No Search Committee Consultants, let Glass hire the new coach

Time for a great hire for IU, possibly a Home Run hire.
Consultants don't hire anyone. All they do is play middleman between the prospective coach's "people" and the AD, gauging interest/availability and demands (salary or otherwise). They may also provide some basic vetting/evaluations. They then provide a pool of interested/vetted prospects for the AD to pursue.
It will be a home run experienced coach this time. The big $ is available like it hasn't been before. You're going to see a big league offer to an elite coach.
Let's put Eddie Fogler on the case. A true basketball yenta. And watch IU hire someone like Lon Kruger (who prolly wouldn't be all that bad and reasonably priced).
Let's put Eddie Fogler on the case. A true basketball yenta. And watch IU hire someone like Lon Kruger (who prolly wouldn't be all that bad and reasonably priced).
Have you been following planes yet? I loved that from the last search
Have you been following planes yet? I loved that from the last search
Let's put Eddie Fogler on the case. A true basketball yenta. And watch IU hire someone like Lon Kruger (who prolly wouldn't be all that bad and reasonably priced).

Kruger isn't old enough. Is Ray Meyer still alive? LMAO He'd be perfect for our rebuild...

And yeah, the obsessive plane tracking was pretty impressive. I'm sure that we'll get there soon enough. It's the quiet before silly season begins in earnest.
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It will be a home run experienced coach this time. The big $ is available like it hasn't been before. You're going to see a big league offer to an elite coach.

I hope you're right. But there are only 2 elite coaches on our radar. It would probably take an offer of around 10 years/$100M to get the first to even give us a look and I'll fall down if we offer anywhere near that. Donovan seems more realistic but he'd probably be at least $8M year if he has any interest. I'm not saying you're wrong just that I'll believe it when I see it.

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