Dr Jill Loves Power

I didn't realize she didn't even have a Phd... Hers is an Ed d..

She did her thesis on the cutting edge issue of "Community College Retention" and insists on being called "Doctor" 🤣...

That's one Major League attention whore!
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I didn't realize she didn't even have a Phd... Hers is an Ed d..

She did her thesis on the cutting edge issue of "Community College Retention" and insists on being called "Doctor" 🤣...

That's one Major League attention whore!
It's okay. You don't have to be threatened by smart, accomplished women. I'm sure you have your own accomplishments that you can feel good about. 👍
It's okay. You don't have to be threatened by smart, accomplished women. I'm sure you have your own accomplishments that you can feel good about. 👍
If I were "threatened by smart, accomplished women" I'd certainly feel very comfortable around a female expert on Community College Retention... 🤣

Weak effort on your part but we've come to expect that from you...
I didn't realize she didn't even have a Phd... Hers is an Ed d..

She did her thesis on the cutting edge issue of "Community College Retention" and insists on being called "Doctor" 🤣...

That's one Major League attention whore!
This is a bit off topic. But I noticed in this article that the First Lady was on the cover of Vogue. Was Melania Trump ever on the cover of Vogue when she was the First Lady? If not why not?
I didn't realize she didn't even have a Phd... Hers is an Ed d..

She did her thesis on the cutting edge issue of "Community College Retention" and insists on being called "Doctor" 🤣...

That's one Major League attention whore!
There are many different legitimate doctorates. Hers is one of them, and others with that Doctorate are called Doctors too. That was a petty and unnecessary swipe in that piece.

That said, she does seem to enjoy being First Lady too much and she should tell Joe it’s time to step anside by not running and enjoy whatever years he has left. He’d probably live longer out of office too. The Presidency ages a person at an accelerated pace.
There are many different legitimate doctorates. Hers is one of them, and others with that Doctorate are called Doctors too. That was a petty and unnecessary swipe in that piece.

That said, she does seem to enjoy being First Lady too much and she should tell Joe it’s time to step anside by not running and enjoy whatever years he has left. He’d probably live longer out of office too. The Presidency ages a person at an accelerated pace.
NY Post little brother pettiness ranked!

1. The New York Times - "Or was it just a vehicle for flattery, like this from New York Times White House correspondent Katie Rogers:.........and reported on it for the “all the news that’s fit to print” paper? Or are Times “journalists” expected to do nothing but brown-nose when a Democrat’s in the White House?"

2. Vogue - "And never mind that Vogue long ago lost whatever prestige it had in Jill’s younger days."

3. Educational accomplishment - "Jill, after all, insists on being called “Dr. Jill Biden” because she has an Ed.D (a doctorate in education, not a PhD, let alone an MD); her thesis was on community-college student retention.

4. Joe Biden - "If anyone had any doubts as to why First Lady Jill Biden is still pushing hubby Joe" - That's President Biden or Mr. Biden to you (if you want to be like the New York Times and be a little more professional).

What a POS rag. And that's their "editorial board". Give me a break.
I could have linked other media. I like this one so I can get responses that they aren’t legit.

Jill and the rest of the clan will ride Joe until he dies. Power and money.
One of the many interesting things that will be revealed after Biden leaves the White House is how the inner circle shielded Joe from even the White House residence staff. The expose articles and books about how the family and top staffers protected the public and the press from seeing the real Biden will reveal extensive gaslighting. If you can’t even let the butlers see the real Biden you fvcking know you have a problem.

And how illuminating is it that aides defended his debate performance by saying he’s functionable between 10 and 4? What a bizarre thing to claim, as if that’s a positive.
One of the many interesting things that will be revealed after Biden leaves the White House is how the inner circle shielded Joe from even the White House residence staff. The expose articles and books about how the family and top staffers protected the public and the press from seeing the real Biden will reveal extensive gaslighting. If you can’t even let the butlers see the real Biden you fvcking know you have a problem.

