DOJ IG knows # of FBI informants

Ray Epps had a handler with history attached to Hawaii. I'm not sayin, but just sayin. Dishonesty?? muahahahaha... Trolls with training in Syopps... Even a redneck can identify that level of bullshit ! "I'm a republican!!!"
Come on Joe, are you really saying that Ray Epps was a CI or a Fed? Come out and say it if you are. You do know that CIs and Feds never get convicted if they're doing their jobs, right? Epps was convicted. The way you MAGAs treat your own is dispicable. I wouldn't want to be a member of your club even if I agreed with you.
Come on Joe, are you really saying that Ray Epps was a CI or a Fed? Come out and say it if you are. You do know that CIs and Feds never get convicted if they're doing their jobs, right? Epps was convicted. The way you MAGAs treat your own is dispicable. I wouldn't want to be a member of your club even if I agreed with you.
I've never said that, why are you building conspiracies? Is that part of your swamp training? Deflect, obfuscate! MAGA is working to save this country, and you are apposed to that. What is your reward for the destruction of THE USA? That is a big goal, so there must be a really big reward that you are seeking. What is it? It has to be more than Money! Are they extorting you? It's ok to admit. I think that most of us already considered you as compromised. If you would rather spend your last years in prison as a traitor, I could respect that. Just say the word. Trump will give you the respectful way out.
That is his empathy, and I am totally against it! I'd spend $.57 on one shell, But Trump wants to give you empathy.. Trump is a pussy !
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Presumably the purpose of a CI is accumulate information that could prevent such disasters like the breaching of the Capitol on 1/6.

So. One of two things are true.

A. The CI’s had information that people were planning to breach the Capitol and the authorities didn’t act on it.

B. The CI’s didn’t know that the Capitol was to be breached which kind of puts to rest the idea of any pre-meditated “insurrection”.
C. The CI's knew about it but didn't tell the authorities.
D. There was a planned insurrection, but it was kept within a tight-knit group that didn't include any of the CI's.

And so on. So many possibilities your brain didn't even begin to fathom.

The fact you put "insurrection" in quotation marks pretty much gives up the game for you.
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in the January 6th crowd, and the # who went into the capital, but can't tell us until after the election.

So who was POTUS (and controlled the DOJ/FBI) on Jan 6 and the weeks leading up to it? Biden was the President-elect, he didn't take control of either of these agencies until he actually became the President on Jan 21...So who is responsible for appointing these people to the FBI/DOJthat you accuse of all these "anti-Trump plots"?

I just don't get it. Not only was Trump POTUS, but the Pubs also controlled the Senate and SCOTUS. So who do you think was the mastermind behind all these supposed nefarious plots? Have you guys ever stopped and asked yourselves why all of the intelligent,honest patriotic people that were appointed by Trump no longer want anything to do with him?
I've never said that, why are you building conspiracies? Is that part of your swamp training? Deflect, obfuscate! MAGA is working to save this country, and you are apposed to that. What is your reward for the destruction of THE USA? That is a big goal, so there must be a really big reward that you are seeking. What is it? It has to be more than Money! Are they extorting you? It's ok to admit. I think that most of us already considered you as compromised. If you would rather spend your last years in prison as a traitor, I could respect that. Just say the word. Trump will give you the respectful way out.
That is his empathy, and I am totally against it! I'd spend $.57 on one shell, But Trump wants to give you empathy.. Trump is a pussy !
So you agree that Epps is just another MAGA at the wrong place at the wrong time?
These are just facts. Gallups biggest miss was .9 in 2016. Gives Trump a 2.1 floor in the popular vote.

George is an idiot. Trumjp is not going to win the popular vote, and personally I'm pretty sure he won't get 270 electoal votes either...Of course things could change. But what won't change are the huge advantages the Dems have in terms of financial resources and organizational infrastructure and enthusiasm.

Plus we've got Simon Rosenberg, one of the most knowledgeable and hard working analysts in the business...If he changes his tune, I'll be worried.The Dems are in the catbird seat, but the campaign is never going to come out and say that because the biggest fear is complacency...

George is an idiot. Trumjp is not going to win the popular vote, and personally I'm pretty sure he won't get 270 electoal votes either...Of course things could change. But what won't change are the huge advantages the Dems have in terms of financial resources and organizational infrastructure and enthusiasm.

Plus we've got Simon Rosenberg, one of the most knowledgeable and hard working analysts in the business...If he changes his tune, I'll be worried.The Dems are in the catbird seat, but the campaign is never going to come out and say that because the biggest fear is complacency...

There's no such thing as a catbird seat this year. The election is going to be close. The candidate that is favored might have a 55% chance of winning.
I think you are naive. The GOP will never again be a positive in the eyes of the system. It doesn’t matter what people like you think. Trump was a warm up act where they developed their means and methods. The force is with the Empire.
The Republican party will never nominate another Bush, McCain, or Romney ever again. It will be Vance or Tucker. Someone in that mold next and again the media will say he's the next Hitler. This isn't going away.
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George is an idiot. Trumjp is not going to win the popular vote, and personally I'm pretty sure he won't get 270 electoal votes either...Of course things could change. But what won't change are the huge advantages the Dems have in terms of financial resources and organizational infrastructure and enthusiasm.

