

Feb 3, 2004

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The average Spotify listener is 25 years old. Neil hasn’t written a relevant song in 30 years.

Even though I’ve lived and died, in the past, on the Dylan’s, Beatles and Neil Young’s of the world, I’m completely over their opinions. These are millionaires that haven’t worked in over 40 to 50, 60 years.
The average Spotify listener is 25 years old. Neil hasn’t written a relevant song in 30 years.

Even though I’ve lived and died, in the past, on the Dylan’s, Beatles and Neil Young’s of the world, I’m completely over their opinions. These are millionaires that haven’t worked in over 40 to 50, 60 years.

Wow. Didn't know that. I am pulling the curve upwards then.
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what happened to freedom of the press, freedom of expression, etc...? Isn't all Spotify did was publish another "artist's" content? I think the offending piece or viewpoint was Joe Rogan's right?

I checked my NY/CSN/CSNY songs yesterday and none are there... with the exception of Southern Cross from my playlists. Probably half a dozen songs gone.

Isn't all Spotify did was publish another "artist's" content?
To be more precise, they paid another artist $100 million for exclusive rights to his show.

They don't pay musicians on anywhere near the same scale, which is fine (capitalism). Young makes ~750K per year for Spotify plays. But it is also fine for artists to decide that they don't want to do business with a company that pays so much money and seemingly has no standards for content and negative impact associated with that huge cash outlay.

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