riveting... and one of my teams is included in that mess of a lineup.
A big fatty of you’re going to watch that mess.Rolling what?
Yup. Big mistake. Will be same when they feature the conference in prime time slots for football. The league is not good.riveting... and one of my teams is included in that mess of a lineup.
We didn’t play yesterday? I spent most of yesterday riding around, thought I missed it. Oh, well, getting ready to jam. Thankfully I have an excuse for today too.riveting... and one of my teams is included in that mess of a lineup.
Is that what you call taking a nap? At least you have something more constructive to do, either way! Enjoy!Oh, well, getting ready to jam.
Right but isn’t this stuff scheduled way ahead of time? Or did they schedule this lineup yesterday?riveting... and one of my teams is included in that mess of a lineup.
No idea how the contract works, but you'd think they'd have the option of switching games if teams suck, just to avoid, well, today!Right but isn’t this stuff scheduled way ahead of time? Or did they schedule this lineup yesterday?