
UNC for ages has generally ran with a 2nd PG or a CG with ballhandling and facilitation ability at the 2 spot and bigger more athletic players at the 3... Mullins doesn't fit in their normal lineup dynamic unless he drastically improves his ballhandling and passing.

That system is not a good fit for him.
You need to go watch his film again my guy…his ball handling and passing are ELITE.
You need to go watch his film again my guy…his ball handling and passing are ELITE
ELITE, in comparison with other high level, power 4 capable, guards... no, he's not an elite ball handler or passer.

ELITE in comparison to normal humans, sure.

He's a better than average athlete. He's an ELITE shooter. And he can handle the ball and distribute the ball well enough for it to not be a huge weakness. If he were elite in those areas, he'd be a top 5 rated recruit. But on the flip side, if he were deficient in those areas, IU, UConn, UNC, and many others wouldn't be clamoring for him.