I hope Grandpa Joe goes all in on Lizzie over these

LOL, your butthurt is clear

We can't have a president who lies so brazenly as to whether she didnt work another year as a teacher because of her pregnancy or because she had to go back to grad school and finish a few courses. What a sociopathic narcissist. Nice find! You really put the nail in the coffin for her.
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We can't have a president who lies so brazenly as to whether she didnt work another year as a teacher because of her pregnancy or because she had to go back to grad school and finish a few courses. What a sociopathic narcissist. Nice find! You really put the nail in the coffin for her.

Speaks to character. Are you going to vote for another liar after complaining about the current one? You hypocrite.
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We can't have a president who lies so brazenly as to whether she didnt work another year as a teacher because of her pregnancy or because she had to go back to grad school and finish a few courses. What a sociopathic narcissist. Nice find! You really put the nail in the coffin for her.

Id vote for a paper bag over what we have now. And no, she isn't my first, second or third choice.
She's a total sham.

Makes 429K in a year from Harvard, then complains about tuition costs
What are you saying?
If the salary for a full professor at Harvard is 400K, should she refuse to take it because tuition is too high? Is that what you are saying?

Why don't you just play honest and say "I don't like Warren because she is a Democrat," instead of this holier-than-thou game?

Actually, I am surprised that a professor's salary is that high, yes, even at Harvard. You are not adding research grants or consulting income, are you?
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Speaks to character. Are you going to vote for another liar after complaining about the current one? You hypocrite.
Haha, is that the high road trumpeters are gonna take? I think there is a squirrel outside your window if this is your “gotcha” moment. Anyone would be better than this clown...except possibly the high priest of hypocrisy Pence.
Haha, is that the high road trumpeters are gonna take? I think there is a squirrel outside your window if this is your “gotcha” moment. Anyone would be better than this clown...except possibly the high priest of hypocrisy Pence.

Nobody ITT is a Trumpster.
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What are you saying?
If the salary for a full professor at Harvard is 400K, should she refuse to take it because tuition is too high? Is that what you are saying?

Why don't you just play honest and say "I don't like Warren because she is a Democrat," instead of this holier-than-thou game?

Actually, I am surprised that a professor's salary is that high, yes, even at Harvard. You are not adding research grants or consulting income, are you?
I'm not surprised at all. Some of my son's friends are ND professor's kids. My brother's nephew is an ND prof. I've been in their homes. They live extremely well, and Harvard is an even wealthier school.
Nobody ITT is a Trumpster.

Yeah, didn't you get the memo? You either vote Democrat or you're a Trump ifs, ands or buts. No room in the Democrat Party for moderate, centristy centrists. You either go all in by going as far left as possible with a Sanders or Warren, or you're just another Trumptard who they don't want around.
I'm not surprised at all. Some of my son's friends are ND professor's kids. My brother's nephew is an ND prof. I've been in their homes. They live extremely well, and Harvard is an even wealthier school.

I don't think Notre Dame or Harvard are really the poster child for affordable college.
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Yeah, didn't you get the memo? You either vote Democrat or you're a Trump ifs, ands or buts. No room in the Democrat Party for moderate, centristy centrists. You either go all in by going as far left as possible with a Sanders or Warren, or you're just another Trumptard who they don't want around.
Yup. We all saw how the foreign born, radical leftist Obama outlawed capitalism, took away our sacred firearms, and forced sharia law into our communities. We all saw how he inherited a robust economy and ran it into the ground... below the ground, actually, before shoveling dirt on top of it, then pissing on that dirt.

... And now they want to put us through that AGAIN, this time possibly with a Woman who has actually spent a good chunk of her career advocating for CONSUMERS, rather than businesses...?!
I don't think this amounts to a hill of beans when it comes to the election.... the current occupant of the office tells whopper lies on a literal daily basis, so much so that it's not even newsworthy to discuss them any longer. The only people that will parrot this more than a day are people that would rather promote Trump to emperor over voting for her.

