"Poor losers
To the editor:
Would like to thank the fans of the Indiana Hoosiers. We drove over from Iowa on our yearly trip to a Big Ten stadium. (Going to visit them all.)
We enjoyed the night in Indy, ate at a nice restaurant and then met up with the local I-Club. We came to the game at 8 a.m. and got a great tailgate spot in the park right across the street from the stadium. We got our tents set up, grilled food and played bags. We did get heckled by a lot of fans, which we just shrugged off. When it got close to game time, we packed everything up, minus the tents and went to the game. After a great and hard fought game, we came back to find our tents pushed over, pulled from the ground and bent up.
This pretty much ruined the weekend for us. So I would like to let you know Hoosier fans we have been to 10 stadiums in the Big Ten, with only three left on the list, and you are by far the worst fan base. Thanks for everything, we will probably never come back!
David Patterson
Burlington, Iowa"
My questions are, why would you pack everything else up and leave the tents up? And is it a guarantee that people did this as opposed to the wind? It's a shame these visitors had this experience, but this letter printed in the Herald Times seemed like an overreaction. From my visits to B1G stadiums, I feel like IU would have to do a lot to be the worst hosts.
To the editor:
Would like to thank the fans of the Indiana Hoosiers. We drove over from Iowa on our yearly trip to a Big Ten stadium. (Going to visit them all.)
We enjoyed the night in Indy, ate at a nice restaurant and then met up with the local I-Club. We came to the game at 8 a.m. and got a great tailgate spot in the park right across the street from the stadium. We got our tents set up, grilled food and played bags. We did get heckled by a lot of fans, which we just shrugged off. When it got close to game time, we packed everything up, minus the tents and went to the game. After a great and hard fought game, we came back to find our tents pushed over, pulled from the ground and bent up.
This pretty much ruined the weekend for us. So I would like to let you know Hoosier fans we have been to 10 stadiums in the Big Ten, with only three left on the list, and you are by far the worst fan base. Thanks for everything, we will probably never come back!
David Patterson
Burlington, Iowa"
My questions are, why would you pack everything else up and leave the tents up? And is it a guarantee that people did this as opposed to the wind? It's a shame these visitors had this experience, but this letter printed in the Herald Times seemed like an overreaction. From my visits to B1G stadiums, I feel like IU would have to do a lot to be the worst hosts.