusting and shameful that Carlson takes this guy seriously. When did Carlson lose his mind? He wasn’t always a nut.
I think it is the contrarianism mentioned above mixef with a need to drive clicks. To put in the context of sports on this sports website, he did the Indiana Sports Journalist equivalent of dropping an "Indiana is the 4th best basketball program in the state" article in a slow news week. How many hate clicks and rubber neckers did Carlson pull in with that interview? Absurdity and poking known large online groups drives clicks and clicks drive income.
I think it is the contrarianism mentioned above mixef with a need to drive clicks. To put in the context of sports on this sports website, he did the Indiana Sports Journalist equivalent of dropping an "Indiana is the 4th best basketball program in the state" article in a slow news week. How many hate clicks and rubber neckers did Carlson pull in with that interview? Absurdity and poking known large online groups drives clicks and clicks drive income.

It is a sad indictment on the modern age, though true.
Daryl cooper is awesome. So somebody thinks outside the box and all the people that are brainwashed followers of the MIC and MSM are up in arms about something that happened 80 years ago.

Another great listen is Scott horton.
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Daryl cooper is awesome. So somebody thinks outside the box and all the people that are brainwashed followers of the MIC and MSM are up in arms about something that happened 80 years ago.

Another great listen is Scott horton.

Defending Hitler isn't just thinking outside the box, something 99% of us have known since WW2.

If he blamed the crew of the Arizona for Pearl, you wouldn't say he was just thinking outside the box.

He is making a grave error of the historical record. Grace errors are not just thinking outside the box. The only obvious answer, he has a soft spot for Hitler. Hitler was the ultimate nationalist. Just like some nationalists now have a soft spot for Putin.
Daryl cooper is awesome. So somebody thinks outside the box and all the people that are brainwashed followers of the MIC and MSM are up in arms about something that happened 80 years ago.

Another great listen is Scott horton.
It was a shit take. There is a certain point that is reached in being "open minded" where your brain has basically fallen out of your head. Making the allies the bad guys in WW2 and thinking that is some great outside the box thinking is that point.
He's got Whitlock jumping in.

Listen. I am about as right wing as they come. The fact that so many people on our side of the aisle are jumping into this nonsense isn't a good thing. The Allied powers (namely England/Chamberlain) bent over backwards for Hitler. Yeah, there didn't need to be a war as long as France and England were willing to keep sacrificing countries to Hitler....until the point where there was a need for a war because of his insatiable appetite for conquest.

Hitler broke treaties and reoccupied the Rhineland in 1936. No war.

Germany completed Anschluss with Austria in March of 1938. No war.

The Sudetenland annexed in October of 1938. No war again, mainly because Chamberlain had gotten Hitler to pinky swear he was done with the Sudetenland and had secured "Peace in our time". The French and English were willing to surrender parts of Central Europe that were mostly Germanic in an attempt to avoid another continental war.

Hitler repaid that by occupying the Czech part of Czechoslavakia in March of 1939 and the Slovak part was divided up mostly to Hungary. Still no war.

Then September of 1939 rolls around and Hitler blitzes Poland. The French and English had a standing agreement to defend the Poles and finally came to their senses and said, "You know what, this Hitler guy's word is for shit and he is gobbling up countries left and right."

So yeah, I guess war could have been avoided had France and England just let Hitler run over Europe. As it was, he did that anyway even with them opposing him and then he launched a war into Asia and took over the Italians' fight in North Africa as well.

And this short history lesson is all to say that this whole avoidable war and maybe the Allies were some of the baddies in WW2 "history" is one of the largest crocks of shit to ever be lobbed out there. It's ****ing stupid. Tucker was stupid for not staring that guy in the face and challenging him on his bull shit. Instead he played along with the dumbassery.