But don't understand why she feels the need to do such silliness. Maybe Biden can try to do something with this if it really gets down to a 2 person race.... but kind of doubt it.
Yup. We all saw how the foreign born, radical leftist Obama outlawed capitalism, took away our sacred firearms, and forced sharia law into our communities. We all saw how he inherited a robust economy and ran it into the ground... below the ground, actually, before shoveling dirt on top of it, then pissing on that dirt.

... And now they want to put us through that AGAIN, this time possibly with a Woman who has actually spent a good chunk of her career advocating for CONSUMERS, rather than businesses...?!
Actually Obama laughed when the shovel ready jobs didn't materialize. That stimulus money was given to unions who then gave part of it back to the Democrat party in political donations. It was a money laundering scam. When the government gives money to Planned Parenthood some of that money comes back through political donations to the Democrat Party.
We can't have a president who lies so brazenly as to whether she didnt work another year as a teacher because of her pregnancy or because she had to go back to grad school and finish a few courses. What a sociopathic narcissist. Nice find! You really put the nail in the coffin for her.
I heard she wasn't an American Indian either. Trump got her to take the genetic test. I thought that was pretty funny when the results came back. We all probably have just as much Indian blood in us as she does. The issue is we didn't claim this .00000002 percent to get special benefits in college.
We can't have a president who lies so brazenly as to whether she didnt work another year as a teacher because of her pregnancy or because she had to go back to grad school and finish a few courses. What a sociopathic narcissist. Nice find! You really put the nail in the coffin for her.
What about the Press who lied about Trump's phone call to the Ukrainian President? Schiff's lie before a committee hearing was what the Press was saying before the transcript was released. Trump's perfect phone call was just that. There was no demand to,"get" anyone. He did ask for help in finding out who in the Ukraine helped Hillary and Democrats collude during the 16 election. He did ask about Biden. But this is his job. If an American politician even the Vice President gets an investigator fired because his son is being investigated, and says money will be withheld if it isn't taken care of we should all have a problem with that and the current President must look into it. It's a serious charge.
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I heard she wasn't an American Indian either. Trump got her to take the genetic test. I thought that was pretty funny when the results came back. We all probably have just as much Indian blood in us as she does. The issue is we didn't claim this .00000002 percent to get special benefits in college.
Your stubborn inability to learn is actually impressive.
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She's a total sham.

Makes 429K in a year from Harvard, then complains about tuition costs
What are you saying?
If the salary for a full professor at Harvard is 400K, should she refuse to take it because tuition is too high? Is that what you are saying?

Why don't you just play honest and say "I don't like Warren because she is a Democrat," instead of this holier-than-thou game?

Actually, I am surprised that a professor's salary is that high, yes, even at Harvard. You are not adding research grants or consulting income, are you?
Do you realize how much it costs to go to college today, let alone Harvard? IU has professors who make close to $300k. Universities today are run like a corporation and they make huge profits.
So school me. What was wrong with that phone call? What was illegal? He asked about Biden and his son. The new President of Ukraine has the right to know whether a Vice President got someone fired to save his son.

If you're cool with him as your President for life, then the call was totally perfect.

Many of us think it was an abuse of the office for political gain.
would like you to do us a favor thoughbecause our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows alot about it. I would like you to find out what happened withthis whole si�uation with Ukraine, they s_ay Crowdstrike ... I guessyou have one of your weal thy people... The server, they sayUkraine� There-are a lot. of things that went on, the·:whole situation .. I think you1 re _surrounding yourse·lf with someof the same people. I .would like to have the Attorney Generalcall you or your people and I would like you t� ·get to the bottom of it�. As you sa� yest�rday, that whole nonsetise ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mue�le_r, an incompetent performance-, _but they. say a lot of it started with Ukraine. Whatever you can do, ·it's very important that· you. do it if that's possible.
Right here he was asking about the 16 election. Mueller and Crowdstrike are in reference to it.

This is the setup and extortion threat.

The President:
Well it 1s·very nice of you to say that.
I will say that we do a lot for Ukraine.
We spend a lot of effort and a lot of time.
Much more than the European countries are doing and they should be helping you more than they are.
Germany does almost nothing for you (HUGE LIE). All they do is talk and I think it's something that you should really ask them about.
When I was speaking to Angela Merkel she talks Ukraine, but she doesn't do anything. A lot of the European countries are the same way so I think it's something you want to look at but the United States has been very very good to Ukraine.
I wouldn't say that it's reciprocal necessarily because things are happening that are not good but the United States has been very very good to Ukraine.

