DOJ IG knows # of FBI informants


Apr 9, 2012
in the January 6th crowd, and the # who went into the capital, but can't tell us until after the election.

Why wouldn't they have informants among that mob? Why shouldn't they? You seem to think that would exonerate the thugs that rioted and destroyed property and injured the police (who Republicans usually support - but you MAGAs have a new "**** THE POLICE" motto). How does that work? What the hell do you think these pipe bombs are supposed to prove? You clowns are an embarrassment to the GOP.
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And they've deleted the footage from outside the DNC that would've revealed the pipe bomber.

The pipe bomber stuff is absolutely ludicrous. The FBI seems to lose, delete, forget about and otherwise mishandle lots of material any time Trump is involved even tangentially.

Are we sure this is the best investigatory body in the world? Because they seem like a bunch of bumbling idiots at best, if not corrupt at worst.
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Why wouldn't they have informants among that mob? Why shouldn't they? You seem to think that would exonerate the thugs that rioted and destroyed property and injured the police (who Republicans usually support - but you MAGAs have a new "**** THE POLICE" motto). How does that work? What the hell do you think these pipe clowns are supposed to prove? You clowns are an embarrassment to the GOP.
Why wouldn't they have the National Guard there? The commander in chief gave the order. Well we all know why.

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Why wouldn't they have informants among that mob? Why shouldn't they? You seem to think that would exonerate the thugs that rioted and destroyed property and injured the police (who Republicans usually support - but you MAGAs have a new "**** THE POLICE" motto). How does that work? What the hell do you think these pipe clowns are supposed to prove? You clowns are an embarrassment to the GOP.
They seem to think CI is synonymous with plant.
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They seem to think CI is synonymous with plant.
Presumably the purpose of a CI is accumulate information that could prevent such disasters like the breaching of the Capitol on 1/6.

So. One of two things are true.

A. The CI’s had information that people were planning to breach the Capitol and the authorities didn’t act on it.

B. The CI’s didn’t know that the Capitol was to be breached which kind of puts to rest the idea of any pre-meditated “insurrection”.
Same reason the rooftop in Butler wasn't secured. They wanted it to happen.
Who wanted it to happen? Why would "they" want it to happen? I'm really looking forward to hearing the inner workings of that very small and illogical mind.
What would it matter if they wanted to happen anyway? (They didn’t). Giving criminals an opportunity to indulge in their criminal activities to get them off of the street happens all the time.
Why wouldn't they have informants among that mob? Why shouldn't they? You seem to think that would exonerate the thugs that rioted and destroyed property and injured the police (who Republicans usually support - but you MAGAs have a new "**** THE POLICE" motto). How does that work? What the hell do you think these pipe clowns are supposed to prove? You clowns are an embarrassment to the GOP.
Got damn I love your consistency! Keep the trains running at all cost! While the rest of us can't handle the truth, you are steadfast to maintain a level ship. Nice work, never give up, you are the gate keeper of the truth and honesty of our elected form of government!
Got damn I love your consistency! Keep the trains running at all cost! While the rest of us can't handle the truth, you are steadfast to maintain a level ship. Nice work, never give up, you are the gate keeper of the truth and honesty of our elected form of government!
I'm searching for honesty and integrity and it's very scarce around here.
You're full of it and I already explained why. Why didn't the President call during the riot and order them deployed? He didn't because he wanted the riot to continue.
I always wondered your take on this. It's really the only answer of you think about it. Why people can't see this, I simply have no idea! It's not like the FBI, DC, DNC, DOJ .... have ever lied before. We should know by now that they are above reproach! Just like a fresh driven snow, Simply loyal leaders with only citizens justice in their hearts!!
We should hand out Metals of valor to them all, for the attacks they take. True heroes!
I always wondered your take on this. It's really the only answer of you think about it. Why people can't see this, I simply have no idea! It's not like the FBI, DC, DNC, DOJ .... have ever lied before. We should know by now that they are above reproach! Just like a fresh driven snow, Simply loyal leaders with only citizens justice in their hearts!!
We should hand out Metals of valor to them all, for the attacks they take. True heroes!
It's incredible that you guys think all these other people and institutions are absolute liars, but Trump is as honest as the day is long. What world do you really live on?
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I'm searching for honesty and integrity and it's very scarce around here.
I know you are! Keep fighting, teach us, hold us all accountable. That is the only way that the current path forward can continue and gain energy ! All of this perceived dysfunction, of the most powerful organization in the world, must be trusted, without impunity or question! That is the only way they can continue the totally selfless service that they have chosen, that will guide us in the only proper way as they have anointed it. PLEASE, continue to protect us from our selves! It should have been put in the constitution just like that. "DC shall reeducate the public for their own good, in specially designed camps that prevent misinformation from being heard"!
You are saving us, just like your oath says! Bravo and we thank you!
I know you are! Keep fighting, teach us, hold us all accountable. That is the only way that the current path forward can continue and gain energy ! All of this perceived dysfunction, of the most powerful organization in the world, must be trusted, without impunity or question! That is the only way they can continue the totally selfless service that they have chosen, that will guide us in the only proper way as they have anointed it. PLEASE, continue to protect us from our selves! It should have been put in the constitution just like that. "DC shall reeducate the public for their own good, in specially designed camps that prevent misinformation from being heard"!
You are saving us, just like your oath says! Bravo and we thank you!
Not your best work. You must be sober.
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It's incredible that you guys think all these other people and institutions are absolute liars, but Trump is as honest as the day is long. What world do you really live on?
I thank God that you continue to teach those people, just how wrong they are! You help to bring DC and our wonderful, selfless public servants back to being the guiding light of integrity! They should never be questioned, ever !! Again, Bravo to you sir. USA needs more people like you. Giving is simply all you do and you do so much.
It's fascinating watching Aloha beat the shit out of the conspiracy crowd. The problem is the shit has to go somewhere, and that seems to be right on this board.
It's a vicious cycle.
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Same reason the rooftop in Butler wasn't secured. They wanted it to happen.
Dbm do we believe their actions are simply an omission - they want it to happen so are negligent in providing security. Or do we believe they are involved?

And do we believe it’s bc they recognize that the polls you cite are the accurate polls and they’re getting nervous?
Dbm do we believe their actions are simply an omission - they want it to happen so are negligent in providing security. Or do we believe they are involved?

And do we believe it’s bc they recognize that the polls you cite are the accurate polls and they’re getting nervous?
What do you think?

It's fascinating watching Aloha beat the shit out of the conspiracy crowd. The problem is the shit has to go somewhere, and that seems to be right on this board.
It's a vicious cycle.
The conspiracy crowd used to be primarily on the left and I enjoyed beating the shit out of them. Now I’m embarrassed by the conspiracy crowd on my side of the aisle.

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