And how illuminating is it that aides defended his debate performance by saying he’s functionable between 10 and 4? What a bizarre thing to claim, as if that’s a positive.
It’s a fraud on the public. Pretty evil

And I’d really like to hear the Hur report interview with Biden. That must be a doozy given everything that’s been done to prevent it from being released.
Think about his debate performance times 2. The worst is Garland taking the lead in keeping it from the American people.

Thank God McConnell kept this guy off the SCOTUS.
One of the many interesting things that will be revealed after Biden leaves the White House is how the inner circle shielded Joe from even the White House residence staff. The expose articles and books about how the family and top staffers protected the public and the press from seeing the real Biden will reveal extensive gaslighting. If you can’t even let the butlers see the real Biden you fvcking know you have a problem.

And how illuminating is it that aides defended his debate performance by saying he’s functionable between 10 and 4? What a bizarre thing to claim, as if that’s a positive.
It was the liberal media shielding their followers from the real Joe “Slow” Biden. Remember, just two weeks ago the WH spokesperson was saying Joe’s gaffes were fake videos and he’s stronger than ever. They’re all freaking out now after the debate, acting like they’re seeing Joe’s dementia for the first time, acting shocked that he was so much more alert in the previous debate. Ironically, their latest narrative to push is “Trump lies.”

Those who follow independent news sources were made well aware of his decline years ago. Personally, I was shocked when I heard the Dems were going to allow him to debate Trump without notes or teleprompter. That guaranteed suicide for him. Maybe his inside handlers knew that, thus planned it that way, being that desperate after seeing hopeless polling numbers. Bill O’Reilly’s inside sources say emphatically that Biden is not going to be their ultimate nominee. He thinks the only one who might beat Trump at this late stage is Michelle Obama. “Camelot” revisited with accusations of racism for another eight years. Think about that one, folks. Take all the time you need.
It's okay. You don't have to be threatened by smart, accomplished women. I'm sure you have your own accomplishments that you can feel good about. 👍
It’s amazing, isn’t it? Hated Michelle too. But Melania,….now she’s accomplished. Nancy Pelosi is the devil.
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It was the liberal media shielding their followers from the real Joe “Slow” Biden. Remember, just two weeks ago the WH spokesperson was saying Joe’s gaffes were fake videos and he’s stronger than ever. They’re all freaking out now after the debate, acting like they’re seeing Joe’s dementia for the first time, acting shocked that he was so much more alert in the previous debate. Ironically, their latest narrative to push is “Trump lies.”

Those who follow independent news sources were made well aware of his decline years ago. Personally, I was shocked when I heard the Dems were going to allow him to debate Trump without notes or teleprompter. That guaranteed suicide for him. Maybe his inside handlers knew that, thus planned it that way, being that desperate after seeing hopeless polling numbers. Bill O’Reilly’s inside sources say emphatically that Biden is not going to be their ultimate nominee. He thinks the only one who might beat Trump at this late stage is Michelle Obama. “Camelot” revisited with accusations of racism for another eight years. Think about that one, folks. Take all the time you need.
The stuff you guys believe. Lol. The Michelle Obama crap is more right wing conspiracy theory. Taylor Swift is just as likely to run. Bill O’Reilly? lol. Loofah man? You guys love your sexual abusers, dontcha?
One of the many interesting things that will be revealed after Biden leaves the White House is how the inner circle shielded Joe from even the White House residence staff. The expose articles and books about how the family and top staffers protected the public and the press from seeing the real Biden will reveal extensive gaslighting. If you can’t even let the butlers see the real Biden you fvcking know you have a problem.

And how illuminating is it that aides defended his debate performance by saying he’s functionable between 10 and 4? What a bizarre thing to claim, as if that’s a positive.
What’s really interesting is what will finally be revealed about Trump when he is gone. Although none of his people will care. The fraud, the corrupt ness, probably more sexual abuse. Definitely more ineptness. Although his people don’t shield him, except for the power hungry ones. They come out and tell us. But Republicans don’t care.
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If I were "threatened by smart, accomplished women" I'd certainly feel very comfortable around a female expert on Community College Retention... 🤣

