IU @ Baylor, Game 1: IU doubles up Baylor, 8-4...


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Nov 2, 2001
It's RHP Brayden Risedorph on the mound for IU with an ERA of 1.93 in 4.2 IP, while RHP Mason Marriott is on the mound for Baylor with an ERA of 1.59 in 5.2 IP. Stadler is behind the plate for IU with Tibbitts at 1st. Sefcik is the DH and Colopy is in RF.

1st inning:


Mathison flied out to start the game.

Pyne singled and then Taylor doubled to LF put runners on 2nd and 3rd and one out. The left fielder for Baylor crashed in the wall and is down and there is an injury delay.

The Baylor left fielder Hunter Simmons is their No. 2 hitter at .353 and Simmons hits cleanup. They brought out a board but it wasn't needed as he left the game.

Tibbitts brought in Pyne on a SAC fly as IU took a 1-0 lead. Cerny Kd swinging to retire the side.


Risedorph put them down in order to include a K.

End of 1st: IU 1 Baylor 0
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2nd inning:


It's the 6 thru 8 hitter up with Stadler leading off.

Stadler doubled to lead off. Sefcik lined out to the SS for one out and Stadler still at 2nd.

Colopy Kd for the 2nd out. Burckel walked to put runners on 1st and 2nd and two outs and the top of the order up.

Mathison walked on a 3-1 count to load the bases with two outs and Pyne up.

Pyne fouled out to the catcher to end the IU threat.


The leadoff hitter reached on an infield single. A pop up to 2B for the first out and the runner at 1st. Risedorph got a K for the 2nd out and the runner at 1st.

With two outs, a hitter reached on a single to put runners on 1st and 2nd with two outs and the No. 8 hitter up. A ground out ended the inning.

End of 2nd: IU 1 Baylor 0
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3rd inning:


It's the 3 thru 5 hitters up with Taylor leading off. Taylor walked to lead off on a full count. The Baylor pitcher is up to a 44 PC.

Tibbitts who was off to a slow start at the plate hit a double to score Taylor to give IU a 2-0 lead.

Cerny singled to score Tibbitts to give IU a 3-0 lead.

Stadler singled to move Cerny to 2nd and he took 3rd on an error to put runners on the corners with no outs.

SAC fly by Sefcik scored Cerny to make it 4-0 and Stadler at 1st with one out.

Colopy homered to center to score two more and IU up 6-0, and that chased Baylor's No. 1 pitcher.

Baylor brought in LHP RJ Ruais who had pitched 1.1 IP with no runs given up so far. He faced Burckel with one out.

Burckel Kd to bring up the top of the order with Mathison up. Mathison Kd to retire the side.


It was the 9 thru 2 hitters up with Risedorph back out there.

The leadoff hitter reached on a full count to put a man on and no outs and the top of the order up.

A single put runners on 1st and 2nd with no outs. A single loaded the bases with no outs and Risedorph was in danger of giving back some of the runs that IU had plated.

Glant paid a visit to the mound with the bullpen warming up.

Risedorph got a big K for one out and the bases still loaded.

A FC got the hitter at first with a run scoring and two outs. A K ended the inning and IU survived giving up just one run after having the bases loaded and no outs.

End of 3rd: IU 6 Baylor 1
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4th inning:


It was the 2 thru 4 hitters up and Pyne doubled to leadoff.

Taylor singled on a bang, bang play to put runners on 1st and 2nd and no outs with Pyne holding on the play. There was a review of the play on 1st.

Tibbitts surprised Baylor with a perfect bunt to load the bases and no outs.

Cerny hit into a DP with Pyne scoring to make it 7-1 and two outs. Stadler popped up to retire the side.


Back-to=back doubles scored a Baylor run with no outs. A flyout to Taylor got the first out with the runner holding at 2nd.

A walk put runners on 1st and 2nd with one out and Risedorph was relieved by RHP John Tonghini.

Tonghini gave up a two-run double to make it 7-4 IU. With one out and a man on 2nd, Tonghini walked a batter to put two on. Tonghini got a big K for two outs. A ground out ended the inning.

End of 4th: IU 7 Baylor 4
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5th inning:


It was the bottom of the order up with Sefcik leading off and they went down in order. It was the first 1-2-3 inning for Baylor.


