If these stats don't explain the move, nothing will.


Dec 7, 2005
Some of you no-doubt already know this. Some of you probably don't care and are only interested in IU's next chapter.

I found these stats pretty amazing and make it very easy to see why the guy many of us thought (and hoped) would never leave, has left.

Arizona State Baseball:
Started playing in 1959. At least once during every season they have been nationally ranked. 27 years of Top 10 finishes.22 times in the Top 5.Highest Winning Percentage in PAC10.Have amassed 52 straight years of 30+ wins.102 former players have reached the major leagues.Moving to Phoenix Municipal Stadium (capacity 8,775) next year22 trips to the CWS5 National Championships.5 Runners Up.
My 4 conclusions: IU is an up and coming program. We have CTS largely to thank for that. It's hard to imagine any amount of money FG could have offered up would have been enough to overcome this kind of tradition. CTS will win the CWS in the next few years.

This post was edited on 6/26 2:29 AM by mk23
As Skip said, he looks at ASU baseball...

the way most people look at IU basketball.

It is one of the "blue bloods" and a job you dream about.
^^^no doubt^^^

Great info mk. Really sorry to see CTS leave the program and Bton. We were in Tempe for the 2007 Insight Bowl. Packard Stadium looked incredible from atop ASU mountain. I guess this move is comparable from going from AAA to the majors. Good luck to coach and his family.

This post was edited on 6/25 8:25 PM by BigRedFootballEd
So What?

An Indiana native, gets a literal blank check to build a facility and recruit, has a modicum of success and bolts following a year ending with a big fail.

Next big sound will be the staff and recruits cruising out of town.

The guy is dead to me.
this guy must hang out on the bball board..

Have you never wanted to advance in your career? ASU is one of probably five jobs that Skip would have left for. It is a blue blood program as IU is in basketball.

If you think he had a blank check you are crazy as well. The top assistant at IU is making good money however the rest of the staff is not paid that well. Other programs have money for strictly recruiting coordinators and administrative staff, etc. IU does not have that.

He built a great program at IU and we should all be thankful for that. Just enjoy the ride and be ready to cheer on the next coach.
Posted from[/URL]
ASU played it's last season at Packard this year.

They will be moving into the old A's ST stadium just NW of the campus.
Too harsh, man. Unnecessary.

This post was edited on 6/26 10:00 AM by IUXC68
Bunch of losers.....

I'll post here whenever I's an internet board, not some circle jerk club.

It's not yours..and I bet most of you are freeloaders anyway..

There's a lot of that going around..

The only poster on this board that I would give any respect to would be snowling..., and he has been
very quiet on this issue.

When and if snowling has an opinion..I'll pay attention..

The rest of you....Meh!

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