My Grandfather fought in WW2. He was a pretty solid Republican voter for most of his adult life. This strain of contrarianism and outright revisionist Nazi sympathizing would have him rolling in his grave. Some of these jackasses are becoming the West, America hating douchebags that they themselves used to rail against just a few years ago. Anybody who thinks Winston freaking Churchill was the bad guy in WW2 isn't somebody I want on my team. **** that "historian" and **** Tucker for going along with that stupid shit.
Listen. I am about as right wing as they come. The fact that so many people on our side of the aisle are jumping into this nonsense isn't a good thing. The Allied powers (namely England/Chamberlain) bent over backwards for Hitler. Yeah, there didn't need to be a war as long as France and England were willing to keep sacrificing countries to Hitler....until the point where there was a need for a war because of his insatiable appetite for conquest.

Hitler broke treaties and reoccupied the Rhineland in 1936. No war.

Germany completed Anschluss with Austria in March of 1938. No war.

The Sudetenland annexed in October of 1938. No war again, mainly because Chamberlain had gotten Hitler to pinky swear he was done with the Sudetenland and had secured "Peace in our time". The French and English were willing to surrender parts of Central Europe that were mostly Germanic in an attempt to avoid another continental war.

Hitler repaid that by occupying the Czech part of Czechoslavakia in March of 1939 and the Slovak part was divided up mostly to Hungary. Still no war.

Then September of 1939 rolls around and Hitler blitzes Poland. The French and English had a standing agreement to defend the Poles and finally came to their senses and said, "You know what, this Hitler guy's word is for shit and he is gobbling up countries left and right."

So yeah, I guess war could have been avoided had France and England just let Hitler run over Europe. As it was, he did that anyway even with them opposing him and then he launched a war into Asia and took over the Italians' fight in North Africa as well.

And this short history lesson is all to say that this whole avoidable war and maybe the Allies were some of the baddies in WW2 "history" is one of the largest crocks of shit to ever be lobbed out there. It's ****ing stupid. Tucker was stupid for not staring that guy in the face and challenging him on his bull shit. Instead he played along with the dumbassery.

My Grandfather fought in WW2. He was a pretty solid Republican voter for most of his adult life. This strain of contrarianism and outright revisionist Nazi sympathizing would have him rolling in his grave. Some of these jackasses are becoming the West, America hating douchebags that they themselves used to rail against just a few years ago. Anybody who thinks Winston freaking Churchill was the bad guy in WW2 isn't somebody I want on my team. **** that "historian" and **** Tucker for going along with that stupid shit.

The mentally ill and morally bankrupt were let into the tent 8 years ago. They've setup a permanent home now. Good luck ever fumigating the place to get rid of them now. You better get used to it... This is the new American right that isn't leaving.

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The mentally ill and morally bankrupt were let into the tent 8 years ago. They've setup a permanent home now. Good luck ever fumigating the place to get rid of them now. You better get used to it... This is the new American right that isn't leaving.

We'll see how it goes. I think this is more of the online right than it is the rank and file. Most people just aren't as in tune with this stuff.

Honestly, sometimes for my own peace of mind, I wonder why I am.
Listen. I am about as right wing as they come. The fact that so many people on our side of the aisle are jumping into this nonsense isn't a good thing. The Allied powers (namely England/Chamberlain) bent over backwards for Hitler. Yeah, there didn't need to be a war as long as France and England were willing to keep sacrificing countries to Hitler....until the point where there was a need for a war because of his insatiable appetite for conquest.

Hitler broke treaties and reoccupied the Rhineland in 1936. No war.

Germany completed Anschluss with Austria in March of 1938. No war.

The Sudetenland annexed in October of 1938. No war again, mainly because Chamberlain had gotten Hitler to pinky swear he was done with the Sudetenland and had secured "Peace in our time". The French and English were willing to surrender parts of Central Europe that were mostly Germanic in an attempt to avoid another continental war.

Hitler repaid that by occupying the Czech part of Czechoslavakia in March of 1939 and the Slovak part was divided up mostly to Hungary. Still no war.

Then September of 1939 rolls around and Hitler blitzes Poland. The French and English had a standing agreement to defend the Poles and finally came to their senses and said, "You know what, this Hitler guy's word is for shit and he is gobbling up countries left and right."

