My in laws got quite the shock regarding their long-term care insurance. Just recevied a notice that to continue their current benefit level, they would be required to pay premium increases of 133% phased in over the next few years. From ~$7400 to $16,000 a year. Already paid about $80k in premiums. Didn't realize this stuff was so expensive. Also didn't realize insurance companies sold policies like this that are subject to such a large increase in premiums.
I'm assuming the company dotted their i's and crossed their t's with the insurance regulators (but will be checking). Anyone have experience with this? What do you do about this? Roll the dice and hope you don't end up in LTC? Keep paying the same rate but take the lower benefits? Go broke and let Medicaid pay?
As I type this, I realize I better ask my dad about what he's got lined up with my mom for stuff like this. Ugh, I do not want to have that talk. All of this stuff makes me queasy.
I'm assuming the company dotted their i's and crossed their t's with the insurance regulators (but will be checking). Anyone have experience with this? What do you do about this? Roll the dice and hope you don't end up in LTC? Keep paying the same rate but take the lower benefits? Go broke and let Medicaid pay?
As I type this, I realize I better ask my dad about what he's got lined up with my mom for stuff like this. Ugh, I do not want to have that talk. All of this stuff makes me queasy.