Guess McConnell is taking a page from Obama..

rather have an elitist attitude than a racist one that has to lie about the other party to try to make their opinions feel more legit.
I'm saying those "vast wastelands of nothingness" are full of working class middle Americans - the people that used to be the Democratic party base. Truman and Carter Democrats. Democrats like those I grew up with. Former Democrats like me.
Sorry dude, it's not. Not even close. It's your assumption and your assumption has absolutely zero value.

Assume in one hand and shit in the other and then tell me which hand is full of shit.

Oh, and...just to keep this meltdown of yours fact-based...

I didn't say what Trump is about to do is "cool" or even ok. I am against it. But it is legal.

I simply said that the Dems would do exactly the same thing. And I would be against that.

Hope that helps.
This arrogant, condescending, elitist attitude of many liberals is what makes liberalism and, by extension, the Democratic party so unappealing to so many.

I see that as more of a generalization rather than a reality. I do not know any Democrats who feel that way, and my wife and I volunteered for several Democratic groups.

I am sure there are some (low minority) who might think that way, but that is not the reality of the Democratic base. Perhaps the constant projection from Repubs who want others to think that way.
Too bad that most of those RED areas are vast wastelands of nothingness. The BLUE areas mostly represent the cultural and economic centers of the U.S. and the world - i.e. human achievement. I remember last spring, when McConnell floated the idea of letting the BLUE states go bankrupt, instead of passing a COVID-19 relief bill, Cuomo blasted Mitch and reminded him that his state of New York injects more money into the federal government than it takes. Mitch's state, Kentucky, is a welfare state by comparison.

This post made me think of this Talking Heads song ...

Then we come to the farmlands, and the undeveloped areas.
And I have learned how these things work together.
I see the parkway that passes through them all.
And I have learned how to look at these things and I say,

I wouldn't live there if you paid me.
I couldn't live like that, no siree!
I couldn't do the things the way those people do.
I couldn't live there if you paid me to.