DOJ IG knows # of FBI informants

Not sure who he is, clicked on it to take a look. Down a bit was the following tweet which if true, concerns me a helluva lot more than his election predictions.

I saw that and a two second google search finds it repeated by right wing sites. I have no idea if it’s true nor am I taking the time to verify. I’m a drive-by poster

That said and as I’ve long maintained one is too many. Comparing crime rates of illegals to citizens is apples to oranges and of no moment to me
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Not sure who he is, clicked on it to take a look. Down a bit was the following tweet which if true, concerns me a helluva lot more than his election predictions.

Trump wasn't lying when he said they were sending murderers, rapists, bad hombres, etc. That south and central America was opening its prisons and using our country as a dumping ground.

Sad thing is Kamala and Joe did this on purpose. It wasn't an accident or stupidity. By design to gain new voters.
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He has a real track record of credibility too! After all, dbm linked him. That’s the gold standard of credibility right there! 🤪

Yeah seems he's an opportunistic college kid who is hawking his opinion on Twitter, probably hoping to grow his follows to 6 figs and then parlay that into some kind of Rumble/YouTube/daily pod scratch. His credibility or lack thereof notwithstanding, I am referring to the linked news report in the tweet I linked and stand by my opinion that if the report is true, it's much more concerning than his election handicapping content.
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Trump wasn't lying when he said they were sending murderers, rapists, bad hombres, etc. That south and central America was opening its prisons and using our country as a dumping ground.

Sad thing is Kamala and Joe did this on purpose. It wasn't an accident or stupidity. By design to gain new voters.
Voting is a funny thing. At dinner last night I was listening to my 14 yr old tell me about her day as I was thinking in 3 plus years she’ll be able to vote having never had a job, a college class, or really any experience or knowledge beyond the superficial in, well, anything. It’s almost shocking.
Oooh, I made the mushroom angry. I’m sorry. Now explain the conspiracy you have in mind to those of us not in the cult, I mean in the know.

Also, are you one of those that thinks the convicted J6 criminals are patriots and hostages?
Nah, I offloaded this morning. You MAGAs are so sensitive. Snow flakes, right?

I'm triggered by your stupidity.
I'm triggered by your stupidity.
You must have read your post and was triggered by it. You’re apparently a snow flake.

I know you don’t think you’re stupid so make an effort to explain the conspiracy you have in that noggin of yours.
Voting is a funny thing. At dinner last night I was listening to my 14 yr old tell me about her day as I was thinking in 3 plus years she’ll be able to vote having never had a job, a college class, or really any experience or knowledge beyond the superficial in, well, anything. It’s almost shocking.
And some have actually talked about lowering the voting age to 16. They even have a website:

Completely insane

I can hear my daughter now.

You guys what are we doing today?
Voting!!! I want a I VOTED sticker to post on my story
Who are we voting for?
Biden. The president again.
Right. Trump is gross
And Biden isn’t running! 😝
An undergrad!?! He already has a grossly inflated regard for his opinions which he unjustifiably believes should be tweeted on Twitter. Imagine how insufferable that little twit will be if he gets to postgraduate school!
@mcmurtry66 Coach, maybe you could extend an invitation to that undergrad to come here to the cooler? It's obvious that he isn't learning from the best in the field. I'm sure someone here could totally change his world.
@mcmurtry66 Coach, maybe you could extend an invitation to that undergrad to come here to the cooler? It's obvious that he isn't learning from the best in the field. I'm sure someone here could totally change his world.
No son. He’s savvy. He left Maryland for the free state of fla, enrolled in a non elite college, bought himself a twitter check mark and is off to the races.

He’ll be on Fox News in ten years.
The trend is not in his direction. Prepare yourself for your mourning period and crying jag.

Look Aloha, there is obviously a first time for everything like winning 18/19 bellwethers and "losing". But according to Gallup, the candidate who led on the #1 issue to voters has won every single election going back to the 1940s. The top TWO issues this election are the economy/inflation and the border/immigration. Trump has massive leads on both issues. Make of that what you will.

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Look Aloha, there is obviously a first time for everything like winning 18/19 bellwethers and "losing". But according to Gallup, the candidate who led on the #1 issue to voters has won every single election going back to the 1940s. The top TWO issues this election are the economy/inflation and the border/immigration. Trump has massive leads on both issues. Make of that what you will.

Are you finally admitting Trump lost? I didn’t think you were smart enough to realize only morons think Trump lost due to voter fraud. Congrats!

Also, keep in mind there has never been a candidate as deeply unpopular and as reviled as Trump.
Look Aloha, there is obviously a first time for everything like winning 18/19 bellwethers and "losing". But according to Gallup, the candidate who led on the #1 issue to voters has won every single election going back to the 1940s. The top TWO issues this election are the economy/inflation and the border/immigration. Trump has massive leads on both issues. Make of that what you will.

Kamala is being exposed day-by-day for the airhead she is. Without the venom of the MSM this would be a rout.
Are you finally admitting Trump lost? I didn’t think you were smart enough to realize only morons think Trump lost due to voter fraud. Congrats!

Also, keep in mind there has never been a candidate as deeply unpopular and as reviled as Trump.

How much of a factor, in your opinion, was the blue state AGs changing voting rules?
How much of a factor, in your opinion, was the blue state AGs changing voting rules?
None that affected the outcome, so not a factor at all. And as usual, you don’t know that many adjustments due to COVID were made by GOP legislators and officials.
Thanks for your answer. I just wanted to confirm that you truly are 100% full of shit.
You only confirmed you don’t like facts. It’s a MAGA thing. Did you live in alternate reality before you became MAGA or did you pack a bag and move there after joining the MAGA team?

I’m still waiting for you to explain your conspiracy theory about J6.

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