Thought the board might be interested in hearing a little about yesterday's gathering. My son and I were able to attend, had a great time, all the players and coaches very cordial and well spoken. CKW there along with AT, Fisher, Sudfeld, Rayner, Spriggs, Feeney, Fred Glass, at least a couple of the assistants. CKW spoke and took the few questions the audience asked, noted strength on the O line and tight ends, very pleased with Sudfeld's leadership last year after his injury as well as this year.. He also made sure the former players in attendance (Ewald, Huff, several others I unfortunately did not recognize without their numbers; that's sad, lol) knew they were welcome at practices and on the sidelines during games. More than once CKW emphasized how close the IUFB family is. Nate Sudfeld made my son's day by signing his #7 jersey. All made for a great evening, thanks to the players,staff, and IUAA Chicago alumni association!