So yeah, I guess war could have been avoided had France and England just let Hitler run over Europe. As it was, he did that anyway even with them opposing him and then he launched a war into Asia and took over the Italians' fight in North Africa as well.

And this short history lesson is all to say that this whole avoidable war and maybe the Allies were some of the baddies in WW2 "history" is one of the largest crocks of shit to ever be lobbed out there. It's ****ing stupid. Tucker was stupid for not staring that guy in the face and challenging him on his bull shit. Instead he played along with the dumbassery.

My Grandfather fought in WW2. He was a pretty solid Republican voter for most of his adult life. This strain of contrarianism and outright revisionist Nazi sympathizing would have him rolling in his grave. Some of these jackasses are becoming the West, America hating douchebags that they themselves used to rail against just a few years ago. Anybody who thinks Winston freaking Churchill was the bad guy in WW2 isn't somebody I want on my team. **** that "historian" and **** Tucker for going along with that stupid shit.
I know Germans who profess to loathe Hitler, but draw a moral equivalency with the Holocaust and our treatment of Indians.

I'm never quite sure how to respond to that, so I just don't try.

Oh, and anti-Semitism is still very strong in Europe and is kept in check only because people can be thrown in jail for espousing it.

Personally, I blame France for WWII. If they hadn't allowed the Germans to occupy the Rhineland, when France had a much larger army, chances are Germany wouldn't have been so bold in seeking their other conquests.

In the end, it was Hitler's war, but other countries, including the US, who had our heads in the sand, could have nipped him in the bud, militarily.
I know Germans who profess to loathe Hitler, but draw a moral equivalency with the Holocaust and our treatment of Indians.

I'm never quite sure how to respond to that, so I just don't try.

Oh, and anti-Semitism is still very strong in Europe and is kept in check only because people can be thrown in jail for espousing it.

Personally, I blame France for WWII. If they hadn't allowed the Germans to occupy the Rhineland, when France had a much larger army, chances are Germany wouldn't have been so bold in seeking their other conquests.

In the end, it was Hitler's war, but other countries, including the US, who had our heads in the sand, could have nipped him in the bud, militarily.
Your last point is VDH's point in the article I linked. Our culpability was in not being forceful enough and that certainly didn't fall on Churchill.
Your last point is VDH's point in the article I linked. Our culpability was in not being forceful enough and that certainly didn't fall on Churchill.
Well, you know, VDH and I are pretty much on the same intellectual level.......
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Lyndon LaRouche was fervently anti British, I wonder if this Churchill nonsense just follows from him and his pack.
Serious question. Did anyone actually watch the interview?
I won't lie I did not. I assumed he was arguing that while Hitler was by far the worst person ever and is burning in hell right now much of the death and destruction of WWII could have been prevented had they simply appeased him a bit.
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Serious question. Did anyone actually watch the interview?
The WW2 parts, yes.

He drops enough nuggets in there that my perception of him is that he is one of the "clean" white nationalists, the guys who are smart enough not to be Cletus running around in a hood and a robe. That is for the rubes. So what he does is let you think he is letting you in on some forbidden fruit. "We can't talk about this from the German POV". Which is complete nonsense. The German POV with respect to the Weimar period and the response to WW1 is covered in EVERY class that does any kind of even mediocre dive on the topic. But see, he is giving you the forbidden fruit. And he gets his toe in the door by making you think you are getting some secretive knowledge (that isn't really a secret to anyone) and uses that as a precursor to feeding you what he really intends. "Hitler had conquered all of Europe and then told Britain, hey, let's cool it and Churchill is bad because he continued the war when it was basically over....." Why would Churchill do these things inquiring minds like Tucker want to know and he quickly brings up Zionism and ashkenazi jews in Eastern Europe.....and that is where he sinks his hooks in.

Admittedly, that is where I decided I had heard enough. I have seen this tactic enough to know where it is going. The wolf in sheep's clothing that has employed since the Garden of Eden in Genesis.
The WW2 parts, yes.

