Illinois and Underwood


All-Big Ten
Sep 28, 2005
Are we saying John Groce left things at Illinois better than Crean did at IU? If so let’s hire Groce
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Are we saying John Groce left things at Illinois better than Crean did at IU? If so let’s hire Groce

The combination of Brad Underwood and Orlando Antigua are as slimy as it gets. They’re cheating in Urbana Champagne. No doubt about it.
Is Underwood our new coach of the week to compare to Archie? The list is getting long. Let me see if I remember them all:

Mack (until we beat them)
Holtmann (until they lost in the NCAA)
Beard (until he lost the title game and started the next year 5-3)
Holtmann again (until they shit the bed this year)
Jordan (until they lost 3 in a row in the big east)

You'll love their overplay everything defense. It really goes over great on the road against good teams in the BIG when the refs just whistle them to death.

Who am I forgetting? I don't really count Stevens and Donovan.
Is Underwood our new coach of the week to compare to Archie? The list is getting long. Let me see if I remember them all:

Mack (until we beat them)
Holtmann (until they lost in the NCAA)
Beard (until he lost the title game and started the next year 5-3)
Holtmann again (until they shit the bed this year)
Jordan (until they lost 3 in a row in the big east)

You'll love their overplay everything defense. It really goes over great on the road against good teams in the BIG when the refs just whistle them to death.

Who am I forgetting? I don't really count Stevens and Donovan.
Uh no would take Chris Beard right nor face facts Illinois is doing well and Underwood hired same year as lil Arch
Illinois next 5 games:

@ Iowa
Vs Michigan State

Gonna be interesting to see where this thread is at, after this stretch.
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Wrong- 3 years it takes 3 years to show something

And yet you had your mind made up in year two...

Archie is a good coach but like Brian Snow said in the podcast will his results be enough to satisfy Indiana fans, especially if by year 5-7 there is no final four trip....................I think it will be tough.

Except you thought back then Archie was good. That's weird.
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Wrong- 3 years it takes 3 years to show something
But last year you were dogging on Archie. You know, his SECOND year?

In his second season at Texas Tech Chris Beard went to Elite Eight now in his 3rd season they are ranked 14. Bob Knight disciple. There is such a blatant attempt by this administration to cut all ties with Knight. So yes you can win big in your second season. I guess Chris Beard was left with better players.

Anyone who claims that when Archie was hired they would be ok with not making the tourney until his 4th year is a complete liar.

I’ll tell you what is BS. The entire narrative that it’s never the coaches fault. According to Colin Hartman (podcast) he says it’s the players lack of heart that is the problem and not Archie’s coaching/motivation. I call BS on this. If this were the case then coaches would never get fired as it couldn’t be their fault the team wasn’t ready to play it’s the players fault. It absolutely is the coaches job to have them ready and if they aren’t gonna play with heart, don’t f//king play them.

I agree Fire his ass today this is total bullshit, gophers aren’t even that good

Yeah, with you in charge Underwood is toast after 2nd season.
Underwood can recruit(Antigua helps.) Archie can’t. It’s that simple.
He’s got a difference maker at guard. Dosunmu has won several games for the Illini by himself.

He’s got better junior/senior contributions, also. Would trade Al Durham,Devonte Green and DeRon Davis for Kipper Nichols, Trent Frazier and Andres Feliz in a heartbeat.
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Is Underwood our new coach of the week to compare to Archie? The list is getting long. Let me see if I remember them all:

Mack (until we beat them)
Holtmann (until they lost in the NCAA)
Beard (until he lost the title game and started the next year 5-3)
Holtmann again (until they shit the bed this year)
Jordan (until they lost 3 in a row in the big east)

You'll love their overplay everything defense. It really goes over great on the road against good teams in the BIG when the refs just whistle them to death.

Who am I forgetting? I don't really count Stevens and Donovan.

Steve Pickiell from Rutgets. I've watched them for 3 years and would trade him for Archie in a heartbeat.

Look, both sides play this game. Side A says "We should have hired Coach A, B or C, look how they're doing"..Side B says "You said you liked Coach D, E, or F, he sucks, he's lost 5 in a row".

The bottom line is 90% of us liked CAM's hire. It hasn't worked out. There's no guarantee another coach would do better, but if CAM continues to disappoint, you have to try.
Winning in W.L is hard or harder than those three on the road.
But I agree..Probably some looses coming up.
Is Underwood our new coach of the week to compare to Archie? The list is getting long. Let me see if I remember them all:

Mack (until we beat them)
Holtmann (until they lost in the NCAA)
Beard (until he lost the title game and started the next year 5-3)
Holtmann again (until they shit the bed this year)
Jordan (until they lost 3 in a row in the big east)

You'll love their overplay everything defense. It really goes over great on the road against good teams in the BIG when the refs just whistle them to death.

Who am I forgetting? I don't really count Stevens and Donovan.
I'm sure that poohbear is posting from a mental institution.
Illinois having talent should not surprise anybody. With the right coaches , they have always had good recruiting territory. They were stacked in the past. Nick Anderson , Marcus Liberty, Kenny Battle , etc. now they’re starting to get better talent again.
Illinois having talent should not surprise anybody. With the right coaches , they have always had good recruiting territory. They were stacked in the past. Nick Anderson , Marcus Liberty, Kenny Battle , etc. now they’re starting to get better talent again.
Right because they are CHEATERS!!! Love, The Apologists
Funny how the Holtmannnnn clan is now the Underwood clan. Didn't Archie beat Underwood twice in what was apparently the worst basketball season ever for IU because they lost 12/13. Next!

How is San Diego St. doing these days?
Hey I'm all for guys that barely go to school
Hang on Kirkwood till 3am.
Have ass attitudes.
But are junkyard dog types ..And can shoot from 30 ft and dunk all over teams..
But most alumi and the administration don't want Archie to get those recruits.
IU next five games:
@Ohio State
I see a few losses there as well.
Sure are. But we ain't tlking about IU. We are talking about Underwood---The next, next guy we should hire.

Steve Pickiell from Rutgets. I've watched them for 3 years and would trade him for Archie in a heartbeat.

Look, both sides play this game. Side A says "We should have hired Coach A, B or C, look how they're doing"..Side B says "You said you liked Coach D, E, or F, he sucks, he's lost 5 in a row".

The bottom line is 90% of us liked CAM's hire. It hasn't worked out. There's no guarantee another coach would do better, but if CAM continues to disappoint, you have to try.

If Archie bombs, let’s replace him.

But let’s be honest: it’s not happening (if it even does) until March 2021. A new AD will have next year to evaluate Miller and decide if he feels replacement is warranted.
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If Archie bombs, let’s replace him.

But let’s be honest: it’s not happening (if it even does) until March 2021. A new AD will have next year to evaluate Miller and decide if he feels replacement is warranted.
First we need to hire a good AD ha ha ha ha ha
If Archie bombs, let’s replace him.

But let’s be honest: it’s not happening (if it even does) until March 2021. A new AD will have next year to evaluate Miller and decide if he feels replacement is warranted.
Does that give you enough time to make a statue of Archie? You’re oddly obsessed.

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