More JuJu Smoke

Have you ever seen a program lose 3 scholarship QB’s because of an incoming freshman? To think a true freshman Lewis would be named the starting QB without a competition is a major reach.

I probably should have used and/or. And I didn't mean they'd leave after his commitment. But your point is well taken. Like I said, just speculating.
Coaches recruit the best players possible and if someone hits the portal, they aren't the competitors IU needs.
The 5th year seniors and grad student types are what we need. You get great depth and experience. Coaching changes aren’t an indication of them running away from competition either. Maybe they are worth more at another situation etc.

Edit: I understand that’s not exactly what you are saying.
Problem with QB position is that backups only play in games that are out of reach or when starter is injured.

Hard to fault someone that sees the situation and wants to go somewhere else that gives them a better chance at playing. Chances drop to near 0 for making the NFL if on the bench.

If we get lewis, then I bet we lose 1 or 2 qbs that we were expecting to return. So lewis or not, ccc will likely need to bring in a qb from the portal.
What if we lose Cherry, Mendoza, and TJ? Is he worth that? Just speculating.
I also think we might lose one or two QBs if Lewis comes to IU. But you certainly cannot turn him down because you are concerned about losing anyone. We may lose TJ or Cherry even if Lewis does not come when one of them wins the job next year. You just have to keep recruiting the best you can and let the transfer portal do its thing.
The only other negative I see to getting Lewis it will take most of the NIL resources to get him here. Which would leave less for other positions. Think of it like a salary cap. There is only so much, should it be spent on one big fish or spread around.
The only other negative I see to getting Lewis it will take most of the NIL resources to get him here. Which would leave less for other positions. Think of it like a salary cap. There is only so much, should it be spent on one big fish or spread around.
NIL won't be a problem on either front--getting him to come and dealing with other players. We are a lot better off than people think.....
The only other negative I see to getting Lewis it will take most of the NIL resources to get him here. Which would leave less for other positions. Think of it like a salary cap. There is only so much, should it be spent on one big fish or spread around.
schools can pay players directly starting next year. Plus, having Lewis probably gets us in the door with other recruits.

That's why they were saying in one of the videos that JuJu is worth more to us than to USC who doesn't really need the publicity of a big time commit because they'll just get another one.
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Watchn Juju now on bspn 2 and so far not too impressed with his arm! Underthrew a wr and almost picked, and got picked on the next throw! Threw a quick hitch and the wr rac’d for a td though! Been handing off every other play.
college gameday sport GIF

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