OK no more

No more citing CNN. Fired three members of their 'crack' investigative unit and retracted their work.
Yet another example of the divide.

I'm not exactly sure what your point is, but I imagine in your world-view this is some kind of example of "liberals" doing something and somehow it's indicative of something amiss with "liberalism".

For folks on the other side, it's an interesting story, but (1) it's not about "liberals" and (2) CNN is pretty horrible because of its many flaws and biases (of which political left vs right is near the bottom), so this story might be a further indictment of CNN due to those long-understood flaws, biases and failures. But yes, it's interesting because the state of journalism is and has been a declining force (graded on traditional journalism standards) and CNN's place in that world is a notable one. Luckily, we still have real newspapers still trying to adhere to those higher standards (even if they too have erred too often and are subject to some of the same media-tainment pressures).

I personally don't know anyone who's ever cited CNN as a source for some breaking piece of hard reporting (as opposed to sharing a convenient link to some hardly new piece of 'news').
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Yet another example of the divide.

I'm not exactly sure what your point is, but I imagine in your world-view this is some kind of example of "liberals" doing something and somehow it's indicative of something amiss with "liberalism".

For folks on the other side, it's an interesting story, but (1) it's not about "liberals" and (2) CNN is pretty horrible because of its many flaws and biases (of which political left vs right is near the bottom), so this story might be a further indictment of CNN due to those long-understood flaws, biases and failures. But yes, it's interesting because the state of journalism is and has been a declining force (graded on traditional journalism standards) and CNN's place in that world is a notable one. Luckily, we still have real newspapers still trying to adhere to those higher standards (even if they too have erred too often and are subject to some of the same media-tainment pressures).

I personally don't know anyone who's ever cited CNN as a source for some breaking piece of hard reporting (as opposed to sharing a convenient link to some hardly new piece of 'news').
And this is the News source the left hang their hats on as being factual.
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Are you posting this in your capacity as an individual poster or as His High Lord The Most Arrogant Controller Of Partisan Bullshit And Ruler Of Lies? The forum needs to know.

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And this is the News source the left hang their hats on as being factual.

Actually, the left leaning folks I know watch a few shows on MSNBC. The foremost among them being Rachel Maddow. She's apparently has the number one show now, so a lot of people are watching her.

I dare you to watch a week of her shows. It will piss you off. But it's good to hear the "other" side. I think you'll find that she's got a point of view, but it's almost always meticulously well supported.

You should watch her show on the DACA decision, particularly through the lens of Jeff Sessions and what he believes. It was pretty good last night.

CNN isn't that great of a network, but at least they took care of issues once they discovered there were issues.

Sean Hannity still somehow has a job after all the BS he kept repeating re: Seth Rich when it was very clear that it just wasn't true.

There's different standards for different networks. And fox has had and continues to have probably the lowest journalistic integrity among all major news outlets. And it's been that way for years. Rupert Murdoch was unapologetic in announcing that fox wasn't meant to be a true news outlet- it was going to have a right-wing slanted point of view and didn't apologize for having it.

So... you should know by now who owns which slant. But journalism is hard, and sometimes mistakes are made. And when those happen, there are consequences. At most places, anyway ;)

All that being said, the fact that CNN fired these folks (costly) is a good thing for their integrity. Not a bad thing.

I guess I'm not really sure what the point of your post was originally. Other than it being a classic example of whataboutism, and attempt to continue to divide based on tribalism.

Cmon man. You can do better. Please post something that challenges us. Or allows us to debate a topic/subject.
I'm sorry, what exactly is your point here? They fired the employees for this. Doesn't this reflect positively on CNN?

This is why you libs don't get it. It shows their total weakness to admit wrongdoing. CNN would get more respect if they told critics to shove it and doubled down on their wrongdoing. o_O
Yet Fox lies directly to your face all day, every day, with impunity and you're cool with it! Got it!

GREAT! You can be the board's Fox News expert since you seem to know all about it. I didn't know you were such a big fan of and expert on Fox.