Plus we've got Simon Rosenberg, one of the most knowledgeable and hard working analysts in the business...If he changes his tune, I'll be worried.The Dems are in the catbird seat, but the campaign is never going to come out and say that because the biggest fear is complacency...

There's no such thing as a catbird seat this year. The election is going to be close. The candidate that is favored might have a 55% chance of winning.
The most accurate pollster of 2020 and 2022 just dropped it's state polls. NC doesn't make sense but that's likely due to the Robinson news. Trump will easily win NC. The voter registration trends have been abysmal there since 2020.

How is Trump 'a big part of the cause of government lies and deception'?
When you convince yourself that someone or something is an existential threat to "our democracy", it makes behavior and actions performed that are also outside the norms of "our democracy" as totally legitimate because you are fighting the good fight.

Basically, the reaction to Trump (IMO), has been far more deleterious to our body politic than anything he has done himself.
So you agree that Epps is just another MAGA at the wrong place at the wrong time?
I think the soft glove treatment he received compared to what he was doing on video as one of the main instigators in the riot is out of place with how the government treated others involved in "less serious" offenses like the 70 year old "Praying Grandma" lady.

The way he was treated is an outlier. Outliers get scrutiny for being outside the norm and I think it is normal to question why an outlier exists and what makes them different from everyone else. I don't know if he was a government asset or a fed, but I do believe he is a REALLY weird case when compared to hundreds of other cases and that invites scrutiny.
I think the soft glove treatment he received compared to what he was doing on video as one of the main instigators in the riot is out of place with how the government treated others involved in "less serious" offenses like the 70 year old "Praying Grandma" lady.

The way he was treated is an outlier. Outliers get scrutiny for being outside the norm and I think it is normal to question why an outlier exists and what makes them different from everyone else. I don't know if he was a government asset or a fed, but I do believe he is a REALLY weird case when compared to hundreds of other cases and that invites scrutiny.
It wasn’t weird at all. He didn’t go in and one of those that did testified at his trial that Epps tried to talk him out of going in. That’s the time I said they’d eventually get to Epps, but he was way down on the priority list because he didn’t go in. They got around to him just as I predicted. It’s a fact that they don’t prosecute and convict Feds or informants for doing their jobs. He was prosecuted and convicted. He was merely a MAGA-nut who decided going into the Capitol was a bad idea. The way his fellow MAGA-nuts have treated him is an absolute disgrace.
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The Republican party will never nominate another Bush, McCain, or Romney ever again. It will be Vance or Tucker. Someone in that mold next and again the media will say he's the next Hitler. This isn't going away.
Tucker?!? MAGAs are insane.
C. The CI's knew about it but didn't tell the authorities.
D. There was a planned insurrection, but it was kept within a tight-knit group that didn't include any of the CI's.

And so on. So many possibilities your brain didn't even begin to fathom.

The fact you put "insurrection" in quotation marks pretty much gives up the game for you.
The CI’s being either clueless or duplicitous would track well with this FBI.
It wasn’t weird at all. He didn’t go in and one of those that did testified at his trial that Epps tried to talk him out of going in. That’s the time I said they’d eventually get to Epps, but he was way down on the priority list because he didn’t go in. They got around to him just as I predicted. It’s a fact that they don’t prosecute and convict Feds or informants for doing their jobs. He was prosecuted and convicted. He was merely a MAGA-nut who decided going into the Capitol was a bad idea. The way his fellow MAGA-nuts have treated him is an absolute disgrace.
He was one of the main instigators....all over video. They eventually got around to him (after prosecuting 70 year old grandmas) around the time that members of Congress started asking "who the **** is this guy?" and "why the **** isn't he being charged?"

Now again, everything you post could be 100% true and it is still going to invite scrutiny because, as I said, his treatment given his visibility that day was not in alignment with how others were treated.

Also, one last quibble, informants rarely get their charges dropped completely. They usually get them reduced for helping convict others.
He was one of the main instigators....all over video. They eventually got around to him (after prosecuting 70 year old grandmas) around the time that members of Congress started asking "who the **** is this guy?" and "why the **** isn't he being charged?"

Now again, everything you post could be 100% true and it is still going to invite scrutiny because, as I said, his treatment given his visibility that day was not in alignment with how others were treated.

Also, one last quibble, informants rarely get their charges dropped completely. They usually get them reduced for helping convict others.
Yep. I saw it then and I predicted that he'd be down the target list at that time. I think he was gotten to at about the right time considering all the others that were prosecuted. Informants who did what they're supposed to do don't get charged at all. He was charged and convicted. He was just another MAGA-nut. The conspiracy theory about him was percolating about that time too and I said it was stupid then and it's stupid now too. I said all along that his treatment was what to be expected for what he did, but certain folks just wouldn't believe me. That's OK. ;)
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We do have a lot of MAGA-nuts in the state. Do you think Moreno is going to beat Brown?
Yep. And he better. Brown is one of the most radical lefties in the senate, even more so than Bernie and Schumer.