He drops enough nuggets in there that my perception of him is that he is one of the "clean" white nationalists, the guys who are smart enough not to be Cletus running around in a hood and a robe. That is for the rubes. So what he does is let you think he is letting you in on some forbidden fruit. "We can't talk about this from the German POV". Which is complete nonsense. The German POV with respect to the Weimar period and the response to WW1 is covered in EVERY class that does any kind of even mediocre dive on the topic. But see, he is giving you the forbidden fruit. And he gets his toe in the door by making you think you are getting some secretive knowledge (that isn't really a secret to anyone) and uses that as a precursor to feeding you what he really intends. "Hitler had conquered all of Europe and then told Britain, hey, let's cool it and Churchill is bad because he continued the war when it was basically over....." Why would Churchill do these things inquiring minds like Tucker want to know and he quickly brings up Zionism and ashkenazi jews in Eastern Europe.....and that is where he sinks his hooks in.

Admittedly, that is where I decided I had heard enough. I have seen this tactic enough to know where it is going. TheI wolf in sheep's clothing that has employed since the Garden of Eden in Genesis.
I liked the 'we can't really talk about this yet, because it's too soon' types of statements.

Basically saying "I can't come out and directly blame anyone else, like Jews or Churchhill, but after more generations have passed, we can do that".

I can't wait to hear how the US forced Japan to bomb Pearly Harbor.
I liked the 'we can't really talk about this yet, because it's too soon' types of statements.

Basically saying "I can't come out and directly blame anyone else, like Jews or Churchhill, but after more generations have passed, we can do that".

I can't wait to hear how the US forced Japan to bomb Pearly Harbor.

That's out there. It is a combination of our very effective embargo and that we knew they were coming but needed the Pacific Fleet destroyed so we could declare war on Germany.

And yes, the embargo was damn effective, maybe the most effective of any embargo. Japan was desperate for oil. All that is true. We never had a clue they were coming. The Japanese changed their code just before leaving, they also changed their call signs. The radio operators of a couple of ships were transferred to island stations and sent fake signals, knowing that we could tell it was the usual Akagi radio operator sending it. It was all very elaborate, and we had very little chance to break it in a month.

And we were mired in old thinking, Billy Mitchell wasn't yet a hero. We firmly refused to believe that carriers were the new ultimate naval weapon.

Oh, and we only declared war on Germany after Germany declared war on us. America wasn't wanting revenge on Hitler, I'm not sure we would have declared on Germany without the German gambit.
That's out there. It is a combination of our very effective embargo and that we knew they were coming but needed the Pacific Fleet destroyed so we could declare war on Germany.

And yes, the embargo was damn effective, maybe the most effective of any embargo. Japan was desperate for oil. All that is true. We never had a clue they were coming. The Japanese changed their code just before leaving, they also changed their call signs. The radio operators of a couple of ships were transferred to island stations and sent fake signals, knowing that we could tell it was the usual Akagi radio operator sending it. It was all very elaborate, and we had very little chance to break it in a month.

And we were mired in old thinking, Billy Mitchell wasn't yet a hero. We firmly refused to believe that carriers were the new ultimate naval weapon.

Oh, and we only declared war on Germany after Germany declared war on us. America wasn't wanting revenge on Hitler, I'm not sure we would have declared on Germany without the German gambit.
Oh, I know all that is out there - I've heard it posited before that we caused it.

The US Navy was like the Secret Service in Butler, PA. They were blissfully ignorant of the threat, even though Billy Mitchell predicted it in 1932.

I've had many discussions with people who think we declared war on Germany right after Pearl.
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I liked the 'we can't really talk about this yet, because it's too soon' types of statements.

Basically saying "I can't come out and directly blame anyone else, like Jews or Churchhill, but after more generations have passed, we can do that".

I can't wait to hear how the US forced Japan to bomb Pearly Harbor.


That's fake news. Everyone knows it was the Germans that did that horrible shit.

Come on man.
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