Minneapolis post Floyd. Quite an indictment on


Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2019
Progressive policies and their lingering consequences. Interesting read. Surprised to see that from cnn

I see it as police being petty and vindictive to certain communities.. and not doing the f**king job they were hired to do.

You are so completely FOS ...
I see it as police being petty and vindictive to certain communities.. and not doing the f**king job they were hired to do.

You are so completely FOS ...
You see it 🤣🤣🤣. Remember context is important. You post with the knowledge of a fifth grader. Your posts are of no value because you know nothing. You had no idea about soros’ funding. 990s. Policing. Yet you continue to post. You’re a vapid blinkard progressive who doesn’t even live in a city lmao - that’s your foundation dummy. What’s sad is that it doesn’t stop you.

Stick to monosyllabic grunts
Progressive policies and their lingering consequences. Interesting read. Surprised to see that from cnn

Terrific article. All kinds of nuance in the conversation. Very few platitudes and it treats a complex subject thoughtfully.

So, of course, it's the kind of threadstarter that doesn't get much conversation. 🤨
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Terrific article. All kinds of nuance in the conversation. Very few platitudes and it treats a complex subject thoughtfully.

So, of course, it's the kind of threadstarter that doesn't get much conversation. 🤨
good, thorough article with insight from actual residents. as a tangent i have noticed a trend from cnn of far more balanced reporting. you can read a headline and know immediately that it'll be a fox article. cnn was that way as well - not as much anymore.
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good, thorough article with insight from actual residents. as a tangent i have noticed a trend from cnn of far more balanced reporting. you can read a headline and know immediately that it'll be a fox article. cnn was that way as well - not as much anymore.
Zucker and Licht were personality content people. Thompson is much more of a serious news guy. I'm not sure how Thompson is going to coexist with Zas, but initial indications suggest it is one positive development at WBD.
good, thorough article with insight from actual residents. as a tangent i have noticed a trend from cnn of far more balanced reporting. you can read a headline and know immediately that it'll be a fox article. cnn was that way as well - not as much anymore.
Agree. I actually am starting to respect CNN as an actual news organization again. Imagine a loss of those who keep law and order leading to increased violent crime. In the words from Princess Bride…. Inconceivable
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Progressive policies and their lingering consequences. Interesting read. Surprised to see that from cnn

93 people getting murdered in a city of 425K is a lot. I did the math. That is 7.75 a month. As the article said the police pull out the criminals celebrate and then there is violence and anarchy. Very sad.
I see it as police being petty and vindictive to certain communities.. and not doing the f**king job they were hired to do.

You are so completely FOS ...
Humans are going to human. If you berate and belittle someone for doing their job long enough, they’ll stop doing it.

Maybe you and your Marxist pals should stop treating people like shit and expecting them to be angels in return.
93 people getting murdered in a city of 425K is a lot. I did the math. That is 7.75 a month. As the article said the police pull out the criminals celebrate and then there is violence and anarchy. Very sad.
The city here was 200 with a population of 280,000. And that’s a tiny fraction compared to the shootings.
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Reparations would make it go away though. 🙄
I’m not risk averse at all jet. I wouldn’t mind having the gov say we are going to suspend X programs, and not fund X, Y, z, and we’re going to roll out one time fat reparations checks to those who qualify.

And see what happens. Maybe inflation will go crazy. Maybe theyll piss it away. Maybe they’ll start businesses and buy properties. I don’t know. But I don’t want progressives involved. I want smart people to oversee it and be sensible about its implementation.

And then never hear about it again. I’m always up for trying shit but if it fails admit it.
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93 people getting murdered in a city of 425K is a lot. I did the math. That is 7.75 a month. As the article said the police pull out the criminals celebrate and then there is violence and anarchy. Very sad.

It's all in certain pockets (e.g., North Minneapolis, Cedar Riverside). No different than Chicago or other cities.
It's all in certain pockets (e.g., North Minneapolis, Cedar Riverside). No different than Chicago or other cities.
Walking down my tree lined streets every morning as the waves from the lake gently crest on the shore, I’m often met with the the thought “Chicago ain’t so bad”. But alas, it is. Don’t let the topography fool you.
Walking down my tree lined streets every morning as the waves from the lake gently crest on the shore, I’m often met with the the thought “Chicago ain’t so bad”. But alas, it is. Don’t let the topography fool you.
You’ve made all the right moves thus far young man. Your scenery will only get better as the years pass. Just keep your pecker in your pants. That’s the key.
Like many other things the pendulum swung way too far. Looks like we are all course correcting. Violent crime rates are plummeting across the country. And we got a lot of reforms and updated training. The "defund the police" crowd the "shoulda just complied" crowd are usually equally stupid and naive. We should all respect law enforcement and understand their importance all while holding them accountable to do their job correctly and not abuse the position. Not rocket science.

I’m not risk averse at all jet. I wouldn’t mind having the gov say we are going to suspend X programs, and not fund X, Y, z, and we’re going to roll out one time fat reparations checks to those who qualify.

And see what happens. Maybe inflation will go crazy. Maybe theyll piss it away. Maybe they’ll start businesses and buy properties. I don’t know. But I don’t want progressives involved. I want smart people to oversee it and be sensible about its implementation.

And then never hear about it again. I’m always up for trying shit but if it fails admit it.