According to, he has a greater divergence from his state’s “tilt” than any other Dem senator.

His stance as being a politician in touch with the “common man” in his state is completely fraudulent. Ohio has been poorly served by this lying charlatan.

The race will be close. This is your chance to support someone - Moreno - at the state level who can help prevent the progressive craziness should the Dems win the presidency and the House.
Yep. And he better. Brown is one of the most radical lefties in the senate, even more so than Bernie and Schumer.

According to, he has a greater divergence from his state’s “tilt” than any other Dem senator.

His stance as being a politician in touch with the “common man” in his state is completely fraudulent. Ohio has been poorly served by this lying charlatan.

The race will be close. This is your chance to support someone - Moreno - at the state level who can help prevent the progressive craziness should the Dems win the presidency and the House.
I’ve already said I intend to vote Republican for every race except President. I keep my word. However, I’m not sure Moreno can beat Brown. My reason is I keep my ears open at my favorite blue collar wings joints and most of the MAGAs seem to like Brown. He sells himself as a blue collar champion and I think most of the blue collar crowd seems to buy it.
I’ve already said I intend to vote Republican for every race except President. I keep my word. However, I’m not sure Moreno can beat Brown. My reason is I keep my ears open at my favorite blue collar wings joints and most of the MAGAs seem to like Brown. He sells himself as a blue collar champion and I think most of the blue collar crowd seems to buy it.
Stats don’t lie.

Says one thing locally and then goes to D.C. and votes another. A con man supreme.
The most accurate pollster of 2020 and 2022 just dropped it's state polls. NC doesn't make sense but that's likely due to the Robinson news. Trump will easily win NC. The voter registration trends have been abysmal there since 2020.

Can you link to Atlas being the most accurate pollster of 2022? If Atlas was so "accurate" how come you were posting all these fake GOP polls instead of Atlas...

There is no way Harris wins NC, (which I agree seems likely) and then Trump wins the Blue wall. The most respected pollster in Iowa shows a change of Trump +18 over Biden in July to Trump +4 in Sept. The reason is Dems are getting a lot more motivated than they were previously under Biden. Trump will likely win Iowa, but if non-partisan polls in Iowa are at Trump +4 the idea that Trump will win WI or MI is ludicrous.

My current predicion is Harris winning NC,PA,WI,MI and possibly Nevada. I'll let you know if anything changes... :cool:
There's no such thing as a catbird seat this year. The election is going to be close. The candidate that is favored might have a 55% chance of winning.
I guess we disagree... I think Trump is fading...

We'll see how the early vote numbers look because some polls show that over 50% of voters plan to vote early. I told you guys in 2022 that abortion was going to be a huge issue, and some of you sloughed it off. Based on registration numbers in 24 after Harris announced compared to 22 numbers at the same point in time among key demographics, I think the polls are missing a component of the electorate that will prove decisive.

For example registration of young Black females which were a key component to the Biden coalition is up over 200% from 20 to '24...

Targetsmart has created a dashboard that you can play around with to see comparisons...

He was one of the main instigators....all over video. They eventually got around to him (after prosecuting 70 year old grandmas) around the time that members of Congress started asking "who the **** is this guy?" and "why the **** isn't he being charged?"

Now again, everything you post could be 100% true and it is still going to invite scrutiny because, as I said, his treatment given his visibility that day was not in alignment with how others were treated.

Also, one last quibble, informants rarely get their charges dropped completely. They usually get them reduced for helping convict others.
Didn't Epps write a series of texts to his family expressing regret over what Jan 6 had evolved into? And then turn himself in and express contrition when he became aware of the fact that the FBI was looking for him? I'd have to go back and check but I'm pretty sure that's what my research showed...

And speaking of 70 yr old grandmas...Not all MAGA grandmas are alike...

I guess we disagree... I think Trump is fading...

We'll see how the early vote numbers look because some polls show that over 50% of voters plan to vote early. I told you guys in 2022 that abortion was going to be a huge issue, and some of you sloughed it off. Based on registration numbers in 24 after Harris announced compared to 22 numbers at the same point in time among key demographics, I think the polls are missing a component of the electorate that will prove decisive.

For example registration of young Black females which were a key component to the Biden coalition is up over 200% from 20 to '24...

Targetsmart has created a dashboard that you can play around with to see comparisons...

Everyone always thinks the polls are missing their people somehow. You and dbm are making the same mistakes.

Numbers are what they are, and they say this thing could go either way.
A lock? Not according to the Polls or what I hear from the locals. They seem to like Brown AND Trump. My vote for Moreno may go to waste:

With Vance on the ticket Trump will carry OH by 10-12. There is only one example of any major ticket splitting in the modern era and that was Susan Collins in Maine. It almost never happens.
With Vance on the ticket Trump will carry OH by 10-12. There is only one example of any major ticket splitting in the modern era and that was Susan Collins in Maine. It almost never happens.
You stay positive. When he loses it will hit you hard and you'll blubber like a baby.

Brown has one election to the House or Senate every election since 1992. There have been several times when the state went Republicans except for him.

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