I don't own guns, I won't ever own a gun in all likelihood. But I wouldn't be in favor of an all out ban on owning AR 15's, or most any other guns.
I few things, I think, I would be in support of...with the mindset and spirit that we have to "do something" to improve the climate and trajectory for ALL gun violence in our country right now.
1. 21 year old age limit on purchasing any fire arm. 25 years old for weapons in a specific category, like AR 15s maybe...that category being weapons that are obviously not meant for normal every day hunting, self defense, etc... I'm not smart enough on why and how guns are used across the full spectrum of gun ownership and use...but there has to be some way to categorize them for different kinds of use, potential danger, etc...
2. Exemptions for military and law enforcement could be made for the above age limits. Mainly because of the training those two groups of people naturally get.
3. In order to get a gun license, of any kind, but especially for whatever the category is for AR 15 style guns, you have to pass both a back ground check, an in person training class, and an aptitude test. I'm thinking of what it takes to get a drivers license. You can't take an online test, and you have to complete an in person driving test to demonstrate your abilities to drive a vehicle. There should be something similar for guns.
4. There is some sort of waiting period after the in person tests are completed, before an actual license is approved and provided. Maybe a month? Maybe 2 weeks? During that time period, is when extensive background checks are conducted. AND there should be a waiting period to buy whatever group the AR 15 style guns would be in. Meaning you go into a gun shop, pick your gun out, pay for it maybe... there's a short few days waiting period before you can physically take it home with you.
If you're truly "not part of the problem" none of these regulations should be too much of a burden to bear versus the dramatic positive impact they'd have on demented, younger people, using AR 15 style guns to shoot up a bunch of people.
It won't solve the more singular 1 on 1 type gun violence, obviously. Which also needs to be addressed at the same time. The background checks, waiting periods, age limits, etc... will help a little bit. But other measures need to be taken there as well.
No clue if what I posed are realistic, but something needs to be addressed...and the answer IS NOT, and should not, all out banning weapons.