The President
I would like you to do us a favor(solicitation which seems right) though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it.
I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike (solitcitation in case he missed it the first time and then the Insurance Policy Conspiracy theory)
... I guess you have one of your wealthy people
... The server, they say Ukraine
There are a lot. of things that went on, the :whole situation
.. I think you are surrounding yourself with some of the same people.
I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people (It's now a conspiracy) and I would like you to get to the bottom of it�.
As you said yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller, an incompetent performance, but they say a lot of it started with Ukraine.
Whatever you can do, it's very important that· you do it if that's possible.

So in one call we get extortion and solicitation of a foreign government for dirt on a rival.

He asked Russia and China publicly for the same thing and Australia via another call.

If you can't read, comprehend and learn at least sit quietly in the corner and not repeat drivel.
Actually Obama laughed when the shovel ready jobs didn't materialize. That stimulus money was given to unions who then gave part of it back to the Democrat party in political donations. It was a money laundering scam. When the government gives money to Planned Parenthood some of that money comes back through political donations to the Democrat Party.

Unions and Planned Parenthood are part of a grand conspiracy.

Let's ignore the fact that unions received not one penny from from the stimulus package. The money went to companies that hired union members to do the work. The members then paid dues to the union, and by the way, it is illegal to use any part of those dues as a political contribution.

And you can believe me when I say that every penny of a political contribution from a union is scrutinized and accounted for regarding source.

You are so totally unfamiliar in so many ways.
It's very Republican to reach bad conclusions based on scant evidence, ignore ample evidence they don't like, angrily denounce the experience of people unlike them, and foment damning aspersions that aren't deserved to sway the mindless MSM that will simply parrot those ill-formed conclusions.
Actually Obama laughed when the shovel ready jobs didn't materialize. That stimulus money was given to unions who then gave part of it back to the Democrat party in political donations. It was a money laundering scam. When the government gives money to Planned Parenthood some of that money comes back through political donations to the Democrat Party.
What about the Press who lied about Trump's phone call to the Ukrainian President? Schiff's lie before a committee hearing was what the Press was saying before the transcript was released. Trump's perfect phone call was just that. There was no demand to,"get" anyone. He did ask for help in finding out who in the Ukraine helped Hillary and Democrats collude during the 16 election. He did ask about Biden. But this is his job. If an American politician even the Vice President gets an investigator fired because his son is being investigated, and says money will be withheld if it isn't taken care of we should all have a problem with that and the current President must look into it. It's a serious charge.
What color is the sky in your world?
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JDB, not familiar with this show. How can I watch it?

Does Krystal Ball snipe at Pubs, and Saager Enjeti does the same with Dems? How does the show work?

I suspect you can just find it on the hills website. Last I check the site was fairly centrist so I'd imagine they do.
I don't think this amounts to a hill of beans when it comes to the election.... the current occupant of the office tells whopper lies on a literal daily basis, so much so that it's not even newsworthy to discuss them any longer. The only people that will parrot this more than a day are people that would rather promote Trump to emperor over voting for her.

But don't understand why she feels the need to do such silliness. Maybe Biden can try to do something with this if it really gets down to a 2 person race.... but kind of doubt it.

I think it shows she's full of shit. I obviously despise Bernie but I've never questioned his authenticity.
So school me. What was wrong with that phone call? What was illegal? He asked about Biden and his son. The new President of Ukraine has the right to know whether a Vice President got someone fired to save his son.
Your basic problem is your intentional refusal to accept that (1) no quid pro quo is needed at all to constitute some of the accepted grounds for impeachment, and (2) in issues where an actual quid pro quo IS required, there is no requirement for proof that someone stated directly "This is a quid pro quo!" or "This is in exchange for that!"