And you're pretty good at avoiding the issue of CNN's dishonesty.
Are you posting this in your capacity as an individual poster or as His High Lord The Most Arrogant Controller Of Partisan Bullshit And Ruler Of Lies? The forum needs to know.
I do not have any management position on this board, no matter how insulting you choose to be, that's not me. I am merely a poster. On the other hand, you are BOTH a moderator and a poster and don't seem to be able to separate one from the other. Now, about scheduling some anger management training for you.....
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I do not have any management position on this board, no matter how insulting you choose to be, that's not me. I am merely a poster. On the other hand, you are BOTH a moderator and a poster and don't seem to be able to separate one from the other. Now, about scheduling some anger management training for you.....
Why is it the left seems angry in general about every subject posted? Hell one poster is pissed DT is doing what the left wants so he is berating him for doing something he feels the pubs dislike. Funny chit.
Why is it the left seems angry in general about every subject posted? Hell one poster is pissed DT is doing what the left wants so he is berating him for doing something he feels the pubs dislike. Funny chit.
Have you read your own posts? You got all pissed off the other day about what bathrooms people use.
Why is it the left seems angry in general about every subject posted? Hell one poster is pissed DT is doing what the left wants so he is berating him for doing something he feels the pubs dislike. Funny chit.
You seem to have it backwards. You guys are the ones full of anger. So much so you can't take a little ribbing about it.
the entities that literally own the internet and cable tv in the US, Comcast, AT&T, Charter, Verizon, also literally own CNN. MSNBC, NBC, CNBC, TBS, TNT, HBO, Dream Works Animation, Universal and Warner Brothers Studios, Yahoo, AOL, while Fox News, Fox Radio, CBS Broadcasting, The Wall Street Journal, Times Ledger newspapers, Barrons, New York Post, Disney/ABC/ESPN, Viacom, The CW, Big 10 Network, SEC Network, Sinclair/Tribune Broadcasting, Gannett Newspapers, all have either "the" major share, or "a" major share, of their revenues directly tied to the revenues of Comcast, AT&T, Charter, and Verizon..

in short, the revenues of virtually your entire media, major news outlets, a huge percent of newspapers, most of Hollywood, is either directly tied to how much you pay for cable tv and the internet, or literally owned by the entities that literally own the internet and cable tv.

meanwhile, the entities that own the internet and cable tv have their revenues very much tied to the FCC and FTC as well as congress and the senate. (and they basically own both the FCC and FTC when the GOP is in control, and not that much less with the Dems any more).

meanwhile, with the exception of a Trump type character who brings his fame with him, not many congressmen or senators or even prez candidates want MSNBC, NBC, Fox, Fox News, Fox Radio, Disney/ABC/ESPN, Gannett Newspapers, Sinclair/Tribune Media, The Wall Street Journal and NY Post, against them.

so keep playing GOP vs Dems all you want guys, that's what they want you concentrating on.

meanwhile the entities that literally own the internet, (thus have the power to control all future commerce and social media on it absent regulation/legislation reigning them in) and own cable tv, also literally own or control virtually all the major media outlets and the film industry.

MSNBC, Fox News, CNN, are all on the same team, all want most of the same things on economic policy, and want literally all the same things on telecom policy. (they'll let the little people fight it out on social issues though).. you guys and the country just haven't realized it yet.

try to see the real problem here people, as things are getting more concentrated all the time.

or course, you'll never hear of any of this in the media. wonder why?
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Ribbing? Ribs? Is this more racist shit? What's next, watermelon and fried chicken?
Well now if a pub had made that statement the entire board would be full of racist comments. Sounds like you know a little about southern fixins. That make you racist?
Well now if a pub had made that statement the entire board would be full of racist comments. Sounds like you know a little about southern fixins. That make you racist?

You seem to have it backwards. You guys are the ones full of anger. So much so you can't take a little ribbing about it.