IU drops one at UAB, 2-1 . . .

Sope Creek

Hall of Famer
Feb 5, 2003
after outplaying UAB by far. ^EDITED^

This post was edited on 9/7 9:41 PM by Sope Creek
The penalty . . .

was a horrific call. I had a great view of the play . . . a boom ball pass landed down the right side of the box (from the keeper's perspective), and the UAB kid ran to the ball with our defender right with him, and then in-stride the UAB kid turned his back to our defender and basically drove his back and backside into our guy causing both guys to fall down. If they were playing basketball it'd have been an intentional foul on their guy.

This game was littered with cheap plays by UAB; a good example is once in the 2nd half a UAB kid and one of our guys tumbled to the ground after reaching the ball at the same time. Our guy tried to get up, but the UAB kid wrapped his legs around our guy and hung onto him for a good 5-7 seconds . . . and almost tacking our guy in the process. There were several late - and cheap - challenges by UAB's guys, including one that put Dylan Lax out of the game - he needed help to the sidelines. Looked like a hit on the ankle, hopefully not a knee.

It got a little bad a couple of times. There weren't enough refs on the field at one point, as guys seemed about ready to square off on several spots on the field - and some guys ready to come onto the field from the sidelines - while Lax was down with his injury. Getman, UAB's coach, was way over the top in yelling at the refs. At another point Yeagley was yelling directly at Getman.

I like good physical soccer . . . physicality is part of the game. But UAB went beyond physicality and into masked assaults on IU's players, IMHO. I think it's because their coach knew they couldn't play with IU . . . their whole offense is over the top boom ball passing, hoping to get a lucky break away. The penalty kick was awarded on that type of play in what I can only describe as a horrific call. And their game winner was the same type of play . . . down the right side of the box and a chance break away from the defender, beat the keeper 1 on 1 . . . that one they earned.

We have some issues, but I have to tell ya, IU was clearly the better soccer team last night. This team still has a chance to be special . . . .
IU often starts slow

and takes a few losses in Sep/early October. Usually by November they are a solid team and this year will be no different. Remember last year how we fell apart and finished 4th in the BIG? We all know how that season ended. Some of Big Yeagley's teams were no different, including his last team in '03, who also won it all.

Bottom line: Just give this team some time to gel and they'll be a force by mid season and into Nov/Dec.
True ... but that history doesn't make losing early games any more fun and

maybe only a teeny-tiny-little-bitty-bit more acceptable. Maybe. I get no joy or benefit from a loss to a lesser-ranked team. I can't imagine anyone on our team does either.
Who got beat on the game winner?

And it had to be two defenders beaten, because the shot was parried away by Soderlund and the rebound was headed in.
Couldn't tell you . . .

I couldn't see the number and then all hell broke loose in the stands with the Dragons' fans celebrating . . . plus I'm getting old, I don't see that well at night any more. :)>)
Come on...

The benefits are many, and most of those not not attainable any other way. This happens a lot with young players in key spots.

Have a look back at 2003. Lots of parallels: preseason loss to Kentucky and tie with Rutgers up at Fort Wayne; early losses to UConn, Akron, Notre Dame; ties with UAB, Georgetown, Michigan State, and Butler. Altogether we started 2-3-4. Then we never lost again.

That team started freshmen Zayner and Dieterle in the back, freshman Peterson up top, and redshirt freshmen Tudela and Hayden in the mid. This team has Soderlund in goal, McConnell in back Thompson up top, as well as chemistry issues to sort out around transfer Mares, new role for Vollmer, and other freshmen Thompson in significant minutes. Honestly, sometimes it takes time. And yes, sometimes it never clocks. But I think this one will when the spine issues get sorted out...

...that's my 2 cents...

This post was edited on 9/11 1:07 PM by cannonfolk