"Such agreements need not be stated in express terms; corrupt actors are seldom so clumsy, and the law may not be evaded through winks and nods. Prosecutors often prove tacit agreements through circumstantial evidence including the timing of events and actions of the parties... "

Another of your problems (almost as bad) is that you ask "What was wrong with that phone call?" like you know what was actually said, NO ONE KNOWS THE EXACT WORDS BECAUSE TRUMP HAS NOT RELEASED AN ACTUAL VERBATIM TRANSCRIPT! All he did was release an edited summary prepared by his staff. Apparently, Trump has stashed away a more complete summary under lock and key. Asking your question does not prove Trump is innocent.

Trump's summary was bad enough. Make no mistake -- there is a reasonable chance that Trump's admitted statements (according to the non-transcript summary he released) could be construed by a jury as a quid pro quo promise.
So school me. What was wrong with that phone call? What was illegal? He asked about Biden and his son. The new President of Ukraine has the right to know whether a Vice President got someone fired to save his son.

Just to be clear, by the "logic" you've displayed in this thread you wouldn't consider the following situation blackmail:
  1. I tell you I have compromising information about your past
  2. I tell you I want a favor from you
  3. I tell you there's no quid pro quo, I just wanted you to be aware of both of these things
That's a perfect conversation and because I said there was no quid pro quo it definitely not blackmail. We’re all good and you don’t have any problem with that right?
I think it shows she's full of shit. I obviously despise Bernie but I've never questioned his authenticity.

Warren will be a boon to the market compared to another 4 years of Trump. The GOP will magically re- find their love for free trade, she'll be happy to allow it to happen, as it'll boost the economy, she'll focus on domestic policy that won't get far in Congress.

Trump will double down on the most anti- trade regime that the u.s. has seen since the 1920s, and possibly tip the world into a deflationary hell that will be hard to get out of.

At least Warren will spend a lot of domestic money, and keep things moving along and normalized. I'd happily vote Warren over Trump.
Just to be clear, by the "logic" you've displayed in this thread you wouldn't consider the following situation blackmail:
  1. I tell you I have compromising information about your past
  2. I tell you I want a favor from you
  3. I tell you there's no quid pro quo, I just wanted you to be aware of both of these things
That's a perfect conversation and because I said there was no quid pro quo it definitely not blackmail. We’re all good and you don’t have any problem with that right?
You're giving VPM too much credit by assuming he might actually have a response to the one rabbit hole out of the forty that he threw up against the wall in this thread that you've chosen to respond to in detail.
Here is what is gonna happen in this thread.

Some will sob that Dems cannot be accused or judged for any indiscretion regardless of how minor

The discussion will switch to but Trump but Trump but Trump since that is easy

Everyone will feel smart and smug in their views.

Just watc...wait what?

Oh sorry...guess I am late here.
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Haha, is that the high road trumpeters are gonna take? I think there is a squirrel outside your window if this is your “gotcha” moment. Anyone would be better than this clown...except possibly the high priest of hypocrisy Pence.

I think the point made was that to some; being a benefactor to the tuition issue while at the same time building a campaign complaining about tuition, she might seem a tad hypocritical.

I am also intrigued by your comment about Pence. I see him as a pin headed Neanderthal but I think he believes what he spouts and generally lives by it. I may have missed something, but don't see him as the "High Priest of Hypocrisy" No?
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Warren will be a boon to the market compared to another 4 years of Trump. The GOP will magically re- find their love for free trade, she'll be happy to allow it to happen, as it'll boost the economy, she'll focus on domestic policy that won't get far in Congress.

Trump will double down on the most anti- trade regime that the u.s. has seen since the 1920s, and possibly tip the world into a deflationary hell that will be hard to get out of.

At least Warren will spend a lot of domestic money, and keep things moving along and normalized. I'd happily vote Warren over Trump.

I think you are delusional on that. Unless she's truly lying about all of her policies, even some form of them is going to be a significant drag on GDP. It's either going to cause or substantially prolong a recession.
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I think you are delusional on that. Unless she's truly lying about all of her policies, even some form of them is going to be a significant drag on GDP. It's either going to cause or substantially prolong a recession.

What policies would she be able to actually do by fiat?