Walking down my tree lined streets every morning as the waves from the lake gently crest on the shore, I’m often met with the the thought “Chicago ain’t so bad”. But alas, it is. Don’t let the topography fool you.

I spent several years thinking the same, although it wasn't as bad in those days. The difference is, I'm in the suburbs. Relatively insulated. Think of me as Winnetka.
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Like many other things the pendulum swung way too far. Looks like we are all course correcting. Violent crime rates are plummeting across the country. And we got a lot of reforms and updated training. The "defund the police" crowd the "shoulda just complied" crowd are usually equally stupid and naive. We should all respect law enforcement and understand their importance all while holding them accountable to do their job correctly and not abuse the position. Not rocket science.

We are course correcting because people recognize how stupid progressives are. But have the progressives learned? Or will Biden and Harris go back to their old ways?

Also summer is here. Numbers will be back up and reporting has been a mess the last few years so I wouldn’t rely too much on them. Carjackings etc are up. But again reporting itself has become an issue.

Do t vote for progressives. Crime. Border. It’s pretty simple.
We are course correcting because people recognize how stupid progressives are. But have the progressives learned? Or will Biden and Harris go back to their old ways?

Also summer is here. Numbers will be back up and reporting has been a mess the last few years so I wouldn’t rely too much on them. Carjackings etc are up. But again reporting itself has become an issue.

Do t vote for progressives. Crime. Border. It’s pretty simple.
Reporting is not an issue. Summer is always the high point for crime. Has been literally since the beginning of man. Doesn't change the year over year reductions.

Blind eye bootlickers are equally stupid and naive. Don't vote for them either.
Walking down my tree lined streets every morning as the waves from the lake gently crest on the shore, I’m often met with the the thought “Chicago ain’t so bad”. But alas, it is. Don’t let the topography fool you.
How old are you? You think the city is bad now? You should have seen the 70s/80s/early 90s. 100 times worse than no. And the lake front was a polluted mess then too.
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Like many other things the pendulum swung way too far. Looks like we are all course correcting. Violent crime rates are plummeting across the country. And we got a lot of reforms and updated training. The "defund the police" crowd the "shoulda just complied" crowd are usually equally stupid and naive. We should all respect law enforcement and understand their importance all while holding them accountable to do their job correctly and not abuse the position. Not rocket science.

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Reporting is not an issue. Summer is always the high point for crime. Has been literally since the beginning of man. Doesn't change the year over year reductions.

Blind eye bootlickers are equally stupid and naive. Don't vote for them either.
Reporting is an issue. Don’t say things you don’t know. This is a top five dangerous city. Not the only one with reporting issues.

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Reporting is not an issue. Summer is always the high point for crime. Has been literally since the beginning of man. Doesn't change the year over year reductions.

Blind eye bootlickers are equally stupid and naive. Don't vote for them either.
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How old are you? You think the city is bad now? You should have seen the 70s/80s/early 90s. 100 times worse than no. And the lake front was a polluted mess then too.
That’s simply untrue. Perhaps you’re mistaking Chicago with NYC. But the Daley’s didn’t abide nonsense. By what metric was Chicago worse off in the 70’s and 80’s?

I dont think you and @mrhighlife get it. Police were defunded cops attacked and crime hit decade high levels. Cities then began funding the police again and reverting back to pre progressive policy policing. This is an indictment on progressive policies. You don’t get to say hey crime is good now. It’s better now because people are beginning to understand voting for progressives is bad for policy. You don’t go back to supporting politicians who supported that idiocy. You’ll get those same results

This isn’t hard. You both would do well to read the cnn Minneapolis article. It’s excellent

I dont think you and @mrhighlife get it. Police were defunded cops attacked and crime hit decade high levels. Cities then began funding the police again and reverting back to pre progressive policy policing. This is an indictment on progressive policies. You don’t get to say hey crime is good now. It’s better now because people are beginning to understand voting for progressives is bad for policy. You don’t go back to supporting politicians who supported that idiocy. You’ll get those same results

This isn’t hard. You both would do well to read the cnn Minneapolis article. It’s excellent

LIfe's analysis was spot on, particularly his observation that the pendulum had swung too far and there was a quick course correction.

Bottom line is that violent crime has been trending down for three years. And that's not just according to the FBI. It's also the finding of the BJS and other researchers. Stop perpetuating the Trump/MAGA bullshit talking point that the numbers are fake and that violent crime is actually up.

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LIfe's analysis was spot on, particularly his observation that the pendulum had swung too far and there was a quick course correction.

Bottom line is that violent crime has been trending down for three years. And that's not just according to the FBI. It's also the finding of the BJS and other researchers. Stop perpetuating the Trump/MAGA bullshit talking point that the numbers are fake and that violent crime is actually up.

I haven’t said that so don’t mischaracterize what I said. Do you understand? What I said was that full reporting hasn’t occurred as there have been reporting problems. What’s more I agree there was a course correction AWAY from progressive policies backed by Harris and the progressives. So why on earth would we vote for them again? Why would anyone vote for progressive policies.
LIfe's analysis was spot on, particularly his observation that the pendulum had swung too far and there was a quick course correction.

Bottom line is that violent crime has been trending down for three years. And that's not just according to the FBI. It's also the finding of the BJS and other researchers. Stop perpetuating the Trump/MAGA bullshit talking point that the numbers are fake and that violent crime is actually up.

There’s been reporting issues all over the country after the spike. You’re again grossly uninformed.

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