Tonghini was facing the 5 thru 7 hitters and he walked the leadoff hitter on four pitches. A K kept the runner at 1st and one out.

A DP ball ended the inning.

End of 5th: IU 7 Baylor 4
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6th inning:


It's the top of the order up with Mathison leading off. Ruais was still on the mound for Baylor.

Mathison grounded out for the first out. Pyne doubled down the RF line when the ball kind of fell in no-man's land.

Taylor walked on a 3-1 count to put runners on 1st and 2nd and one out.

With Tibbitts up, Baylor went to the bullpen and brought in RHP Stephen Sepulveda who has an ERA of 6.75 in 2.2 IP.

Tibbitts reached on a FC with Pyne out at 3rd and two outs. There were runners at 1st and 2nd and two outs with Cerny up.

A throwing error by the pitcher moved the runners to 2nd and 3rd with two outs.

A close play at 1st got Cerny to retire the side and IU left two runners in scoring position.


It was Tonghini back out there to face the 8 thru 1 hitters. The leadoff hitter reached on a throwing error by Burckel but the runner was tagged out when he was in a rundown and out at 1st. Back-to-back ground outs ended the inning.

End of 6th: IU 7 Baylor 4
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7th inning:


It was the 6 thru 8 hitters up for IU with Stadler leading off. Stadler flied out to CF for the first out.

Sefcik flied out to the warning track in LF for the 2nd out. Colopy Kd to retire the side.


Tonghini is back out there to face the 2 thru 4 hitters. Two fly outs, a walk, and a FC getting the runner at 2nd ended the inning.

End of 7th: IU 7 Baylor 4
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8th inning:


Burckel grounded out for the first out, Mathison walked, Pyne grounded out and an interference call on Mathison retired the side.


LHP Grant Holderfield replaced Tonghini and he got the leadoff hitter on a K. A foul ball to LF caused Taylor to hit the fence headfirst and he was down, but after a delay he was okay and returned to his position.

A high pop out to Tibbitts got the 2nd out. A K ended the inning as Holderfield put them down in order and IU is three outs away from taking the first game of the series.

End of 8th: IU 7 Baylor 4
Thx for the updates. Am actually in Waco tonight, up from Houston, but was unaware IU was here. Couldn’t make the gm anyway due to other obligations. Figures 🙄
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9th inning:


It was the 3 thru 5 hitters up and Baylor goes to the bullpen and brought in RHP Drew Leach.

Taylor and Tibbitts both singled to put runners on and no outs.

Cerny Kd and Stadler grounded out moving the runners to 2nd and 3rd and two outs.

A WP scored Taylor and Sefcik Kd to retire the side with IU adding a run.


Holderfield was back out there to close it out and he faced the 9 thru 2 hitters and he got the first two batters on a K and ground out, then gave up a single, but got another K to end the game.

Final: IU 8 Baylor 4
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It was a nice opening series win for IU. Hitting and pitching were good enough for a comfortable win. IU had one error to three for Baylor.

IU outhit Baylor 13-8 and had 6 extra base hits to include five doubles. IU had 8 Ks on the game. There were four players with multiple hits on the game and it was good to see Tibbitts find his stroke again.

Tibbitts - 3 for 4 with a double, two RBIs and one run scored, and a SAC fly.

Taylor - 3 for 3 with a double, he scored two runs and also had two walks.

Pyne - 3 for 5 with two doubles and he scored two runs.

Stadler - 2 for 5 with a double and a run scored.

Colopy - 1 for 4 and a 2-run homer for two RBIs and a run scored.

Cerny had an RBI and scored a run.

Pitching was good to outstanding. Risedorph pitched well until the 4th when he ran out of gas and Baylor got got three runs in that inning. IU used two pitchers out of the bullpen and they were great in shutting out Baylor the rest of the way over the last 5.2 innings. There were no WPs or passed balls for IU.

Risedorph - 3.1 IP, 6 hits with 4 earned runs, 4 Ks, and 2 BBs

Tonghini (W) - 3.2 IP, 1 hit (a double), no earned runs, 2 Ks and 3 BBs

Holderfield (S) - 2.0 IP, 1 hit and no earned runs, 4 Ks and no BBs.

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