Weak effort on your part but we've come to expect that from you...
It's okay, 76. I'm sure you've accomplished some stuff you can be proud of. Someone being an expert in something beyond your knowledge isn't something you need to feel insecure about. That expert being a woman doesn't make you less of a man.
The stuff you guys believe. Lol. The Michelle Obama crap is more right wing conspiracy theory. Taylor Swift is just as likely to run. Bill O’Reilly? lol. Loofah man? You guys love your sexual abusers, dontcha?
So you’re okay with “Slow Joe” going for another run? If not, who you got with “anyone but Trump” not being accepted as a valid answer?
There are many different legitimate doctorates. Hers is one of them, and others with that Doctorate are called Doctors too. That was a petty and unnecessary swipe in that piece.

That said, she does seem to enjoy being First Lady too much and she should tell Joe it’s time to step aside by not running and enjoy whatever years he has left. He’d probably live longer out of office too. The Presidency ages a person at an accelerated pace.
It's really interesting to see the belittling of community colleges by some of my conservative brethren. They are a fantastic educational resource and a great way for students to access higher education at a much lower cost. I really don't get the attacks on them.
It's really interesting to see the belittling of community colleges by some of my conservative brethren. They are a fantastic educational resource and a great way for students to access higher education at a much lower cost. I really don't get the attacks on them.
Elitist bastages
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It's really interesting to see the belittling of community colleges by some of my conservative brethren. They are a fantastic educational resource and a great way for students to access higher education at a much lower cost. I really don't get the attacks on them.
The conservatives on this forum are not a fair representation of average conservatives. They are mostly the elite subset.
Obviously, as soon as the debate was over, the GOP was going to push the narrative that Joe's not really in charge. It's not at all surprising to me that they landed on blaming the women, because that's inherently the scariest conspiracy for their voters.
We were asking the question long before the debate. Anyone paying attention knows Biden can't be the one making decisions.

What points to Jill is the fact she is the main one encouraging him to continue as President, while virtually every other Democrat wants him out.
There are many different legitimate doctorates. Hers is one of them, and others with that Doctorate are called Doctors too. That was a petty and unnecessary swipe in that piece.

That said, she does seem to enjoy being First Lady too much and she should tell Joe it’s time to step anside by not running and enjoy whatever years he has left. He’d probably live longer out of office too. The Presidency ages a person at an accelerated pace.

He's been working about 18 hours per week.....10:00 to 4:00 3 days a week. He probably sleeps on the transport to & from Delaware. So the job won't kill him. However, he'll work much harder trying to retain the job than he ever actually did working. The campaign might kill him.
Because she hates this crap and married an old rich dude intending to enjoy being a middle aged rich lady, not get pulled into stupid BS like she has been, would be my guess.
Rich dudes looking for a trophy wife are a dime a dozen, so I don’t feel sorry for her one bit. She should’ve moved on years ago.
There are many different legitimate doctorates. Hers is one of them, and others with that Doctorate are called Doctors too. That was a petty and unnecessary swipe in that piece.

That said, she does seem to enjoy being First Lady too much and she should tell Joe it’s time to step anside by not running and enjoy whatever years he has left. He’d probably live longer out of office too. The Presidency ages a person at an accelerated pace.
The reason most who have doctorates in areas other than medicine don't normally run around insisting on being called "Doctor" is that most have the self awareness to allow their accomplishments and their resume' to do the talking versus the few that lack depth in both areas and, like Jill..., feel the need to over advertise...

Much like why Marines don't waste time saluting indoors (without their cover), if everyone who had a doctorate insisted on being called "Doctor" we'd spend all day involved in silliness like this:

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The reason most who have doctorates in areas other than medicine don't normally run around insisting on being called "Doctor" is that most have the self awareness to allow their accomplishments and their resume' to do the talking versus the few that lack depth in both areas and, like Jill..., feel the need to over advertise...

Much like why Marines waste time saluting indoors (without their cover), if everyone who had a doctorate insisted on being called "Doctor" we'd spend all day involved in silliness like this:

Jill might just be a little jealous over her old man…excuse me, her husband commanding all the attention, thus the need to always remind others of her own “distinguished” pedigree.

Respectively submitted,

Dr Sardonicus