There was a lot....
not to like about Coach Knight, however I supported him as our coach, and in spite of his shortcomings. I've been a supporter of all of our IU coaches as long as they're here. When they no longer deserve the support of those who make employee decisions at IU, then there is no reason for me to support that person as a coach at IU. I'll support the people who follow those no longer at the school.
Bottom-line, too many use a measuring stick that includes only wins and losses. Although wins and losses are terribly important, I think it's the stronger people who look beyond them in justifying overall coaching performance. Win and loss records were once enough to justify keeping an imperfect man on the job, but it also made people, outside of IU, to look upon the school as willing to put up with most anything in the name of winning.
And then, we hire a cheater who only cemented some of those outside thoughts about IU's bent on winning and losing. We not only had to start over in our basketball program, we needed to redefine what it was all about, especially outside winning and losing. Some point out the lack of responsible thinking of a few of our players, in the recent past, as a knock on the coach, although he had no physical part in any of it. And yet, some of the same people saw little wrong with a coach, directly involved in his own lack of responsible thinking, many times over. Anyone think wins and losses had/have anything to do with such thinking?