MD in deep trouble vs X

At the end of the BTT, the "best" teams, in terms of play, were UM, PU, Wisky, NW, with Maryland a distant 5th, in my opinion. Perhaps MSU will have some tourney magic Friday, but it seems the better teams are winning.

Same goes for the NIT. Iowa is still getting better. IU, obviously was not.
At the end of the BTT, the "best" teams, in terms of play, were UM, PU, Wisky, NW, with Maryland a distant 5th, in my opinion. Perhaps MSU will have some tourney magic Friday, but it seems the better teams are winning.

Same goes for the NIT. Iowa is still getting better. IU, obviously was not.

And I will be pulling for Izzo. Heart again. Glutton for punishment.
Trimble has regressed since his freshman year.

In my opinion, which means nothing, Trimble is to much of an actor. Now I don't mean that he's not a good player... he is.

What I mean is his stupid acting trying to draw fouls. Since his freshman year... he is still using that "Rear your head back"
motion when someone is guarding him driving down the lane, like he's being hit in the head. Bad Habit to break out of I guess.

In last nights game... he faked the ref into calling a charge on the Xavier player near the mid-court line. He wasn't in position
long enough to be set (I guess nowadays you don't have to be set.. the way the refs have been calling them).... and the
Xavier player did not extend his arm out. Trimble just FLOPPED!!!!! and got the call.

That's just my opinion. :)
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